Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Event handler when drag has finished
		/// </summary>
		void MoveFinished(object sender, WaveControl.CursorMovedEventArgs e) {
			if (ChangesFinished != null)
				ChangesFinished(this, this);
Beispiel #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Event handler when End cursor is dragged
		/// </summary>
		void EndCursorMoved(object sender, WaveControl.CursorMovedEventArgs e) {
			// Adjust values (WaveControl already done, as it called us)
			end = e.Cursor.Position;
			float change = e.Cursor.Position - e.PreviousPosition;
			if (change != 0) {
				if ((e.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0 && GapChanged != null) {
					// Change all the gaps
					GapChanged(this, new CascadingEvent(this, -change));
				} else if (e.Locked) {
					// Move start cursor for next track as well
					Start += change;
					if (StartChanged != null) {
						// Keep following track lengths the same
						StartChanged(this, new CascadingEvent(this, change));