Contains the response to a successful GetCredentialReport request.
Inheritance: Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse
        public override AmazonWebServiceResponse Unmarshall(XmlUnmarshallerContext context)
            GetCredentialReportResponse response = new GetCredentialReportResponse();

            int targetDepth = context.CurrentDepth;
            while (context.ReadAtDepth(targetDepth))
                if (context.IsStartElement)
                    if(context.TestExpression("GetCredentialReportResult", 2))
                        UnmarshallResult(context, response);                        
                    if (context.TestExpression("ResponseMetadata", 2))
                        response.ResponseMetadata = ResponseMetadataUnmarshaller.Instance.Unmarshall(context);

            return response;
        private static void UnmarshallResult(XmlUnmarshallerContext context, GetCredentialReportResponse response)
            int originalDepth = context.CurrentDepth;
            int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1;
            if (context.IsStartOfDocument) 
               targetDepth += 2;
            while (context.ReadAtDepth(originalDepth))
                if (context.IsStartElement || context.IsAttribute)

                    if (context.TestExpression("Content", targetDepth))
                        var unmarshaller = MemoryStreamUnmarshaller.Instance;
                        response.Content = unmarshaller.Unmarshall(context);
                    if (context.TestExpression("GeneratedTime", targetDepth))
                        var unmarshaller = DateTimeUnmarshaller.Instance;
                        response.GeneratedTime = unmarshaller.Unmarshall(context);
                    if (context.TestExpression("ReportFormat", targetDepth))
                        var unmarshaller = StringUnmarshaller.Instance;
                        response.ReportFormat = unmarshaller.Unmarshall(context);

        public DataTable GetIAMUsers(string aprofile)
            DataTable IAMTable = AWSTables.GetComponentTable("IAM"); //Blank table to fill out.

            Dictionary<string, string> UserNameIdMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();//Usernames to UserIDs to fill in row later.
            Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials credential;
                string accountid = GetAccountID(aprofile);
                credential = new Amazon.Runtime.StoredProfileAWSCredentials(aprofile);
                var iam = new AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient(credential);
                Dictionary<string, string> unamelookup = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                var myUserList = iam.ListUsers().Users;

                foreach (var rabbit in myUserList)
                    unamelookup.Add(rabbit.UserId, rabbit.UserName);
                var createcredreport = iam.GenerateCredentialReport();
                bool notdone = true;
                var genstart = DateTime.Now;
                while (notdone)
                    var status = createcredreport.State;
                    if (status == ReportStateType.COMPLETE) notdone = false;
                        if (DateTime.Now > genstart + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2))
                            DataRow auserdata = IAMTable.NewRow();
                            auserdata["AccountID"] = accountid;
                            auserdata["Profile"] = aprofile;
                            auserdata["UserID"] = "Credential Report";
                            auserdata["UserName"] = "******";
                            return IAMTable;

                        //Sometimes reports take a LOOOOONG time.


                foreach (var auser in myUserList)
                    UserNameIdMap.Add(auser.UserName, auser.UserId);

                Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.GetCredentialReportResponse credreport = new GetCredentialReportResponse();
                DateTime getreportstart = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime getreportfinish = DateTime.Now;

                    credreport = iam.GetCredentialReport();
                    //Wait for report to finish... how?

                    var goombah = credreport.ResponseMetadata.Metadata;


                    getreportfinish = DateTime.Now;
                    var dif = getreportstart - getreportfinish;  //Just a check on how long it takes.

                    //Extract data from CSV Stream into DataTable
                    var streambert = credreport.Content;

                    streambert.Position = 0;
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(streambert);
                    string myStringRow = sr.ReadLine();
                    var headers = myStringRow.Split(",".ToCharArray()[0]);
                    if (myStringRow != null) myStringRow = sr.ReadLine();//Dump the header line
                    Dictionary<string, string> mydata = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    while (myStringRow != null)
                        DataRow auserdata = IAMTable.NewRow();
                        var arow = myStringRow.Split(",".ToCharArray()[0]);

                        //Letsa dumpa da data...
                        auserdata["AccountID"] = accountid;
                        auserdata["Profile"] = aprofile;

