public ActionResult resthourcheck1rpt(int?page, string orderdata, string orderdata1)
            page         = ((!page.HasValue || page < 1) ? 1 : page);
   = page;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderdata))
                orderdata = "resthourlog.adddate";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderdata1))
                orderdata1 = "desc";
            ViewBag.orderdata  = orderdata;
            ViewBag.orderdata1 = orderdata1;
            string qdptid = "", qempname = "", qaddtype = "", qaddsdate = "", qaddedate = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["qdptid"]))
                qdptid         = Request["qdptid"].Trim();
                ViewBag.qdptid = qdptid;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["qempname"]))
                qempname         = Request["qempname"].Trim();
                ViewBag.qempname = qempname;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["qaddtype"]))
                qaddtype         = Request["qaddtype"].Trim();
                ViewBag.qaddtype = qaddtype;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["qaddedate"]))
                qaddedate         = Request["qaddedate"].Trim();
                ViewBag.qaddedate = qaddedate;

            qaddsdate         = NullStDate(Request["qaddsdate"]);
            ViewBag.qaddsdate = qaddsdate;
            qaddedate         = NullTeDate(Request["qaddedate"]);
            ViewBag.qaddedate = qaddedate;
            //NullStDate 跟 NullTeDate 會判斷格式,有錯誤就 修改全域的DateEx
            if (DateEx != "")
                ViewBag.DateEx = @"<script>alert(""" + DateEx + @""");</script>";

            string Excel = "", Excel2 = "";
            string sqlstr = "";

            using (Aitag_DBContext con = new Aitag_DBContext())
                sqlstr  = "SELECT * FROM resthourlog ";
                sqlstr += " INNER JOIN employee ON resthourlog.empid = employee.empid ";
                sqlstr += " where resthourlog.rstype='2' and resthourlog.ifactive = 'y'";

                if (qdptid != "")
                    sqlstr += " and employee.empworkdepid ='" + qdptid + "'";
                if (qempname != "")
                    sqlstr += " and employee.empname like N'%" + qempname + "%'";
                if (qaddtype != "")
                    switch (qaddtype)
                    case "1":
                        sqlstr += " and resthourlog.resthour > 0";

                    case "2":
                        sqlstr += " and resthourlog.moneyhour > 0";

                    case "3":
                        sqlstr += " and resthourlog.ifdinner = 'y'";

                if (qaddsdate != "")
                //{ sqlstr += " and resthourlog.adddate >= '" + qaddsdate + "'"; }
                    sqlstr += " and resthourlog.adddate >= '2016/03/01'";
                if (qaddedate != "")
                    sqlstr += " and resthourlog.adddate <= '" + qaddedate + "'";

                sqlstr += " order by " + orderdata + " " + orderdata1;

            #region 組 Excel 格式
            Excel += "<HTML>";
            Excel += "<HEAD>";
            Excel += @"<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"">";
            Excel += "</HEAD>";
            Excel += "<body>";
            Excel += "<table  border=1  cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#000000 bordercolordark=#ffffff width=900 >";
            Excel += "<tr align=center>";
            Excel += @"<td colspan=""11"" style=""font-size:14pt"">加班時數紀錄表";
            if (qaddsdate != "" || qaddedate != "")
                Excel += qaddsdate + "~" + qaddedate;
            Excel += "</td>";
            Excel += "</tr>";
            Excel += "<tr align=center>";
            Excel += "<td>加班日期</td>";
            Excel += "<td>部門</td>";
            Excel += "<td>申請人</td>";
            Excel += "<td>加班時數</td>";
            Excel += "<td>請款時數</td>";
            Excel += "<td>1.34</td>";
            Excel += "<td>1.67</td>";
            Excel += "<td>1.0(假日)</td>";
            Excel += "<td>補休時數</td>";
            Excel += "<td>已休時數</td>";
            Excel += "<td>補休期限</td>";
            Excel += "</tr>";
            Aitag.Models.NDcommon dbobj = new Aitag.Models.NDcommon();
            using (SqlConnection conn = dbobj.get_conn("Aitag_DBContext"))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlstr, conn))
                    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    string dpttitle = "", empname = "";
                    double hour = 0;
                    while (dr.Read())
                        using (SqlConnection conn1 = dbobj.get_conn("Aitag_DBContext"))
                            dpttitle = dbobj.get_dbvalue(conn1, "select dpttitle form Department where dptid='" + dr["empworkdepid"] + "'");
                            empname  = dbobj.get_name(conn1, dbobj.get_dbnull2(dr["empid"]));
                        hour = Convert.ToDouble(dr["resthour"]) + Convert.ToDouble(dr["moneyhour"]);

                        Excel2 += "<tr>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr["adddate"]).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dpttitle + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + empname + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + hour + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["moneyhour"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["moneyh1"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["moneyh2"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["moneyh3"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["resthour"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["usehour"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "<td>" + dr["rsdeaddate"] + "</td>";
                        Excel2 += "</tr>";
                    if (Excel2 == "")
                        Excel += "<tr align=left><td colspan=6>目前沒有資料</td></tr>";
                        Excel += Excel2;

            Excel += "</table>";
            Excel += "</body>";
            Excel += "</HTML>";

            ViewBag.Excel = Excel;