Beispiel #1
        public OtherFeeView ConvertOtherFee(OtherFee input)
            OtherFeeView output = new OtherFeeView();
            output.Amount = input.Amount;
            output.ColorCode = input.ColorCode;

            output.FeeDeviations = new ArrayList();
            foreach (FeeDeviationPayableFee objFD in input.FeeDeviations.Values)
                FeeDeviationPayableFeeView newFD =
                    ConvertFeeDeviationPayableFee(objFD, 0); //zero is dummy, otherfees can only have "fixed" fee deviations

            output.Id = input.Id;
            output.IdPaymentAdvice = input.IdPaymentAdvice;
            output.IsExcluded = (input.IsExcluded==1);
            output.IsPaid = (input.IsPaid==1);
            output.IsRecurring = (input.IsRecurring==1);
            output.OtherFeeType = input.OtherFeeType.Name.Trim();
            output.PayableFee = input.PayableFee;
            output.PaymentAdviceText = input.PaymentAdviceText;
            output.PrivateRemark = (input.PrivateRemark == null) ? "" : input.PrivateRemark;
            output.PublicRemark = (input.PublicRemark == null) ? "" : input.PublicRemark ;

            return output;
        public void UpdateOtherFee(OtherFeeView obj)

            if (_CurrentPaymentAdvice == null)
                throw new ApasInvaidOperationException(
                    "Invalid Operation: Select a payment advice before updating its properties");

            OtherFee tempOF;

            if (_CurrentPaymentAdvice.OtherFees.TryGetValue(
                obj.Id, out tempOF))
                //read the values first
                tempOF.ColorCode = obj.ColorCode;
                tempOF.Amount = obj.Amount;
                tempOF.IsExcluded = obj.IsExcluded ? 1 : 0;
                tempOF.IsPaid = obj.IsPaid ? 1 : 0;
                tempOF.IsRecurring = obj.IsRecurring ? 1 : 0;
                tempOF.PrivateRemark = obj.PrivateRemark;
                tempOF.PublicRemark = obj.PublicRemark;

                List<string> eList;
                eList = _CurrentPaymentAdvice.Validate();
                if (eList.Count > 0)
                    throw new ApasValidationException(
                        "Validation Error: Unable to save payment advice because " +
                        "it is not valid. ", eList);

                eList = tempOF.Validate();
                if (eList.Count > 0)
                    throw new ApasValidationException(
                        "Validation Error: Unable to save payment advice because " +
                        "one of its other fees is not valid. ", eList);

                //syncing, locking to be done *ATTENTION*


                _CurrentPaymentAdvice.LastAction = "Edit OtherFee";
                _CurrentPaymentAdvice.LastModifiedBy =
                _CurrentPaymentAdvice.LastModifiedTime = DateTime.Now;

    public OtherFeeView UpdateOtherFee(OtherFeeView obj, string lockKey)
        //ClassFeeView obj =(ClassFeeView) AjaxPro.JavaScriptDeserializer.DeserializeFromJson(jsonString, typeof(ClassFeeView));

            PaymentAdviceManager pMgr = new PaymentAdviceManager(obj.IdPaymentAdvice, lockKey);
            return pMgr.GetOtherFee(obj.Id);