                        string thisid = "";
                        string username = "";
                            thisid = UserNameIdMap[arow[0]];
                            auserdata["UserID"] = thisid;
                            auserdata["UserName"] = unamelookup[thisid];
                            if (unamelookup[thisid] == "<root_account>")
                                auserdata["UserID"] = "*-" + accountid + "-* root";
                            username = unamelookup[thisid];
                            auserdata["UserID"] = "*-" + accountid + "-* root";
                            auserdata["UserName"] = "******";

                        auserdata["ARN"] = arow[1];
                        auserdata["CreateDate"] = arow[2];
                        auserdata["PwdEnabled"] = arow[3];
                        auserdata["PwdLastUsed"] = arow[4];
                        auserdata["PwdLastChanged"] = arow[5];
                        auserdata["PwdNxtRotation"] = arow[6].ToString();
                        auserdata["MFA Active"] = arow[7];

                        auserdata["AccessKey1-Active"] = arow[8];//access_key_1_active
                        auserdata["AccessKey1-Rotated"] = arow[9];//access_key_1_last_rotated
                        auserdata["AccessKey1-LastUsedDate"] = arow[10];//access_key_1_last_used_date
                        auserdata["AccessKey1-LastUsedRegion"] = arow[11];//access_key_1_last_used_region
                        auserdata["AccessKey1-LastUsedService"] = arow[12];//access_key_1_last_used_service

                        auserdata["AccessKey2-Active"] = arow[13];//access_key_2_active
                        auserdata["AccessKey2-Rotated"] = arow[14];//access_key_2_last_rotated
                        auserdata["AccessKey2-LastUsedDate"] = arow[15];//access_key_2_last_used_date
                        auserdata["AccessKey2-LastUsedRegion"] = arow[16];//access_key_2_last_used_region
                        auserdata["AccessKey2-LastUsedService"] = arow[17];//access_key_2_last_used_service

                        auserdata["Cert1-Active"] = arow[18];//cert_1_active
                        auserdata["Cert1-Rotated"] = arow[19];//cert_1_last_rotated
                        auserdata["Cert2-Active"] = arow[20];//cert_2_active
                        auserdata["Cert2-Rotated"] = arow[21];//cert_2_last_rotated

                        var extradata = GetUserDetails(aprofile, username);

                        auserdata["User-Policies"] = extradata["Policies"];
                        auserdata["Access-Keys"] = extradata["AccessKeys"];
                        auserdata["Groups"] = extradata["Groups"];


                        myStringRow = sr.ReadLine();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    WriteToEventLog("IAM scan of " + aprofile + " failed\n" + ex.Message.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);
                    //Deal with this later if necessary.

                //Done stream, now to fill in the blanks...

            catch//The final catch
                string btest = "";
                //Deal with this later if necessary.

            return IAMTable;
        public Dictionary<string, DataTable> ScanProfile(ScanRequest Request)
            Dictionary<string, DataTable> ScanResults = new Dictionary<string, DataTable>();
            DataTable UserDetailsTable = GetUsersDetailsTable();
            DataTable EC2DetailsTable = GetEC2DetailsTable();
            DataTable S3DetailsTable = GetS3DetailsTable();
            string accountid = "";
            Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials credential;
            var aprofile = Request.Profile;
            var regions2process = Request.Regions;
            var SubmitResults = Request.ResultQueue;
                credential = new Amazon.Runtime.StoredProfileAWSCredentials(aprofile);
                //Try to get the AccountID ID//

                #region UserDetails
                var iam = new AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient(credential);

                var myUserList = iam.ListUsers().Users;

                    accountid = myUserList[0].Arn.Split(':')[4];//Get the ARN and extract the AccountID ID
                    accountid = "ID: " + accountid;// Prefix added because Excel exsucks.
                    accountid = "?";

                try // Send command to AWS to generate a Credential Report
                { var createcredreport = iam.GenerateCredentialReport(); }
                catch (Exception)
                { throw; }

                bool needreport = true;

                Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.GetCredentialReportResponse credreport = new GetCredentialReportResponse();
                DateTime getreportstart = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime getreportfinish = DateTime.Now;
                while (needreport)
                        credreport = iam.GetCredentialReport();
                        needreport = false;
                        getreportfinish = DateTime.Now;
                        var dif = getreportstart - getreportfinish;  //Just a check on how long it takes.

