void SetNotificationPlaybackState(Notification.Builder builder)
            var beginningOfTime = new DateTime (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            LogHelper.Debug (Tag, "updateNotificationPlaybackState. mPlaybackState=" + playbackState);
            if (playbackState == null || !started) {
                LogHelper.Debug (Tag, "updateNotificationPlaybackState. cancelling notification!");
                service.StopForeground (true);
            if (playbackState.State == PlaybackStateCode.Playing
                && playbackState.Position >= 0) {
                var timespan = ((long)(DateTime.UtcNow - beginningOfTime).TotalMilliseconds) - playbackState.Position;
                LogHelper.Debug (Tag, "updateNotificationPlaybackState. updating playback position to ", timespan / 1000, " seconds");

                builder.SetWhen (timespan).SetShowWhen (true).SetUsesChronometer (true);
            } else {
                LogHelper.Debug (Tag, "updateNotificationPlaybackState. hiding playback position");
                builder.SetWhen (0).SetShowWhen (false).SetUsesChronometer (false);

            // Make sure that the notification can be dismissed by the user when we are not playing:
            builder.SetOngoing(playbackState.State == PlaybackStateCode.Playing);