public override void TransferData(BackupDataSource destination, ProgressChange progressChange)
            // Get the backup file from blob
            CloudBlockBlob zipBlob   = this.container.GetBlockBlobReference(this.filename);
            BlobStream     zipStream = zipBlob.OpenRead();

            // Create a temp file for xml file
            CloudBlockBlob xmlBlob   = container.GetBlockBlobReference(this.xmlFilename);
            BlobStream     xmlStream = xmlBlob.OpenWrite();

            // Unzip the backup file
            this.UnzipFile(zipStream, xmlStream);

            // Set delegate to class variable
            this.blockTransfer  = destination.WriteData;
            this.progressChange = progressChange;

            // Open a stream to the xml file
            using (this.inStream = new StreamReader(xmlBlob.OpenRead()))
                // The total number of backup operations is determined by the strem size
                this.TotalOperations = (int)this.inStream.BaseStream.Length;

                // Initialise detination writer

                // Split stream into batches & trigger delegate
                this.BatchStream(this.BlockTranferWithProgressUpdate, this.inStream.BaseStream);

                if (this.Cancelled)
                    // Exit the function if the user has cancelled

                // Finalise detination writer

            // Delete the xml file
        public override void TransferData(BackupDataSource destination, ProgressChange progressChange)
            // Get all tables
            var tables = this.cloudTableClient.ListTables().ToArray();

            // The total number of backup operations is determined by the table count
            this.TotalOperations = tables.Length;

            string nextPartitionKey = null;
            string nextRowKey       = null;
            int    currentTable     = 1;

            // Initialise detination writer

            // Iterate through each table
            foreach (string table in tables)
                if (this.Cancelled)
                    // Exit the function if the user has cancelled

                // Retrieve all entities for this table in blocks
                    // Trigger delegate, passing in stream retrieved from table storage
                    this.BatchStream(destination.WriteData, GetTableData(table, ref nextPartitionKey, ref nextRowKey));
                }while (nextPartitionKey != null || nextRowKey != null);

                this.UpdateProgressPercentage(currentTable, progressChange);

            // Finalise detination writer
        public override void TransferData(BackupDataSource destination, ProgressChange progressChange)
            // Get the backup file from blob
            CloudBlockBlob zipBlob = this.container.GetBlockBlobReference(this.filename);
            BlobStream zipStream = zipBlob.OpenRead();

            // Create a temp file for xml file
            CloudBlockBlob xmlBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(this.xmlFilename);
            BlobStream xmlStream = xmlBlob.OpenWrite();

            // Unzip the backup file
            this.UnzipFile(zipStream, xmlStream);

            // Set delegate to class variable
            this.blockTransfer = destination.WriteData;
            this.progressChange = progressChange;

            // Open a stream to the xml file
            using (this.inStream = new StreamReader(xmlBlob.OpenRead()))
                // The total number of backup operations is determined by the strem size
                this.TotalOperations = (int)this.inStream.BaseStream.Length;

                // Initialise detination writer

                // Split stream into batches & trigger delegate
                this.BatchStream(this.BlockTranferWithProgressUpdate, this.inStream.BaseStream);

                if (this.Cancelled)
                    // Exit the function if the user has cancelled

                // Finalise detination writer

            // Delete the xml file
        public override void TransferData(BackupDataSource destination, ProgressChange progressChange)
            // Get all tables
            var tables = this.cloudTableClient.ListTables().ToArray();

            // The total number of backup operations is determined by the table count
            this.TotalOperations = tables.Length;

            string nextPartitionKey = null;
            string nextRowKey = null;
            int currentTable = 1;

            // Initialise detination writer

            // Iterate through each table
            foreach (string table in tables)
                if (this.Cancelled)
                    // Exit the function if the user has cancelled

                // Retrieve all entities for this table in blocks
                    // Trigger delegate, passing in stream retrieved from table storage
                    this.BatchStream(destination.WriteData, GetTableData(table, ref nextPartitionKey, ref nextRowKey));
                while (nextPartitionKey != null || nextRowKey != null);

                this.UpdateProgressPercentage(currentTable, progressChange);

            // Finalise detination writer