                        //Extract data from CSV Stream into DataTable
                        var streambert = credreport.Content;
                        streambert.Position = 0;
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(streambert);
                        string myStringRow = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (myStringRow != null) myStringRow = sr.ReadLine();//Dump the header line
                        while (myStringRow != null)
                            var arow = myStringRow.Split(",".ToCharArray()[0]);

                            var newrow = new object[UserDetailsTable.Columns.Count];
                            newrow[0] = accountid;
                            newrow[1] = aprofile;
                            newrow[2] = ""; //UserID not in report. pull it later.
                            newrow[3] = arow[0];
                            newrow[4] = arow[1];
                            newrow[5] = arow[2];
                            newrow[6] = arow[3];
                            newrow[7] = arow[4];
                            newrow[8] = arow[5];
                            newrow[9] = arow[6];
                            newrow[10] = arow[7];
                            newrow[11] = arow[8];
                            newrow[12] = arow[9];
                            newrow[13] = arow[10];
                            newrow[14] = arow[11];
                            newrow[15] = arow[12];
                            newrow[16] = arow[13];
                            newrow[17] = arow[14];
                            newrow[18] = arow[15];
                            newrow[19] = arow[16];
                            newrow[20] = arow[17];
                            newrow[21] = arow[18];
                            newrow[22] = arow[19];
                            newrow[23] = arow[20];
                            newrow[24] = arow[21];
                            myStringRow = sr.ReadLine();

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string test = "";
                        //Deal with this later if necessary.

                foreach (var auser in myUserList)//Fill in the userID.  Why?  because it exists.
                    string auserid = auser.UserId;
                    string arn = auser.Arn;
                    string username = auser.UserName;
                    string policylist = "";
                    string aklist = "";
                    string groups = "";

                    ListAccessKeysRequest LAKREQ = new ListAccessKeysRequest();
                    LAKREQ.UserName = username;
                    ListAccessKeysResult LAKRES = iam.ListAccessKeys(LAKREQ);
                    foreach (var blivet in LAKRES.AccessKeyMetadata)
                        if (aklist.Length > 1) aklist += "\n";
                        aklist += blivet.AccessKeyId + "  :  " + blivet.Status;

                    ListAttachedUserPoliciesRequest LAUPREQ = new ListAttachedUserPoliciesRequest();
                    LAUPREQ.UserName = username;
                    ListAttachedUserPoliciesResult LAUPRES = iam.ListAttachedUserPolicies(LAUPREQ);
                    foreach (var apol in LAUPRES.AttachedPolicies)
                        if (policylist.Length > 1) policylist += "\n";
                        policylist += apol.PolicyName;

                    //Need to get policy and group info outta user
                    var groopsreq = new ListGroupsForUserRequest();
                    groopsreq.UserName = username;
                    ListGroupsForUserResult LG = iam.ListGroupsForUser(groopsreq);
                    foreach (var agroup in LG.Groups)
                        if (groups.Length > 1) groups += "\n";
                        groups += agroup.GroupName;

                    foreach (DataRow myrow in UserDetailsTable.Rows)
                        if (myrow["ARN"].Equals(arn))
                            myrow["UserID"] = auserid;
                            myrow["User-Policies"] = policylist;
                            myrow["Access-Keys"] = aklist;
                            myrow["Groups"] = groups;


                #region S3Details
                try {

                AmazonS3Client S3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credential,Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
                ListBucketsResponse response = S3Client.ListBuckets();
                foreach (S3Bucket abucket in response.Buckets)

                    DataRow abucketrow = GetS3DetailsTable().NewRow();
                    var name = abucket.BucketName;

                    GetBucketLocationRequest gbr = new GetBucketLocationRequest();
                    GetBucketLocationResponse location = S3Client.GetBucketLocation(gbr);
                    var region = location.Location.Value;
                    if (region.Equals(""))region="us-east-1";
                    var pointy = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(region);

                    //Build a config that references the buckets region.
                    AmazonS3Config S3C = new AmazonS3Config();
                    AmazonS3Client BS3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credential, S3C);

                    var createddate = abucket.CreationDate;
                    string owner = "";
                    string grants = "";
                    string tags = "";
                    string lastaccess = "";
                    string defaultpage = "";
                    string website = "";
                    //Now start pulling der einen data.

