Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize NewHashmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance"></param>
        /// <param name="serializationContext">Serialization context used to serialize the object</param>
        public static void Serialize(NewHashmap instance, string serializationContext, bool updateClientMap)
            Hashtable mapInfo = null;

            if (instance != null)
                mapInfo = new Hashtable();
                mapInfo.Add("ViewId", instance._lastViewId);
                mapInfo.Add("Members", instance._members);
                mapInfo.Add("Map", instance._map);
                mapInfo.Add("UpdateMap", updateClientMap);

                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                MemoryStream    stream    = new MemoryStream();
                formatter.Serialize(stream, mapInfo);
                instance._buffer = stream.ToArray();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize NewHashmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serializationContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static NewHashmap Deserialize(byte[] buffer, string serializationContext)
            NewHashmap hashmap = null;

            if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0)
                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                MemoryStream    stream    = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                Hashtable       map       = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as Hashtable;
                if (map != null)
                    hashmap             = new NewHashmap();
                    hashmap._lastViewId = (long)map["ViewId"];
                    hashmap._members    = (ArrayList)map["Members"];
                    hashmap._map        = (Hashtable)map["Map"];
                    hashmap._updateMap  = (map["UpdateMap"] != null) ? (bool)map["UpdateMap"] : false;
 public HashmapChangedEvent(string cacheId, string clientId, NewHashmap newHashmap)
     this._cacheId = cacheId;
     this._clientId = clientId;
     this._newmap = newHashmap;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize NewHashmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serializationContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static NewHashmap Deserialize(byte[] buffer, string serializationContext)
            NewHashmap hashmap = null;

            if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0)
                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                Hashtable map = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as Hashtable;
                if (map != null)
                    hashmap = new NewHashmap();
                    hashmap._lastViewId = (long)map["ViewId"];
                    hashmap._members = (ArrayList)map["Members"];
                    hashmap._map = (Hashtable)map["Map"];
                    hashmap._updateMap = (map["UpdateMap"] != null) ? (bool)map["UpdateMap"] : false;
            return hashmap;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize NewHashmap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance"></param>
        /// <param name="serializationContext">Serialization context used to serialize the object</param>
        public static void Serialize(NewHashmap instance, string serializationContext, bool updateClientMap)
            Hashtable mapInfo = null;
            if (instance != null)
                mapInfo = new Hashtable();
                mapInfo.Add("ViewId", instance._lastViewId);
                mapInfo.Add("Members", instance._members);
                mapInfo.Add("Map", instance._map);
                mapInfo.Add("UpdateMap", updateClientMap);

                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
                formatter.Serialize(stream, mapInfo);
                instance._buffer = stream.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Fire when hasmap changes when 
 /// - new node joins
 /// - node leaves
 /// - manual/automatic load balance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newHashmap">new hashmap</param>
 void ICacheEventsListener.OnHashmapChanged(NewHashmap newHashmap, bool updateClientMap)
Beispiel #7
 void ICacheEventsListener.OnHashmapChanged(Alachisoft.NCache.Common.DataStructures.NewHashmap newHashmap, bool updateClientMap)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
Beispiel #8
 private void HashmapChanged(NewHashmap newmap, EventContext eventContext)
     lock (ConnectionManager.CallbackQueue)
         if (_client != null)
             ConnectionManager.CallbackQueue.Enqueue(new HashmapChangedEvent(_cacheId, _client.ClientID, newmap));
Beispiel #9
            public AsyncLocalNotifyHashmapCallback(ICacheEventsListener listener, long lastViewid, Hashtable newmap, ArrayList members, bool updateClientMap)
                this._listener = listener;
                this._hashMap = new NewHashmap(lastViewid, newmap, members);
                this._updateClientMap = updateClientMap;

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// New hashmap recieved. Depending on new and old hashmap, some connections are
        /// disposed and some new connections are formed(not always as in some cases only buckets have
        /// transfered between servers). This method should be called asynchronously so the recieve thread
        /// will be free to recieve other command responces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newHashmap">new hashmap returned from primary server</param>
        private void NewHashmapRecieved(NewHashmap newHashmap)
            if (newHashmap == null)
                _logger.NCacheLog.CriticalInfo("Broker.NewHashmapReceived", "Hashmap is null... returning");

            lock (_hashmapUpdateMutex)

                    if (_logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                        _logger.NCacheLog.Debug("Broker.NewHashmapReceived", "Hashmap " + newHashmap.ToString());

                    long oldId = _pool != null ? _pool.LastViewId : -2;

                    if (newHashmap.LastViewId == this._pool.LastViewId)
                            "Hashmap is same as current pool. Pool " + this._pool.ToString() + " New Hashmap " +
                            newHashmap.ToString() + " ... returning");

                    if (_clientConfig.IPMappingConfigured)
                        this.GetServerMapping(null, false);
                    for (int i = 0; i < newHashmap.Members.Count; i++)
                        string ip = (string) newHashmap.Members[i];

