Beispiel #1
        // Hackiness to set stagevariable:
        private AwsIntegration StageSpecificLambda(Lambda.Function lambda)
            var credentialsRole = new IAM.Role(this, "apigateway-api-role", new IAM.RoleProps
                AssumedBy = new IAM.ServicePrincipal(""),

            // Add the regular lambda Arns to the credentialsRole
                new IAM.PolicyStatement(new IAM.PolicyStatementProps
                Actions   = new[] { "lambda:InvokeFunction" },
                Resources = new[]
                Effect = IAM.Effect.ALLOW

            var stageLambda = Lambda.Function.FromFunctionArn(this, "MyLambda-preprod", lambda.FunctionArn + ":${stageVariables.lambdaAlias}");

            // Add the stageLambda Arn to the integration.
            var integration = new AwsIntegration(new AwsIntegrationProps
                Proxy   = true,
                Service = "lambda",
                Path    = $"2015-03-31/functions/{stageLambda.FunctionArn}/invocations",
                Options = new IntegrationOptions
                    CredentialsRole = credentialsRole,

        internal TheStateMachineStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            // Step Function Starts Here

            // The first thing we need to do is see if they are asking for pineapple on a pizza
            _pineappleCheckHandler = new Lambda.Function(this, "pineappleCheckHandler", new Lambda.FunctionProps
                Runtime = Lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
                Code    = Lambda.Code.FromAsset("lambda_fns"),
                Handler = "orderPizza.handler"

             * Step functions are built up of steps, we need to define our first step
             * This step was refactored due to Deprecated function
            _orderPizzaTask = new StepFunctionTasks.LambdaInvoke(this, "Order Pizza Job", new StepFunctionTasks.LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction      = _pineappleCheckHandler,
                InputPath           = "$.flavour",
                ResultPath          = "$.pineappleAnalysis",
                PayloadResponseOnly = true

            // Pizza Order failure step defined
            _jobFailed = new StepFunction.Fail(this, "Sorry, We Dont add Pineapple", new StepFunction.FailProps
                Cause = "They asked for Pineapple",
                Error = "Failed To Make Pizza"

            // If they didnt ask for pineapple let's cook the pizza
            _cookPizza = new StepFunction.Pass(this, "Lets make your pizza");

            // If they ask for a pizza with pineapple, fail. Otherwise cook the pizza
            _chainDefinition = StepFunction.Chain
                               .Next(new StepFunction.Choice(this, "With Pineapple?") // Logical choice added to flow
                                     .When(StepFunction.Condition.BooleanEquals("$.pineappleAnalysis.containsPineapple", true), _jobFailed)

            // Building the state machine
            _stateMachine = new StepFunction.StateMachine(this, "StateMachine", new StepFunction.StateMachineProps
                Definition       = _chainDefinition,
                Timeout          = Duration.Minutes(5),
                TracingEnabled   = true,
                StateMachineType = StepFunction.StateMachineType.EXPRESS

             * HTTP API Definition

            // We need to give our HTTP API permission to invoke our step function
            _httpApiRole = new IAM.Role(this, "HttpAPIRole", new IAM.RoleProps
                AssumedBy      = new IAM.ServicePrincipal(""),
                InlinePolicies = new Dictionary <string, IAM.PolicyDocument>
                    { "AllowSFNExec", new IAM.PolicyDocument(new IAM.PolicyDocumentProps
                            Statements = new IAM.PolicyStatement[]
                                new IAM.PolicyStatement(new IAM.PolicyStatementProps
                                    Actions   = new string[] { "states:StartSyncExecution" },
                                    Effect    = IAM.Effect.ALLOW,
                                    Resources = new string[] { _stateMachine.StateMachineArn }
                        }) }

            _api = new APIGateway.HttpApi(this, "TheStateMachineAPI", new APIGateway.HttpApiProps
                CreateDefaultStage = true

            _integration = new APIGateway.CfnIntegration(this, "Integration", new APIGateway.CfnIntegrationProps
                ApiId              = _api.HttpApiId,
                IntegrationType    = "AWS_PROXY",
                ConnectionType     = "INTERNET",
                IntegrationSubtype = "StepFunctions-StartSyncExecution",
                CredentialsArn     = _httpApiRole.RoleArn,
                RequestParameters  = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Input", "$request.body" }, { "StateMachineArn", _stateMachine.StateMachineArn }
                PayloadFormatVersion = "1.0",
                TimeoutInMillis      = 10000

            new APIGateway.CfnRoute(this, "DefaultRoute", new APIGateway.CfnRouteProps
                ApiId    = _api.HttpApiId,
                RouteKey = APIGateway.HttpRouteKey.DEFAULT.Key,
                Target   = "integrations/" + _integration.Ref

            new Amazon.CDK.CfnOutput(this, "HTTP API Url", new Amazon.CDK.CfnOutputProps
                Value = _api.Url