Beispiel #1
        public Vector3?GetSteering(SteeringInput input)
            if (!this.enabled || !this.gameObject.activeSelf)
                // If this component or this game object is disabled, don't do steering

            if (this.path == null)
                // no valid path, nothing to do

            if (this.path.Count == 0)
                // no path nodes in the path, so null it
                this.path = null;

            // Get the distance to the next path node, if the distance is lower than the arrival distance, we can move on to the next point by popping on the path
            var currentDirection = (_currentDestination - this.transform.position);
            var currentDistance  = currentDirection.magnitude;

            if (currentDistance < this.arrivalDistance)
                _currentDestination = this.path.Pop();

            // Velocity is a vector in the direction from the current location to the next destination, with a length of speed capped to the current distance if we are at the last path node - for slowdown
            var speed    = this.path.Count == 1 ? Mathf.Clamp(input.speed, 1f, Mathf.Max(1f, currentDistance)) : input.speed;
            var velocity = (currentDirection / currentDistance) * speed;

Beispiel #2
 public Vector3?GetSteering(SteeringInput input)
     // TODO: Add implementation here (and return something different from null!)
        public Vector3?GetSteering(SteeringInput input)
            if (!this.enabled || !this.gameObject.activeSelf)
                // If this component or this game object is disabled, don't do steering

            var grid        = Grid.instance;
            var position    = _unit.transform.position;
            var currentCell = grid.GetCell(position);

            if (currentCell == null || currentCell.blocked)
                // cannot resolve when already on an invalid/blocked cell

            // Iterate through all neighbour cells compared to our current cell
            var avoidVector =;
            var xLength     = grid.cells.GetLength(0);
            var zLength     = grid.cells.GetLength(1);
            var xIdx        = currentCell.xIndex;
            var zIdx        = currentCell.zIndex;

            for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
                for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++)
                    if (x == 0 && z == 0)
                        // ignore the 'cell at the center', since it is the same as the current cell

                    var ix = xIdx + x;
                    var iz = zIdx + z;

                    if (ix < 0 || iz < 0 || ix >= xLength || iz >= zLength)
                        // skip cells that are technically outside of the grid

                    var cell = grid.cells[ix, iz];
                    if (cell.blocked)
                        // sum up all vectors from blocked cells
                        avoidVector += (position - cell.position);

            if (avoidVector.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
                // no avoid vectors accumulated

            return(avoidVector.normalized * input.speed);