                        int serverPort = this._port;

                        if (_clientConfig.IPMappingConfigured)
                            RemoteServer server = _clientConfig.GetMappedServer(ip, serverPort);
                            ip = server.Name;
                            serverPort = server.Port;
                            newHashmap.Members[i] = ip + ":" + serverPort.ToString();

                        Address addr = new Address(ip, serverPort);

                        if (!this._pool.Contains(addr))
                                IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(ip);

                                Connection connection = new Connection(this._commandReieved, this._serverLost,
                                    this._logger, _perfStatsColl, _responseIntegrator, _clientConfig.BindIP);

                                Exception exception = null;

                                if (ConnectRemoteServer(connection, address, serverPort, false, false, false, ref exception))
                                    this._pool.Add(addr, connection);
                                    this._clientConfig.AddServer(new RemoteServer(address, serverPort));
                                    if (_logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                                            "Connection made to " + ip + ", and added to pool");
                                    if (exception != null && _logger.IsErrorLogsEnabled)
                                            "Could not connect to " + ip + ". " + exception.ToString());

                            catch (Exception exc)
                                if (_logger.IsErrorLogsEnabled)
                                    _logger.NCacheLog.Error("Broker.NewHashmapRecieved", exc.ToString());
                            Connection connection = this._pool[addr];

                            if (connection != null && !connection.IsConnected)
                                if (_logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                                        "Not connected to " + ip + " in the pool");
                                    Exception exception = null;
                                    TryConnecting(connection, ref exception);
                                catch (Exception exc)
                                    if (_logger.IsErrorLogsEnabled)
                                        _logger.NCacheLog.Error("Broker.NewHashmapRecieved", exc.ToString());
                                if (_logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                                        "Already connected to " + ip + " in the pool");

                    if (this._importHashmap)
                        //List of Connection ip's which as per new hashmap are no more valid
                        List<Address> invalidIPConnection = new List<Address>();

                        foreach (Address ipAddress in this._pool.Servers)

                            if (_clientConfig.IPMappingConfigured)
                                if (
                                    !newHashmap.Members.Contains(ipAddress.IpAddress.ToString() + ":" +
                                if (!newHashmap.Members.Contains(ipAddress.IpAddress.ToString()))

                        foreach (Address ip in invalidIPConnection)
                            if (_logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                                    "Disconnected from " + ip + ", and removed from pool");

                    RemoteServer srvr = new RemoteServer();
                    string add = null;
                    for (int key = 0; key < newHashmap.Map.Count; key++)
                        add = (string) newHashmap.Map[key];

                        srvr = _clientConfig.GetMappedServer(add, this._port);
                        newHashmap.Map[key] = new Address(srvr.Name, srvr.Port);



                    if (_logger.IsDetailedLogsEnabled)
                            "Hashmap applied " + newHashmap.ToString() + " Pool " + this._pool.ToString());

                catch (Exception exc)
                    if (_logger.IsErrorLogsEnabled) _logger.NCacheLog.Error("Broker.NewHashmapRecieved", exc.Message);
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// New hashmap recieved. Depending on new and old hashmap, some connections are
 /// disposed and some new connections are formed(not always as in some cases only buckets have
 /// transfered between servers). This method should be called asynchronously so the recieve thread
 /// will be free to recieve other command responces.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newHashmap">new hashmap returned from primary server</param>
 /// <param name="bucketSize">bucket size</param>
 private void NewHashmapRecieved(NewHashmap newHashmap, int bucketSize)
     if (newHashmap == null) return;
     this._pool.BucketSize = bucketSize;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire when hasmap changes when 
        /// - new node joins
        /// - node leaves
        /// - manual/automatic load balance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newHashmap">new hashmap</param>
        void ICacheEventsListener.OnHashmapChanged(NewHashmap newHashmap, bool updateClientMap)
                if (this._hashmapChanged == null) return;
                Delegate[] dlgList = this._hashmapChanged.GetInvocationList();

                NewHashmap.Serialize(newHashmap, this._context.SerializationContext, updateClientMap);

                foreach (HashmapChangedCallback subscriber in dlgList)
                        subscriber.BeginInvoke(newHashmap, null, new AsyncCallback(HashmapChangedAsyncCallbackHandler), subscriber);
                    catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex)
                        _context.NCacheLog.Error("Cache.OnHashmapChanged", ex.ToString());
                        this._hashmapChanged -= subscriber;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _context.NCacheLog.Error("Cache.OnHashmapChanged", ex.ToString());
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Set new hashmap to this new hashmap
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hashMap">new hashmap</param>
 public void SetHashmap(NewHashmap hashMap)
     this._lastViewId = hashMap.LastViewId;
     lock (this._hashMap.SyncRoot) this._hashMap = (!hashMap.Map.IsSynchronized) ? Hashtable.Synchronized(hashMap.Map) : hashMap.Map;