                    GetACLRequest GACR = new GetACLRequest();
                    GACR.BucketName = name;
                    var ACL = BS3Client.GetACL(GACR);
                    var grantlist = ACL.AccessControlList;
                    owner = grantlist.Owner.DisplayName;
                    foreach (var agrant in grantlist.Grants)
                        if (grants.Length > 1) grants += "\n";
                        var gName = agrant.Grantee.DisplayName;
                        var gType = agrant.Grantee.Type.Value;
                        var aMail = agrant.Grantee.EmailAddress;

                        if (gType.Equals("Group"))
                            grants +=  gType + " - " + agrant.Grantee.URI + " - " + agrant.Permission + " - " + aMail  ;
                            grants += gName + " - "+ agrant.Permission + " - " + aMail;

                    GetObjectMetadataRequest request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest();
                    request.BucketName = name;
                    GetObjectMetadataResponse MDresponse = BS3Client.GetObjectMetadata(request);
                    lastaccess = MDresponse.LastModified.ToString();
                    //defaultpage = MDresponse.WebsiteRedirectLocation;

                    GetBucketWebsiteRequest GBWReq = new GetBucketWebsiteRequest();
                    GBWReq.BucketName = name;
                    GetBucketWebsiteResponse GBWRes = BS3Client.GetBucketWebsite(GBWReq);

                    defaultpage = GBWRes.WebsiteConfiguration.IndexDocumentSuffix;

                    if (defaultpage != null)
                        website = @"http://" + name + @".s3-website-" + region + @"" + defaultpage;


                    abucketrow["AccountID"] = accountid;
                    abucketrow["Profile"] = aprofile;
                    abucketrow["Bucket"] = name;
                    abucketrow["Region"] = region;
                    abucketrow["CreationDate"] = createddate.ToString();
                    abucketrow["LastAccess"] = lastaccess;
                    abucketrow["Owner"] = owner;
                    abucketrow["Grants"] = grants;

                    abucketrow["WebsiteHosting"] = website;
                    abucketrow["Logging"] = "X";
                    abucketrow["Events"] = "X";
                    abucketrow["Versioning"] = "X";
                    abucketrow["LifeCycle"] = "X";
                    abucketrow["Replication"] = "X";
                    abucketrow["Tags"] = "X";
                    abucketrow["RequesterPays"] = "X";

                catch(Exception ex)

                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("S3 Failed!\n"+ex);


                #region GetEC2Region


                //Foreach aregion
                foreach (var aregion in regions2process)
                    //Skip GovCloud and Beijing. They require special handling and I dont need em.
                    if (aregion == Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USGovCloudWest1) continue;
                    if (aregion == Amazon.RegionEndpoint.CNNorth1) continue;
                    var region = aregion;


                    //Try to get scheduled events on my Profile/aregion
                    var ec2 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(credential, region);
                    var request = new DescribeInstanceStatusRequest();
                    request.IncludeAllInstances = true;
                        new object[] { System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar.ValueProperty, regioncounter });
                    var instatresponse = ec2.DescribeInstanceStatus(request);

                    var indatarequest = new DescribeInstancesRequest();

                    foreach (var instat in instatresponse.InstanceStatuses)

                    DescribeInstancesResult DescResult = ec2.DescribeInstances(indatarequest);

                    int count = instatresponse.InstanceStatuses.Count();

                    foreach (var instat in instatresponse.InstanceStatuses)
                        //Collect the datases
                        string instanceid = instat.InstanceId;
                        string instancename = "";
                        ProcessingLabel.Content = "Scanning -> Profile:" + aprofile + "    Region: " + region + "   Instance: " + instanceid;
                            new object[] { System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar.ValueProperty, regioncounter });

                        var status = instat.Status.Status;
                        string AZ = instat.AvailabilityZone;
                        var istate = instat.InstanceState.Name;

                        string profile = aprofile;
                        string myregion = region.ToString();
                        int eventnumber = instat.Events.Count();

                        string eventlist = "";
                        var urtburgle = DescResult.Reservations;

                        string tags = ""; // Holds the list of tags to print out.

