Beispiel #1
        public KnownUOM FindFromDimensions(Dimensions dimensions, bool bAllowCreate, out bool wasCreated, string name = null)
            if (bAllowCreate && !IsConsistent())
                bAllowCreate = false;       // Only makes sense to create base units in a consistent set

            wasCreated = false;

            if (dimensions == null)

            foreach (var item in KnownUOMs)
                if (item.Dimensions.Equals(dimensions))

            if (bAllowCreate && IsConsistent() && !Dimensions.IsDimenionless(dimensions))
                wasCreated = true;

                string sName = name;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName))
                    string sTop    = "";
                    string sBottom = "";

                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.Mass, dimensions.Mass, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.Length, dimensions.Length, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.Time, dimensions.Time, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.ElectricCurrent, dimensions.ElectricCurrent, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.Temperature, dimensions.Temperature, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.QuantityOfSubstance, dimensions.QuantityOfSubstance, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.Luminosity, dimensions.Luminosity, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.PlaneAngle, dimensions.PlaneAngle, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.SolidAngle, dimensions.SolidAngle, ref sTop, ref sBottom);
                    AddUomStringPart(DimType.Currency, dimensions.Currency, ref sTop, ref sBottom);

                    sName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", (sTop.Length == 0 ? "1" : sTop), (sBottom.Length == 0 ? "" : "/"), (sBottom.Length == 0 ? "" : sBottom));

                KnownUOM uom = new KnownUOM("", dimensions, Name: sName, Description: sName, Symbol: sName,
                                            IsBase: true, BaseUOM: null, AFactor: 0, BFactor: 1, CFactor: 1, DFactor: 0);

                return(ParentUomSet?.FindFromDimensions(dimensions, bAllowCreate, out wasCreated));

Beispiel #2
        public ParamType(string packageName, string name, string description, string siBaseUom, Dimensions dimensions, int popularity)
            Name        = name;
            Description = description;
            Dimensions  = dimensions;
            Popularity  = popularity;
            PackageName = packageName;

            if (!Dimensions.IsDimenionless(dimensions))
                Result <KnownUOM> r_SIBaseUom = ContentManager.SiBaseUomFromDimensions(dimensions, siBaseUom);
                if (r_SIBaseUom.IsGood())
                    SIBaseUom = r_SIBaseUom.Value;
                    throw new UnspecifiedException(r_SIBaseUom.Message);
Beispiel #3
        }                                           // Safe symbol to use in pure text scenarios

        // ---------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the function as much as possible.
        /// For 'NormalFunction' objects we expect that the result is calculated from the args, and we do not change the args.
        /// However, this is not enforced at this time.
        /// Special sub-types, such as 'FnEquals', behave differently.
        /// Args will be converted to a consistent UOMSet, unless they are all UOMless, before calling the actual function calc.
        /// If the function requires any other specific UOM it must do the conversion itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CalcQuantity Calculate(IList <CalcQuantity> args)
            CalcQuantity result = new CalcQuantity();

                // ------------------- Loop through all the args, checking and converting
                UOMSet uomSet = null;

                IList <CalcQuantity> convertedArgs = new List <CalcQuantity>();

                bool bStarted = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                    CalcQuantity arg = args[i];

                    // ------------------- Check for a Bad or missing value
                    if (IsNormalFunction)       // Otherwise more flexibility is allowed so we can't demand that all args are known before calculation
                        switch (arg.CalcStatus)
                        case CalcStatus.Uknown:
                        case CalcStatus.Bad:
                            result.CalcStatus = arg.CalcStatus; result.Message = "Missing or bad arguments";


                    // ------------------- Convert the arg to the same UOMSET
                    CalcQuantity convertedArg = new CalcQuantity(arg);
                    bool         bDimLess     = Dimensions.IsDimenionless(convertedArg?.AnonUOM?.Dimensions);

                    if (!bDimLess)
                        if ((uomSet == null) & (!bStarted || !IsNormalFunction))
                            bStarted = true;
                            uomSet   = convertedArg?.AnonUOM?.UOMSet;
                        else if (IsNormalFunction && (convertedArg?.AnonUOM?.UOMSet != uomSet))
                            if ((uomSet == null) || (convertedArg?.AnonUOM?.UOMSet == null))
                                result.CalcStatus = CalcStatus.Bad; result.Message = "Some arguments have units while others do not";       // They must all have a specified UOMSet, or none of them have
                                // Convert to the uomSet used by other args
                                AnonUOM argUOM = convertedArg.AnonUOM;
                                convertedArg.Value   = argUOM.UOMSet.Convert(arg.Value, argUOM.Dimensions, uomSet);
                                convertedArg.AnonUOM = new AnonUOM(argUOM.Dimensions, uomSet);


                // ------------------- Call the concrete implementations to actually do the calcualtion
                result = Calculate_Here(convertedArgs, uomSet);

                if (!IsNormalFunction)      // Then some args might have been changed by the calculation (e.g. assignment in FnEquals)
                    for (int i = 0; i < convertedArgs.Count; i++)
            catch (Exception)
                return(new CalcQuantity(0, CalcStatus.Bad, "Unexpected failure", null));
