Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a single audio frame with passed number of audio channels
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step">Time in seconds to add to track time</param>
        /// <param name="volume">Volume level to multiply audio data by</param>
        /// <param name="ret">Array to fill with audio data</param>
        /// <param name="startOffset">Starting offset of Array to begin writing data</param>
        /// <param name="numChannels">Number of audio channels to create (will duplicate data if numChannels exceeds channel count in clip)</param>
        public void GetFrame(double step, float volume, float[] ret, int startOffset, int numChannels)
            if (m_isOutputDirect || RawClipData.Length == 0)
            //advance time for this frame
            trackTime += step * CurPlaybackSpeed;
            //ensure we are within the bounds of the clips
            if (currentClipIdx < 0)
                currentClipIdx = 0;
            else if (currentClipIdx >= RawClipData.Length)
                currentClipIdx = RawClipData.Length - 1;
            RawAudioData currentClipData = PlayToFade ?? RawClipData[currentClipIdx];

            if (!currentClipData.IsLoaded) //wait for it to finish loading
            if (IsPlayOnce && trackTime >= currentClipData.Length)
                isDelaying = true;
            if (PlayToFade != null)
                if (m_sequence != null && m_sequence.m_trackFadeTime > 0)
                    CurFade = Mathf.MoveTowards(CurFade, 0f, (float)step / m_sequence.m_trackFadeTime);
                    CurFade = 0f;
                if (CurFade > 0f)
                    if (m_sequence == null || !m_sequence.m_forceMuted)
                        PlayToFade.GetFrame(trackTime, CurVolume * volume, ret, startOffset, numChannels);
                    StoppedPlaying = PlayToFade.BaseClip;
                    //Debug.Log("PlayToFade ended.");
                    PlayToFade = null;
                    if (IsPlayOnce)
                        isDelaying = true;
                    trackTime = 0.0;
            if (m_sequence != null && isDelaying)
                if (trackTime >= m_sequence.TrackDelayTime)
                    trackTime -= m_sequence.TrackDelayTime;
                    //Debug.Log("Ending delay of " + m_clipData.TrackDelayTime + " seconds.");
                    isDelaying = false;
                    lock (m_sequence.ClipsLockHandle)
                        StartedPlaying = m_sequence.Clips[currentClipIdx].m_clip;
                    m_sequence.TrackDelayTime = -1;
            //check for end of track and skip to next if needed
            while (trackTime >= currentClipData.Length)
                lock (m_sequence.ClipsLockHandle)
                    StoppedPlaying = m_sequence.Clips[currentClipIdx].m_clip;
                if (m_sequence != null)
                    if (!isSynced && m_sequence.TrackDelayTime > 0f)
                        isDelaying = true;
                        m_outputNeedsMovedDelay = (float)(trackTime - lastTrackTime) + m_sequence.TrackDelayTime;
                        m_outputNeedsMoved      = true;
                        //Debug.Log("Starting delay of " + m_clipData.TrackDelayTime + " seconds.");
                        trackTime     -= currentClipData.Length;
                        currentClipIdx = NextClipIdx;
                        if (m_sequence.RandomizeVolume)
                            curVolumeMod = Helpers.GetRandom(m_sequence.MinMaxVolume);
                            curVolumeMod = 1f;
                        if (!isSynced && m_sequence.RandomizePlaybackSpeed)
                            curPlaybackSpeedMod = Helpers.GetRandom(m_sequence.MinMaxPlaybackSpeed);
                            curPlaybackSpeedMod = 1f;
                        //reset our property values to get a new value for next check
                        NextClipIdx   = -1;
                        crossFadeFlag = false;
                        if (isSynced && NextClipIdx < 0) //can't repeat so make sure we don't try to go past the end
                        m_outputNeedsMovedDelay = (float)(trackTime - lastTrackTime);
                        m_outputNeedsMoved      = true;
                        float crossFadeValue = Mathf.Min(m_sequence.m_crossFade, Mathf.Min(currentClipData.Length / 2.0f, RawClipData[NextClipIdx].Length / 2.0f));
                        trackTime     -= currentClipData.Length - crossFadeValue;
                        currentClipIdx = NextClipIdx;
                        if (m_sequence.RandomizeVolume)
                            curVolumeMod = Helpers.GetRandom(m_sequence.MinMaxVolume);
                            curVolumeMod = 1f;
                        if (!isSynced && m_sequence.RandomizePlaybackSpeed)
                            curPlaybackSpeedMod = Helpers.GetRandom(m_sequence.MinMaxPlaybackSpeed);
                            curPlaybackSpeedMod = 1f;
                        //reset our property values to get a new value for next check
                        NextClipIdx = -1;
                        m_sequence.TrackDelayTime = -1f;
                        if (!crossFadeFlag)
                            lock (m_sequence.ClipsLockHandle)
                                StartedPlaying = m_sequence.Clips[currentClipIdx].m_clip;
                            crossFadeFlag = false;
                else     //end of track but we don't have any base data
            //see if we need to do a cross-fade
            if (m_sequence != null && m_sequence.m_forceMuted)
            if (!IsPlayOnce && ((isSynced && NextClipIdx >= 0) || m_sequence.TrackDelayTime <= 0f) && m_sequence != null && m_sequence.m_crossFade > 0f)
                float crossFadeValue = Mathf.Min(m_sequence.m_crossFade, Mathf.Min(currentClipData.Length / 2.0f, RawClipData[NextClipIdx].Length / 2.0f)); //don't want cross-fade to last longer than half of either track.
                float timeLeft       = currentClipData.Length - (float)trackTime;
                if (timeLeft <= crossFadeValue)
                    if (!crossFadeFlag)
                        lock (m_sequence.ClipsLockHandle)
                            StartedPlaying = m_sequence.Clips[NextClipIdx].m_clip;
                        crossFadeFlag = true;
                    float crossFadeTime   = crossFadeValue - timeLeft;
                    float crossFadeAmount = (float)Helpers.Interpolate(crossFadeTime, 0.0, 1.0, crossFadeValue, true, true);
                    currentClipData.GetFrame(trackTime, CurVolume * (1f - crossFadeAmount) * volume, ret, startOffset, numChannels);
                    RawClipData[NextClipIdx].GetFrame(crossFadeTime, CurVolume * crossFadeAmount * volume, ret, startOffset, numChannels);
                    crossFadeFlag = false;
            //generate the data for this frame
            float Fade = 1f;

            if (!isSynced && !IsPlayOnce && m_sequence.TrackDelayTime > 0 && m_sequence != null && m_sequence.m_delayFadeTime > 0f)   //no crossfade but we need to fade out to delay
                float timeLeft = currentClipData.Length - (float)trackTime;
                if (timeLeft <= m_sequence.m_delayFadeTime)
                    Fade = (timeLeft - m_sequence.m_delayFadeTime) / m_sequence.m_delayFadeTime;
            currentClipData.GetFrame(trackTime, CurVolume * Fade * volume, ret, startOffset, numChannels);