private static void BuildDisplacementSurface(ChiselBrush go, VmfSolidSide side, ChiselSurface surface, List <Vector3> vertices, Plane plane)
            // create a new game object for the displacement.
            GameObject dgo = new GameObject("Displacement");

            dgo.transform.parent = go.transform;
            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = dgo.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            MeshFilter   meshFilter   = dgo.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            MeshCollider meshCollider = dgo.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

            // create a mesh.
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

   = "Displacement";

            List <Vector3> meshVertices  = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector2> meshUVs       = new List <Vector2>();
            List <int>     meshTriangles = new List <int>();

            int power5 = 5;
            int power4 = 4;

            if (side.Displacement.Power == 2)
                power5 = 5;
                power4 = 4;
            if (side.Displacement.Power == 3)
                power5 = 9;
                power4 = 8;
            if (side.Displacement.Power == 4)
                power5 = 17;
                power4 = 16;

            // rotate vertices until we have the start position in the bottom left corner.
            VmfVector3 vmfStartPosition = side.Displacement.StartPosition;
            Vector3    startPosition    = new Vector3(vmfStartPosition.X, vmfStartPosition.Z, vmfStartPosition.Y) * inchesInMeters;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var first = vertices[0];
                if (Vector3.Distance(first, startPosition) < 0.01f)

            var first2 = vertices[0];


            // create all of the vertices:
            for (int z = 0; z < power5; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < power5; x++)
                    // calculate vertex position (grid formation):
                    Vector3 a     = Vector3.Lerp(vertices[2], vertices[3], (1.0f / power4) * z);
                    Vector3 cross = Vector3.Lerp(vertices[1], vertices[0], (1.0f / power4) * z);
                    Vector3 b     = Vector3.Lerp(a, cross, (1.0f / power4) * x);

                    // calculate UVs:
                    var localToPlaneSpace = (Matrix4x4)MathExtensions.GenerateLocalToPlaneSpaceMatrix(new float4(plane.normal, plane.distance));
                    var uvmatrix          = surface.surfaceDescription.UV0.ToMatrix();
                    uvmatrix *= localToPlaneSpace;

                    // calculate offsets:
                    VmfVector3 vmfOffset = side.Displacement.Offsets[power4 - z][x];
                    Vector3    offset    = new Vector3(vmfOffset.X * inchesInMeters, vmfOffset.Z * inchesInMeters, vmfOffset.Y * inchesInMeters);
                    b += offset;

                    // calculate normal to move the vertex along (displacement):
                    VmfVector3 vmfNormal = side.Displacement.Normals[power4 - z][x];
                    Vector3    normal    = new Vector3(vmfNormal.X, vmfNormal.Z, vmfNormal.Y);

                    //normal = Vector3.Project(normal, plane.normal);
                    b += plane.normal * side.Displacement.Elevation * inchesInMeters;
                    b += normal * side.Displacement.Distances[power4 - z][x] * inchesInMeters;


            // create the triangles in the same chessboard style as hammer:
            int tri = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < (power4 * power4); x++)
                tri = x + (x / power4);

                if (tri % 2 == 0)
                    meshTriangles.Add(0 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(power5 + 1 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(power5 + tri);

                    meshTriangles.Add(0 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(1 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(power5 + 1 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(0 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(1 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(power5 + tri);

                    meshTriangles.Add(1 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(power5 + 1 + tri);
                    meshTriangles.Add(power5 + tri);

            mesh.SetUVs(0, meshUVs);
            mesh.SetTriangles(meshTriangles, 0);

            // center the mesh.
                Vector3 meshCenter =;
                for (int i = 0; i < meshVertices.Count; i++)
                    meshVertices[i] -= meshCenter;
                dgo.transform.position = meshCenter;


            meshFilter.sharedMesh       = mesh;
            meshCollider.sharedMesh     = mesh;
            meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = surface.brushMaterial.RenderMaterial;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified Valve Map Format file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The file path.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="VmfWorld"/> containing the imported world data.</returns>
        public VmfWorld Import(string path)
            // create a new world.
            VmfWorld world = new VmfWorld();

