public static void CalculateXLeverageFromPreprocessed(
      IROMatrix xScores,
      int numberOfFactors,
      IMatrix leverage)
      IMatrix subscores = new MatrixMath.BEMatrix(xScores.Rows,numberOfFactors);

      MatrixMath.SingularValueDecomposition decompose = new MatrixMath.SingularValueDecomposition(subscores);

      for(int i=0;i<xScores.Rows;i++)
        leverage[i,0] = decompose.HatDiagonal[i];

    /// <summary>
    /// Fits a data set linear to a given x base.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="xbase">The matrix of x values of the data set. Dimensions: numberOfData x numberOfParameters. The matrix is changed during calculation!</param>
    /// <param name="yarr">The array of y values of the data set.</param>
    /// <param name="stddev">The array of y standard deviations of the data set. Can be null if the standard deviation is unkown.</param>
    /// <param name="numberOfData">The number of data points (may be smaller than the array sizes of the data arrays).</param>
    /// <param name="numberOfParameter">The number of parameters to fit == size of the function base.</param>
    /// <param name="threshold">A treshold value (usually 1E-5) used to chop the unimportant singular values away.</param>
    public LinearFitBySvd Calculate(
      IROMatrix xbase, // NumberOfData, NumberOfParameters 
      double[] yarr,
      double[] stddev,
      int numberOfData,
      int numberOfParameter,
      double threshold)
      _numberOfParameter = numberOfParameter;
      _numberOfFreeParameter = numberOfParameter;
      _numberOfData      = numberOfData;
      _parameter = new double[numberOfParameter];
      _residual = new double[numberOfData];
      _predicted = new double[numberOfData];
      _reducedPredictionVariance = new double[numberOfData];

      double[] scaledY      = new double[numberOfData];
      // Calculated some useful values
      _yMean = Mean(yarr,0,_numberOfData);
      _yCorrectedSumOfSquares = CorrectedSumOfSquares(yarr,_yMean,0,_numberOfData);

      MatrixMath.BEMatrix u = new MatrixMath.BEMatrix(numberOfData,numberOfParameter);
      // Fill the function base matrix (rows: numberOfData, columns: numberOfParameter)
      // and scale also y
      if (null == stddev)
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfData; i++)
          for (int j = 0; j < numberOfParameter; j++)
            u[i, j] = xbase[i, j];

          scaledY[i] = yarr[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfData; i++)
          double scale = 1 / stddev[i];

          for (int j = 0; j < numberOfParameter; j++)
            u[i, j] = scale * xbase[i, j];

          scaledY[i] = scale * yarr[i];
      _decomposition = MatrixMath.GetSingularValueDecomposition(u);

      // set singular values < thresholdLevel to zero
      // ChopSingularValues makes only sense if all columns of the x matrix have the same variance
      // recalculate the parameters with the chopped singular values

      _chiSquare = 0;
      for(int i=0;i<numberOfData;i++)
        double ypredicted=0;
        for(int j=0;j<numberOfParameter;j++)
          ypredicted += _parameter[j]*xbase[i,j];
        double deviation = yarr[i]-ypredicted;
        _predicted[i] = ypredicted;
        _residual[i] = deviation;
        _chiSquare += deviation*deviation;
      _covarianceMatrix = _decomposition.GetCovariances();

      //calculate the reduced prediction variance x'(X'X)^(-1)x
      for(int i=0;i<numberOfData;i++)
        double total = 0;
        for(int j=0;j<numberOfParameter;j++)
          double sum=0;
          for(int k=0;k<numberOfParameter;k++)
            sum += _covarianceMatrix[j][k]*u[i,k];

          total += u[i,j]*sum;
        _reducedPredictionVariance[i] = total;
      return this;
    public static void ExecuteAnalysis(
      IROMatrix X, // matrix of spectra (a spectra is a row of this matrix)
      IROMatrix Y, // matrix of concentrations (a mixture is a row of this matrix)
      ref int numFactors,
      out IROMatrix xLoads, // out: the loads of the X matrix
      out IROMatrix xScores, // matrix of weighting values
      out IROVector V  // vector of cross products
      IMatrix matrixX = new MatrixMath.BEMatrix(X.Rows,X.Columns);
      MatrixMath.SingularValueDecomposition decompose = new MatrixMath.SingularValueDecomposition(matrixX);

      numFactors = Math.Min(numFactors,matrixX.Columns);
      numFactors = Math.Min(numFactors,matrixX.Rows);

      xLoads = JaggedArrayMath.ToTransposedROMatrix(decompose.V,Y.Rows,X.Columns);
      xScores = JaggedArrayMath.ToMatrix(decompose.U,Y.Rows,Y.Rows);
      V       = VectorMath.ToROVector(decompose.Diagonal,numFactors);