//TODO: Step 5 - Subscribe to touch events in the view
        public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)
            Log.Debug(GetType().FullName, "Number of touches: {0}", ev.PointerCount);

            Log.Debug(GetType().FullName, "Touch Type: {0}", ev.Action);

            float width = _icon.IntrinsicWidth, height = _icon.IntrinsicHeight;

			//TODO: Step 6 - Detect scale events

            MotionEventActions action = ev.Action & MotionEventActions.Mask;
            int pointerIndex;

            switch (action)
				case MotionEventActions.Down:
					_lastTouchX = ev.GetX ();
					_lastTouchY = ev.GetY ();
					_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId (0);

				case MotionEventActions.Move:
					pointerIndex = ev.FindPointerIndex (_activePointerId);
					float x = ev.GetX (pointerIndex);
					float y = ev.GetY (pointerIndex);

					if (!_scaleDetector.IsInProgress) {
						// Only move the ScaleGestureDetector isn't already processing a gesture.
						float deltaX = x - _lastTouchX;
						float deltaY = y - _lastTouchY;
						_posX += deltaX;
						_posY += deltaY;
						Invalidate ();

					_lastTouchX = x;
					_lastTouchY = y;

                case MotionEventActions.Up:
                case MotionEventActions.Cancel:
                    // This events occur when something cancels the gesture (for example the
                    // activity going in the background) or when the pointer has been lifted up.
                    // We no longer need to keep track of the active pointer.
                    _activePointerId = InvalidPointerId;

				case MotionEventActions.PointerUp:
                    // We only want to update the last touch position if the the appropriate pointer
                    // has been lifted off the screen.
					pointerIndex = (int)(ev.Action & MotionEventActions.PointerIndexMask) >> (int)MotionEventActions.PointerIndexShift;
					int pointerId = ev.GetPointerId (pointerIndex);
					if (pointerId == _activePointerId) {
						// This was our active pointer going up. Choose a new
						// action pointer and adjust accordingly
						int newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
						_lastTouchX = ev.GetX (newPointerIndex);
						_lastTouchY = ev.GetY (newPointerIndex);
						_activePointerId = ev.GetPointerId (newPointerIndex);

            //Determine if the image is within the touch area
            if (Math.Abs(_scaleFactor - 1.0f) > 0.001) { width *= _scaleFactor; height *= _scaleFactor; }
            var rc = new RectF(_posX, _posY, _posX + width, _posY + height);
            float touchX = ev.GetX(), touchY = ev.GetY();
            bool contains = rc.Contains(touchX, touchY);
            Log.Debug(GetType().FullName, "{0} - ({1},{2}) - CONTAINS: {3}", rc, touchX, touchY, contains);

            return true;