            // open the file for reading. we use streams for additional performance.
            // it's faster than File.ReadAllLines() as that requires two iterations.
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    // read all the lines from the file.
                    //bool inActor = false; T3dActor actor = null;
                    //bool inBrush = false; T3dBrush brush = null;
                    //bool inPolygon = false; T3dPolygon polygon = null;
                    string[]                 closures = new string[64];
                    int                      depth    = 0;
                    string                   line;
                    string                   previousLine       = "";
                    bool                     justEnteredClosure = false;
                    string                   key;
                    object                   value;
                    VmfSolid                 solid        = null;
                    VmfSolidSide             solidSide    = null;
                    VmfSolidSideDisplacement displacement = null;
                    VmfEntity                entity       = null;
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                        if (line.Length == 0)

                        // parse closures and keep track of them.
                        if (line[0] == '{')
                            closures[depth] = previousLine; depth++; justEnteredClosure = true; continue;
                        if (line[0] == '}')
                            depth--; closures[depth] = null; continue;

                        // parse version info.
                        if (closures[0] == "versioninfo")
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "editorversion": world.VersionInfoEditorVersion = (int)value; break;

                                case "editorbuild": world.VersionInfoEditorBuild = (int)value; break;

                                case "mapversion": world.VersionInfoMapVersion = (int)value; break;

                                case "formatversion": world.VersionInfoFormatVersion = (int)value; break;

                                case "prefab": world.VersionInfoPrefab = (int)value; break;

                        // parse view settings.
                        if (closures[0] == "viewsettings")
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "bSnapToGrid": world.ViewSettingsSnapToGrid = (int)value; break;

                                case "bShowGrid": world.ViewSettingsShowGrid = (int)value; break;

                                case "bShowLogicalGrid": world.ViewSettingsShowLogicalGrid = (int)value; break;

                                case "nGridSpacing": world.ViewSettingsGridSpacing = (int)value; break;

                                case "bShow3DGrid": world.ViewSettingsShow3DGrid = (int)value; break;

                        // parse world properties.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == null)
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "id": world.Id = (int)value; break;

                                case "mapversion": world.MapVersion = (int)value; break;

                                case "classname": world.ClassName = (string)value; break;

                                case "detailmaterial": world.DetailMaterial = (string)value; break;

                                case "detailvbsp": world.DetailVBsp = (string)value; break;

                                case "maxpropscreenwidth": world.MaxPropScreenWidth = (int)value; break;

                                case "skyname": world.SkyName = (string)value; break;

                        // parse world solid.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == null)
                            // create a new solid and add it to the world.
                            if (justEnteredClosure)
                                solid = new VmfSolid();

                            // parse solid properties.
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "id": solid.Id = (int)value; break;

                        // parse world solid side.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == null)
                            // create a new solid side and add it to the solid.
                            if (justEnteredClosure)
                                solidSide = new VmfSolidSide();

                            // parse solid side properties.
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "id": solidSide.Id = (int)value; break;

                                case "plane": solidSide.Plane = (VmfPlane)value; break;

                                case "material": solidSide.Material = (string)value; break;

                                //case "rotation": solidSide.Rotation = (float)value; break;
                                case "uaxis": solidSide.UAxis = (VmfAxis)value; break;

                                case "vaxis": solidSide.VAxis = (VmfAxis)value; break;

                                case "lightmapscale": solidSide.LightmapScale = (int)value; break;

                                case "smoothing_groups": solidSide.SmoothingGroups = (int)value; break;

                        // parse world solid side displacement.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == "dispinfo" && closures[4] == null)
                            // create a new solid side displacement and add it to the solid side.
                            if (justEnteredClosure)
                                displacement           = new VmfSolidSideDisplacement();
                                solidSide.Displacement = displacement;

                            // parse displacement properties.
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "power": displacement.Power = (int)value; break;

                                case "startposition": displacement.StartPosition = (VmfVector3)value; break;

                                case "elevation": displacement.Elevation = Convert.ToSingle(value); break;

                                case "subdiv": displacement.Subdivide = (int)value; break;

                        // parse world solid side displacement normals.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == "dispinfo" && closures[4] == "normals" && closures[5] == null)
                            // parse displacement vector rows.
                            if (TryParseVectorRow(line, out key, out List <VmfVector3> normals))

