internal static SQLDMLStatement GetDDLStatementGenericEntityStorageCreation(IDatabaseTenant Tenant, object Entity)
            var statement = new SQLDMLStatement
                PreparedStatement = BuildTableCreateForEntitySql(Entity),
                StatemtType       = DMLStatemtType.Create

        public bool TableExists(string EntityType)
            var sql = "select count(*) From sysobjects where type='U' and name = @name;";
            List <ISQLDMLStatementVariable> vars = new List <ISQLDMLStatementVariable>
                new SQLDMLStatementVariable {
                    Name = "@name", Value = EntityType

            SQLDMLStatement dml = new SQLDMLStatement
                PreparedStatement = sql,
                StatemtType       = DMLStatemtType.Select,
                Variables         = vars

            var results = (DataTable)(((IExecuteDML)this)).Execute(dml);
            var count   = Convert.ToInt32(results.Rows[0].ItemArray[0]);

            return(count > 0);
        public bool DoesEntityWithSamePrimaryKeyExist(object Entity)
            EntityDescriber ed = new EntityDescriber(Entity);

            if (ed.PrimaryKeys().Count > 0)
                var sql = DMLStatementFactory.BuildExistenceCheckSql(Entity, true);
                List <ISQLDMLStatementVariable> vars = DMLStatementFactory.GetUniqueKeyNameValuePairs(Entity, true, false);
                SQLDMLStatement dml = new SQLDMLStatement
                    PreparedStatement = sql,
                    StatemtType       = DMLStatemtType.Select,
                    Variables         = vars

                var results = (DataTable)((IExecuteDML)_dbaccess).Execute(dml);
                var count   = Convert.ToInt32(results.Rows[0].ItemArray[0]);
                return(count > 0);
        private SQLDMLStatement _GetDMLScript(IDatabaseTenant Tenant, string DMLStatementPrefix, object[] ParameterNames, object[] ParameterValues, int expectedParamCount, DMLStatemtType DMLStatemtType, List <ISQLDMLStatementVariable> uniqueKeys)
            if (expectedParamCount != ParameterValues.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
                throw new Exception("Number of parameters supplied for statement differs from expected");

            if (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.SelectAll && false)
                ParameterNames  = AppendValueToBeginningOfArray(new object[0], "@Tenant");
                ParameterValues = AppendValueToBeginningOfArray(new object[0], Tenant.Code);
                ParameterNames  = AppendValueToBeginningOfArray(ParameterNames, "@Tenant");
                ParameterValues = AppendValueToBeginningOfArray(ParameterValues, Tenant.Code);

            if (ParameterNames.GetUpperBound(0) != ParameterValues.GetUpperBound(0))
                throw new Exception("CODE LOGIC ERROR: Param names and value count mismatch");

            string paramlist  = "";
            string paramlist2 = "";
            string dmlSuffix  = "";

            int j = 0;

            foreach (var param in ParameterValues)
                if (ParameterNames[j].ToString().Contains("@@"))
                    if (ParameterValues[j].ToString().Contains("'"))
                        throw new Exception("injection attempt");
                        DMLStatementPrefix = DMLStatementPrefix.Replace(ParameterNames[j].ToString(), ParameterValues[j].ToString());

                else if (DMLStatementPrefix.Contains(ParameterNames[j].ToString()))
                else if (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Insert)
                    paramlist += ParameterNames[j] + ",";
                else if (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Delete)
                    bool considerUniqueKeys = true;

                    considerUniqueKeys = uniqueKeys != null;

                    if (considerUniqueKeys)
                        if (uniqueKeys.Where(u => u.Name == ParameterNames[j].ToString()).Count() > 0)
                            paramlist += (paramlist.Length > 0 ? " AND " : " ");
                            paramlist += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j];
                        paramlist += (j > 0 ? " AND " : " ");
                        paramlist += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j];
                else if (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Select || DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.SelectAll)
                    bool considerUniqueKeys = true;
                    considerUniqueKeys = uniqueKeys != null;

                    if (considerUniqueKeys)
                        if (uniqueKeys.Where(u => u.Name == ParameterNames[j].ToString()).Count() > 0)
                            paramlist += (j > 0 ? " AND " : " ");
                            paramlist += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j];
                        paramlist += (j > 0 ? " AND " : " ");
                        paramlist += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j];
                else if (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Update)
                    bool isUniqueKey = false;

                    bool considerUniqueKeys = (uniqueKeys != null);
                    if (considerUniqueKeys)
                        if (uniqueKeys.Where(u => u.Name == ParameterNames[j].ToString()).Count() > 0)
                            isUniqueKey = true;

                    if (isUniqueKey && considerUniqueKeys)
                        paramlist += (j > 0 ? " AND " : " ");
                        paramlist += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j];
                    else if (!isUniqueKey && considerUniqueKeys)
                        paramlist2 += (paramlist2.Length > 0 ? " , " : " ");
                        paramlist2 += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j].ToString();
                    else if (ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "$")
                        paramlist2 += (paramlist2.Length > 0 ? " , " : " ");
                        paramlist2 += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j].ToString().Replace("$", "@");
                        paramlist += (j > 0 ? " AND " : " ");
                        paramlist += ParameterNames[j].ToString().Substring(1) + " = " + ParameterNames[j];

            if ((paramlist.Length > 0) && (paramlist.EndsWith(",")))
                paramlist = paramlist.Substring(0, paramlist.Length - 1);

            if (paramlist.Length > 0)
                dmlSuffix += (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Insert ? $" values ({paramlist})" : "");
                dmlSuffix += (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Delete ? $" where {paramlist}" : "");
                dmlSuffix += (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Select ? $" where {paramlist}" : "");
                dmlSuffix += (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.SelectAll ? $" where {paramlist}" : "");
                dmlSuffix += (DMLStatemtType == DMLStatemtType.Update ? paramlist2 + $" where {paramlist}" : "");

            List <ISQLDMLStatementVariable> sqlVars = new List <ISQLDMLStatementVariable>();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var val in ParameterValues)
                string paramNam = "";
                paramNam = ParameterNames[i].ToString().Replace("$", "@");
                if (DMLStatementPrefix.Contains(paramNam) || dmlSuffix.Contains(paramNam))
                    sqlVars.Add(new SQLDMLStatementVariable {
                        Name = paramNam, Value = val

            SQLDMLStatement dmlStatement = new SQLDMLStatement
                PreparedStatement = DMLStatementPrefix + dmlSuffix,
                Variables         = sqlVars,
                StatemtType       = DMLStatemtType

            //if (expectedParamCount != dmlStatement.ParameterCount - 1)
            //    throw new Exception("CODE LOGIC ERROR : Param Count Mismatch");
