static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Ahorn Plugin Maker v1.2");
            Console.WriteLine("Give the path to a .cs file to turn it into an Ahorn Plugin");
            string path = Console.ReadLine().Trim('"');

            AhornPlugin plugin;

                plugin = new AhornPlugin(path);
            } catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Ahorn Plugin Maker encountered an error!\n {e.Message}\n {e.StackTrace}\n");
                Console.WriteLine("If none of the above are true, report the bug to JaThePlayer#2580 on Discord, together with your entity's CustomEntity attribute and constructor");
            if (plugin.Type == AhornPlugin.PlacementTypes.Entity)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\nRemember to change the \"sprite\" variable to point to your entity's sprite");
            Console.Write("The plugin isn't working? ");
            PrintPossibleErrors(false, plugin);
 static void PrintPossibleErrors(bool crashed, AhornPlugin plugin = null)
     Console.WriteLine("Here's some things that might've gone wrong:");
     Console.WriteLine("- Your entity had more than 1 constructor");
     Console.WriteLine("- Your entity didn't have a CustomEntity attribute");
     if (!crashed)
         if (plugin != null && plugin.Type == AhornPlugin.PlacementTypes.Entity)
             Console.WriteLine("- You didn't change the \"sprite\" variable in the ahorn plugin or the path is incorrect");