                        // parse world solid side displacement distances.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == "dispinfo" && closures[4] == "distances" && closures[5] == null)
                            // parse displacement float rows.
                            if (TryParseFloatRow(line, out key, out List <float> distances))

                        // parse world solid side displacement offsets.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == "dispinfo" && closures[4] == "offsets" && closures[5] == null)
                            // parse displacement vector rows.
                            if (TryParseVectorRow(line, out key, out List <VmfVector3> offsets))

                        // parse world solid side displacement offset normals.
                        if (closures[0] == "world" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == "dispinfo" && closures[4] == "offset_normals" && closures[5] == null)
                            // parse displacement vector rows.
                            if (TryParseVectorRow(line, out key, out List <VmfVector3> offsetnormals))

                        // parse entity.
                        if (closures[0] == "entity" && closures[1] == null)
                            // create a new entity and add it to the world.
                            if (justEnteredClosure)
                                entity = new VmfEntity();

                            // parse entity properties.
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "id": entity.Id = (int)value; break;

                                case "classname": entity.ClassName = (string)value; break;

                                default: entity.Properties[key] = value; break;

                        // parse entity solid.
                        if (closures[0] == "entity" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == null)
                            // create a new solid and add it to the entity.
                            if (justEnteredClosure)
                                solid = new VmfSolid();

                            // parse solid properties.
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "id": solid.Id = (int)value; break;

                        // parse entity solid side.
                        if (closures[0] == "entity" && closures[1] == "solid" && closures[2] == "side" && closures[3] == null)
                            // create a new solid side and add it to the solid.
                            if (justEnteredClosure)
                                solidSide = new VmfSolidSide();

                            // parse solid side properties.
                            if (TryParsekeyValue(line, out key, out value))
                                switch (key)
                                case "id": solidSide.Id = (int)value; break;

                                case "plane": solidSide.Plane = (VmfPlane)value; break;

                                case "material": solidSide.Material = (string)value; break;

                                //case "rotation": solidSide.Rotation = (float)value; break;
                                case "uaxis": solidSide.UAxis = (VmfAxis)value; break;

                                case "vaxis": solidSide.VAxis = (VmfAxis)value; break;

                                case "lightmapscale": solidSide.LightmapScale = (int)value; break;

                                case "smoothing_groups": solidSide.SmoothingGroups = (int)value; break;

                        previousLine       = line;
                        justEnteredClosure = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified world into the Chisel model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to import into.</param>
        /// <param name="world">The world to be imported.</param>
        public static void Import(ChiselModel model, VmfWorld world)
            // create a material searcher to associate materials automatically.
            MaterialSearcher materialSearcher         = new MaterialSearcher();
            HashSet <string> materialSearcherWarnings = new HashSet <string>();

            // iterate through all world solids.
            for (int i = 0; i < world.Solids.Count; i++)
                UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Chisel: Importing Source Engine Map (1/3)", "Converting Hammer Solids To Chisel Brushes (" + (i + 1) + " / " + world.Solids.Count + ")...", i / (float)world.Solids.Count);
                VmfSolid solid = world.Solids[i];

                // don't add triggers to the scene.
                if (solid.Sides.Count > 0 && IsSpecialMaterial(solid.Sides[0].Material))

                // HACK: Fix me in the future!
                // HACK: Chisel doesn't support collision brushes yet- skip them completely!
                if (solid.Sides.Count > 0 && IsInvisibleMaterial(solid.Sides[0].Material))
                // HACK: Fix me in the future!

                // build a very large cube brush.
                ChiselBrush go = ChiselComponentFactory.Create <ChiselBrush>(model);
                go.definition.surfaceDefinition = new ChiselSurfaceDefinition();
                BrushMesh brushMesh = new BrushMesh();
                go.definition.brushOutline = brushMesh;
                BrushMeshFactory.CreateBox(ref brushMesh, new Vector3(-4096, -4096, -4096), new Vector3(4096, 4096, 4096), in go.definition.surfaceDefinition);

                // prepare for any displacements.
                List <DisplacementSide> DisplacementSurfaces = new List <DisplacementSide>();

                // prepare for uv calculations of clip planes after cutting.
                var planes        = new float4[solid.Sides.Count];
                var planeSurfaces = new ChiselSurface[solid.Sides.Count];