                        var loadtags = (from t in DescResult.Reservations
                                        where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                        select t.Instances[0].Tags).AsEnumerable();

                        Dictionary<string, string> taglist = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        foreach (var rekey in loadtags)
                            foreach (var kvp in rekey)
                                taglist.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                        foreach (var atag in taglist)//Set instancename, and add value to combobox.
                            if (atag.Key.Equals("Name"))
                                instancename = atag.Value;
                            if (!TagFilterCombo.Items.Contains(atag.Key))
                            if (tags.Length > 1)
                                tags += "\n" + atag.Key + ":" + atag.Value;
                                tags += atag.Key + ":" + atag.Value;

                        if (eventnumber > 0)
                            foreach (var anevent in instat.Events)
                                eventlist += anevent.Description + "\n";

                        var platform = (from t in urtburgle
                                        where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                        select t.Instances[0].Platform).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(platform)) platform = "Linux";

                        var Priv_IP = (from t in urtburgle
                                       where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                       select t.Instances[0].PrivateIpAddress).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Priv_IP)) Priv_IP = "?";

                        var publicIP = (from t in urtburgle
                                        where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                        select t.Instances[0].PublicIpAddress).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicIP)) publicIP = "";

                        var publicDNS = (from t in urtburgle
                                         where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                         select t.Instances[0].PublicDnsName).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicDNS)) publicDNS = "";

                        //Virtualization type (HVM, Paravirtual)
                        var ivirtType = (from t in urtburgle
                                         where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                         select t.Instances[0].VirtualizationType).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ivirtType)) ivirtType = "?";

                        // InstanceType (m3/Large etc)
                        var instancetype = (from t in urtburgle
                                            where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                            select t.Instances[0].InstanceType).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(instancetype)) instancetype = "?";

                        var SGs = (from t in urtburgle
                                   where t.Instances[0].InstanceId.Equals(instanceid)
                                   select t.Instances[0].SecurityGroups);

                        string sglist = "";

                        if (SGs.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (var ansg in SGs.FirstOrDefault())
                                if (sglist.Length > 2) { sglist += "\n"; }
                                sglist += ansg.GroupName;
                            sglist = "_NONE!_";
                        //Add to table
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sglist)) sglist = "NullOrEmpty";

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(instancename)) instancename = "";
                        string rabbit = accountid + profile + myregion + instancename + instanceid + AZ + status + eventnumber + eventlist + tags + Priv_IP + publicIP + publicDNS + istate + ivirtType + instancetype + sglist;

                            string yup = "y";

                        EC2DetailsTable.Rows.Add(accountid, profile, myregion, instancename, instanceid, AZ, platform, status, eventnumber, eventlist, tags, Priv_IP, publicIP, publicDNS, istate, ivirtType, instancetype, sglist);


                ScanResults.Add("EC2", EC2DetailsTable);
                ScanResults.Add("Users", UserDetailsTable);
                ScanResults.Add("S3", S3DetailsTable);

                return ScanResults;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //If we failed to connect with creds.

                string error = new string(ex.ToString().TakeWhile(c => c != '\n').ToArray());
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(error, Request.Profile.ToString() + " credentials failed to work.\n");
                //Try to flag the menu item so it no longer selectable, and maybe make she red.
                System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem Proot = (System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem)this.MainMenu.Items[1];
                foreach (System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem amenuitem in Proot.Items)
                    if (amenuitem.Header.ToString() == aprofile.ToString())
                        amenuitem.IsCheckable = false;
                        amenuitem.IsChecked = false;
                        amenuitem.Background = Brushes.Red;
                        amenuitem.ToolTip = Request.Profile.ToString() + " credentials failed to work.\n";

                ScanResults.Add("EC2", GetEC2DetailsTable());
                ScanResults.Add("Users", GetUsersDetailsTable());
                ScanResults.Add("S3", GetS3DetailsTable());

                return ScanResults;
