Beispiel #1
        public int calculateSum()
            InOrder id      = new InOrder();
            Node    root    = id.createTree(2);
            Queue   myQueue = new Queue();

            int sum = 0;

            while (myQueue.Count > 0)
                Node top = (Node)myQueue.Dequeue();
                if ((top.left == null) && (top.right == null))
                    sum += top.value;
                if (top.left != null)
                    top.left.value = top.value * 10 + top.left.value;
                if (top.right != null)
                    top.right.value = top.value * 10 + top.right.value;
Beispiel #2
 public int calculateSum()
     InOrder id = new InOrder();
     Node root = id.createTree(2);
     Queue myQueue = new Queue();
     int sum = 0;
     while (myQueue.Count > 0)
         Node top = (Node)myQueue.Dequeue();
         if ((top.left == null) && (top.right == null))
             sum += top.value;
         if (top.left != null)
             top.left.value = top.value * 10 + top.left.value;
          if (top.right != null)
              top.right.value = top.value * 10 + top.right.value;
     return sum;
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            InOrder mine = new InOrder();
            Node root_temp  = mine.createTree(10);

               DiceProblem dp = new DiceProblem();

               StringPermutation pp = new StringPermutation("abc");

               ScheduleQueue[] my = new ScheduleQueue[100];
               for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
               my[i] = new ScheduleQueue();
               my[i].start = i*100;
               my[i].end = my[i].start + i * 3;

               MergeSchedule mq = new MergeSchedule();
               ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
               mq.doMerge(my, result);

               Parlindrome myP = new Parlindrome();
               while (true)
               Console.WriteLine("please enter a word");
               string val = Console.ReadLine();
               bool isP = myP.IsParlinDrome(val);
               Console.WriteLine("It is a parlindine: {0}", isP);

               PhoneNumber pN = new PhoneNumber(12);

            InOrder io = new InOrder();
            Node root = io.createTree(10);


            int i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 4);
            i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 3);
            i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 2);
            i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 1);

            LinkSibling ls = new LinkSibling();

            if (true)
                Console.WriteLine("please enter a value");
                int val = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                MathCalculation mc = new MathCalculation(val, 20);
                int Rvalue = mc.reverse();
                int curMax = mc.getLargestSum();

                int len = mc.sequence.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    Console.Write("{0},", mc.sequence[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("No the max sequcne");
                Console.WriteLine("the biggest sequence is {0}", curMax);



            bitOperation bo = new bitOperation();
            Byte value = 5;
            Byte X = bo.Reverse(value);
            Byte Y = bo.ReverseNoBit(value);
            Console.WriteLine("the values are {0}, {1}", X, Y);

            LinkedList util = new LinkedList();
            LinkedNode A = util.createList(4);
            LinkedNode B = util.createList(6);
            LinkedNode result = util.addListNoExtra(A, B);

            zigZag zz = new zigZag();
            zz.printZigZag("PAYPALISHIRING", 3);

            SumRootToLeave srt = new SumRootToLeave();
            int val = srt.calculateSum();
            Console.WriteLine("the total value is {0}", val);

            InOrder io = new InOrder();
            Node root = io.createTree(10);
            ArrayList al = io.serializeIt(root);
            Node newRoot = io.Deserial(al

            InOrder io = new InOrder();
            SumRootToLeave srt = new SumRootToLeave();
            Node root = io.createBigTree(200);

            srt.printAllpath(root, 13);
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            InOrder mine      = new InOrder();
            Node    root_temp = mine.createTree(10);


             * mine.inOrder(root);
             * mine.PostOrder(root);
             * mine.preOrder(root);
             * Console.WriteLine();
             * DiceProblem dp = new DiceProblem();
             * dp.printDice(3);
             * StringPermutation pp = new StringPermutation("abc");
             * pp.printPermutation("aab");
             * ScheduleQueue[] my = new ScheduleQueue[100];
             * for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
             * {
             * my[i] = new ScheduleQueue();
             * my[i].start = i*100;
             * my[i].end = my[i].start + i * 3;
             * }
             * MergeSchedule mq = new MergeSchedule();
             * ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
             * mq.doMerge(my, result);
             * Parlindrome myP = new Parlindrome();
             * while (true)
             * {
             * Console.WriteLine("please enter a word");
             * string val = Console.ReadLine();
             * bool isP = myP.IsParlinDrome(val);
             * Console.WriteLine("It is a parlindine: {0}", isP);
             * }
             * PhoneNumber pN = new PhoneNumber(12);
             * pN.printWords(pN.num.ToString().ToArray<char>());
            InOrder io   = new InOrder();
            Node    root = io.createTree(10);


            int i = 0;

            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 4);
            i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 3);
            i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 2);
            i = 0;
            io.getnThNode(root, ref i, 1);

             * LinkSibling ls = new LinkSibling();
             * ls.LinkThem_DFS(root);
             * if (true)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("please enter a value");
             *  int val = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
             *  MathCalculation mc = new MathCalculation(val, 20);
             *  mc.buildSequence();
             *  int Rvalue = mc.reverse();
             *  int curMax = mc.getLargestSum();
             *  int len = mc.sequence.Length;
             *  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
             *      Console.Write("{0},", mc.sequence[i]);
             *  Console.WriteLine("No the max sequcne");
             *  Console.WriteLine("the biggest sequence is {0}", curMax);
             *  Console.Read();
             * }
             * bitOperation bo = new bitOperation();
             * Byte value = 5;
             * Byte X = bo.Reverse(value);
             * Byte Y = bo.ReverseNoBit(value);
             * Console.WriteLine("the values are {0}, {1}", X, Y);
             * LinkedList util = new LinkedList();
             * LinkedNode A = util.createList(4);
             * LinkedNode B = util.createList(6);
             * LinkedNode result = util.addListNoExtra(A, B);
             * zigZag zz = new zigZag();
             * zz.printZigZag("PAYPALISHIRING", 3);
             * zz.Reverse();
             * SumRootToLeave srt = new SumRootToLeave();
             * int val = srt.calculateSum();
             * Console.WriteLine("the total value is {0}", val);
             * InOrder io = new InOrder();
             * Node root = io.createTree(10);
             * ArrayList al = io.serializeIt(root);
             * Node newRoot = io.Deserial(al
             * InOrder io = new InOrder();
             * SumRootToLeave srt = new SumRootToLeave();
             * Node root = io.createBigTree(200);
             * srt.printTreeByLevel(root);
             * srt.printAllpath(root, 13);
Beispiel #5
 public CommonAncestor(int sizeNode)
     tree   = new Node[sizeNode];
     myTree = new InOrder();
Beispiel #6
 public CommonAncestor(int sizeNode)
     tree = new Node[sizeNode];
     myTree = new InOrder();