                // compute all the sides of the brush that will be clipped.
                for (int j = solid.Sides.Count; j-- > 0;)
                    VmfSolidSide side = solid.Sides[j];

                    // detect excluded polygons.
                    //if (IsExcludedMaterial(side.Material))
                    //polygon.UserExcludeFromFinal = true;
                    // detect collision-only brushes.
                    //if (IsInvisibleMaterial(side.Material))
                    //pr.IsVisible = false;

                    // find the material in the unity project automatically.
                    Material material;

                    // try finding the fully qualified texture name with '/' replaced by '.' so 'BRICK.BRICKWALL052D'.
                    string materialName = side.Material.Replace("/", ".");
                    if (materialName.Contains("."))
                        // try finding both 'BRICK.BRICKWALL052D' and 'BRICKWALL052D'.
                        string tiny = materialName.Substring(materialName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                        material = materialSearcher.FindMaterial(new string[] { materialName, tiny });
                        if (material == null && materialSearcherWarnings.Add(materialName))
                            Debug.Log("Chisel: Tried to find material '" + materialName + "' and also as '" + tiny + "' but it couldn't be found in the project.");
                        // only try finding 'BRICKWALL052D'.
                        material = materialSearcher.FindMaterial(new string[] { materialName });
                        if (material == null && materialSearcherWarnings.Add(materialName))
                            Debug.Log("Chisel: Tried to find material '" + materialName + "' but it couldn't be found in the project.");

                    // fallback to default material.
                    if (material == null)
                        material = ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultFloorMaterial;

                    // create chisel surface for the clip.
                    ChiselSurface surface = new ChiselSurface();
                    surface.brushMaterial      = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(material, ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultPhysicsMaterial);
                    surface.surfaceDescription = SurfaceDescription.Default;

                    // detect collision-only polygons.
                    if (IsInvisibleMaterial(side.Material))
                        surface.brushMaterial.LayerUsage &= ~LayerUsageFlags.RenderReceiveCastShadows;
                    // detect excluded polygons.
                    if (IsExcludedMaterial(side.Material))
                        surface.brushMaterial.LayerUsage &= LayerUsageFlags.CastShadows;
                        surface.brushMaterial.LayerUsage |= LayerUsageFlags.Collidable;

                    // calculate the clipping planes.
                    Plane clip = new Plane(go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(side.Plane.P1.X, side.Plane.P1.Z, side.Plane.P1.Y) * inchesInMeters), go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(side.Plane.P2.X, side.Plane.P2.Z, side.Plane.P2.Y) * inchesInMeters), go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(side.Plane.P3.X, side.Plane.P3.Z, side.Plane.P3.Y) * inchesInMeters));
                    planes[j]        = new float4(clip.normal, clip.distance);
                    planeSurfaces[j] = surface;

                    // check whether this surface is a displacement.
                    if (side.Displacement != null)
                        // disable the brush.
                        go.gameObject.GetComponent <ChiselBrush>().enabled = false;

                        // keep track of the surface used to cut the mesh.
                        DisplacementSurfaces.Add(new DisplacementSide {
                            side = side, surface = surface

                // cut all the clipping planes out of the brush in one go.
                brushMesh.Cut(planes, planeSurfaces);

                // now iterate over the planes to calculate UV coordinates.
                int[] indices = new int[solid.Sides.Count];
                for (int k = 0; k < planes.Length; k++)
                    var   plane           = planes[k];
                    int   closestIndex    = 0;
                    float closestDistance = math.lengthsq(plane - brushMesh.planes[0]);
                    for (int j = 1; j < brushMesh.planes.Length; j++)
                        float testDistance = math.lengthsq(plane - brushMesh.planes[j]);
                        if (testDistance < closestDistance)
                            closestIndex    = j;
                            closestDistance = testDistance;
                    indices[k] = closestIndex;

                for (int j = 0; j < indices.Length; j++)
                    brushMesh.planes[indices[j]] = planes[j];

                for (int j = solid.Sides.Count; j-- > 0;)
                    VmfSolidSide side     = solid.Sides[j];
                    var          surface  = brushMesh.polygons[indices[j]].surface;
                    var          material = surface.brushMaterial.RenderMaterial;

                    // calculate the texture coordinates.
                    int w = 256;
                    int h = 256;
                    if (material.mainTexture != null)
                        w = material.mainTexture.width;
                        h = material.mainTexture.height;
                    var clip = new Plane(planes[j].xyz, planes[j].w);
                    CalculateTextureCoordinates(go, surface, clip, w, h, side.UAxis, side.VAxis);

                // build displacements.
                foreach (DisplacementSide displacement in DisplacementSurfaces)
                    // find the brush mesh polygon:
                    for (int polyidx = 0; polyidx < brushMesh.polygons.Length; polyidx++)
                        if (brushMesh.polygons[polyidx].surface == displacement.surface)
                            // find the polygon plane.
                            Plane plane = new Plane(brushMesh.planes[polyidx].xyz, brushMesh.planes[polyidx].w);

                            // find all vertices that belong to this polygon:
                            List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>();
                                var polygon   = brushMesh.polygons[polyidx];
                                var firstEdge = polygon.firstEdge;
                                var edgeCount = polygon.edgeCount;
                                var lastEdge  = firstEdge + edgeCount;
                                for (int e = firstEdge; e < lastEdge; e++)
                            // reverse the winding order.

                            var first = vertices[0];

                            // build displacement:
                            BuildDisplacementSurface(go, displacement.side, displacement.surface, vertices, plane);

                // finalize the brush by snapping planes and centering the pivot point.
                go.transform.position += brushMesh.CenterAndSnapPlanes();
                foreach (Transform child in go.transform)
                    child.position -= go.transform.position;

            // iterate through all entities.
            for (int e = 0; e < world.Entities.Count; e++)
                UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Chisel: Importing Source Engine Map (2/3)", "Converting Hammer Entities To Chisel Brushes (" + (e + 1) + " / " + world.Entities.Count + ")...", e / (float)world.Entities.Count);
                VmfEntity entity = world.Entities[e];

                // skip entities that chisel can't handle.
                switch (entity.ClassName)
                case "func_areaportal":
                case "func_areaportalwindow":
                case "func_capturezone":
                case "func_changeclass":
                case "func_combine_ball_spawner":
                case "func_dustcloud":
                case "func_dustmotes":
                case "func_nobuild":
                case "func_nogrenades":
                case "func_occluder":
                case "func_precipitation":
                case "func_proprespawnzone":
                case "func_regenerate":
                case "func_respawnroom":
                case "func_smokevolume":
                case "func_viscluster":

                // iterate through all entity solids.
                for (int i = 0; i < entity.Solids.Count; i++)
                    VmfSolid solid = entity.Solids[i];

                    // don't add triggers to the scene.
                    if (solid.Sides.Count > 0 && IsSpecialMaterial(solid.Sides[0].Material))

                    // HACK: Fix me in the future!
                    // HACK: Chisel doesn't support collision brushes yet- skip them completely!
                    if (solid.Sides.Count > 0 && IsInvisibleMaterial(solid.Sides[0].Material))
                    // HACK: Fix me in the future!

                    // build a very large cube brush.
                    ChiselBrush go = ChiselComponentFactory.Create <ChiselBrush>(model);
                    go.definition.surfaceDefinition = new ChiselSurfaceDefinition();
                    BrushMesh brushMesh = new BrushMesh();
                    go.definition.brushOutline = brushMesh;
                    BrushMeshFactory.CreateBox(ref brushMesh, new Vector3(-4096, -4096, -4096), new Vector3(4096, 4096, 4096), in go.definition.surfaceDefinition);

                    // prepare for uv calculations of clip planes after cutting.
                    var planes        = new float4[solid.Sides.Count];
                    var planeSurfaces = new ChiselSurface[solid.Sides.Count];

                    // clip all the sides out of the brush.
                    for (int j = solid.Sides.Count; j-- > 0;)
                        VmfSolidSide side = solid.Sides[j];

                        // detect excluded polygons.
                        //if (IsExcludedMaterial(side.Material))
                        //    polygon.UserExcludeFromFinal = true;
                        // detect collision-only brushes.
                        //if (IsInvisibleMaterial(side.Material))
                        //    pr.IsVisible = false;

                        // find the material in the unity project automatically.
                        Material material;

                        // try finding the fully qualified texture name with '/' replaced by '.' so 'BRICK.BRICKWALL052D'.
                        string materialName = side.Material.Replace("/", ".");
                        if (materialName.Contains("."))
                            // try finding both 'BRICK.BRICKWALL052D' and 'BRICKWALL052D'.
                            string tiny = materialName.Substring(materialName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                            material = materialSearcher.FindMaterial(new string[] { materialName, tiny });
                            if (material == null && materialSearcherWarnings.Add(materialName))
                                Debug.Log("Chisel: Tried to find material '" + materialName + "' and also as '" + tiny + "' but it couldn't be found in the project.");
                            // only try finding 'BRICKWALL052D'.
                            material = materialSearcher.FindMaterial(new string[] { materialName });
                            if (material == null && materialSearcherWarnings.Add(materialName))
                                Debug.Log("Chisel: Tried to find material '" + materialName + "' but it couldn't be found in the project.");

                        // fallback to default material.
                        if (material == null)
                            material = ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultFloorMaterial;

                        // create chisel surface for the clip.
                        ChiselSurface surface = new ChiselSurface();
                        surface.brushMaterial      = ChiselBrushMaterial.CreateInstance(material, ChiselMaterialManager.DefaultPhysicsMaterial);
                        surface.surfaceDescription = SurfaceDescription.Default;

                        // detect collision-only polygons.
                        if (IsInvisibleMaterial(side.Material))
                            surface.brushMaterial.LayerUsage &= ~LayerUsageFlags.RenderReceiveCastShadows;
                        // detect excluded polygons.
                        if (IsExcludedMaterial(side.Material))
                            surface.brushMaterial.LayerUsage &= LayerUsageFlags.CastShadows;
                            surface.brushMaterial.LayerUsage |= LayerUsageFlags.Collidable;

                        // calculate the clipping planes.
                        Plane clip = new Plane(go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(side.Plane.P1.X, side.Plane.P1.Z, side.Plane.P1.Y) * inchesInMeters), go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(side.Plane.P2.X, side.Plane.P2.Z, side.Plane.P2.Y) * inchesInMeters), go.transform.InverseTransformPoint(new Vector3(side.Plane.P3.X, side.Plane.P3.Z, side.Plane.P3.Y) * inchesInMeters));
                        planes[j]        = new float4(clip.normal, clip.distance);
                        planeSurfaces[j] = surface;

                    // cut all the clipping planes out of the brush in one go.
                    brushMesh.Cut(planes, planeSurfaces);

                    // now iterate over the planes to calculate UV coordinates.
                    int[] indices = new int[solid.Sides.Count];
                    for (int k = 0; k < planes.Length; k++)
                        var   plane           = planes[k];
                        int   closestIndex    = 0;
                        float closestDistance = math.lengthsq(plane - brushMesh.planes[0]);
                        for (int j = 1; j < brushMesh.planes.Length; j++)
                            float testDistance = math.lengthsq(plane - brushMesh.planes[j]);
                            if (testDistance < closestDistance)
                                closestIndex    = j;
                                closestDistance = testDistance;
                        indices[k] = closestIndex;

                    for (int j = 0; j < indices.Length; j++)
                        brushMesh.planes[indices[j]] = planes[j];

                    for (int j = solid.Sides.Count; j-- > 0;)
                        VmfSolidSide side     = solid.Sides[j];
                        var          surface  = brushMesh.polygons[indices[j]].surface;
                        var          material = surface.brushMaterial.RenderMaterial;

                        // calculate the texture coordinates.
                        int w = 256;
                        int h = 256;
                        if (material.mainTexture != null)
                            w = material.mainTexture.width;
                            h = material.mainTexture.height;
                        var clip = new Plane(planes[j].xyz, planes[j].w);
                        CalculateTextureCoordinates(go, surface, clip, w, h, side.UAxis, side.VAxis);

                    // finalize the brush by snapping planes and centering the pivot point.
                    go.transform.position += brushMesh.CenterAndSnapPlanes();

                    // detail brushes that do not affect the CSG world.
                    //if (entity.ClassName == "func_detail")
                    //pr.IsNoCSG = true;
                    // collision only brushes.
                    //if (entity.ClassName == "func_vehicleclip")
                    //pr.IsVisible = false;