private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Establish connection the server
                AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient("", 3000);

                // Create key
                Aerospike.Client.Key key = new Aerospike.Client.Key("test", "myset", "mykey");

                // Create Bins
                Bin bin1 = new Bin("name", "John");
                Bin bin2 = new Bin("age", 25);

                // Write record
                client.Put(null, key, bin1, bin2);

                // Read record
                Record record = client.Get(null, key);

                Record userRecord = client.Get(null, key);
                Console.WriteLine("Name: " + userRecord.GetValue("name"));
                Console.WriteLine("Age: " + userRecord.GetValue("age"));

                // Close connection
            catch (AerospikeException.Connection conError)
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrate touch command.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "touchkey");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("touchbin"), "touchvalue");

            console.Info("Create record with 2 second expiration.");
            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
            writePolicy.expiration = 2;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Touch same record with 5 second expiration.");
            writePolicy.expiration = 5;
            Record record = client.Operate(writePolicy, key, Operation.Touch(), Operation.GetHeader());

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, null));

            if (record.expiration == 0)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get record expiration: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            console.Info("Sleep 3 seconds.");

            record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            console.Info("Success. Record still exists.");
            console.Info("Sleep 4 seconds.");

            record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                console.Info("Success. Record expired as expected.");
                console.Error("Found record when it should have expired.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write and twice read a bin value, demonstrating record expiration.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "expirekey");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("expirebin"), "expirevalue");

            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expiration=2",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin.value);

            // Specify that record expires 2 seconds after it's written.
            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
            writePolicy.expiration = 2;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Read the record before it expires, showing it's there.
            console.Info("Get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}", key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            object received = record.GetValue(;
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expire mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));

            // Read the record after it expires, showing it's gone.
            console.Info("Sleeping for 3 seconds ...");
            Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000);
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                console.Info("Expiry successful. Record not found.");
                console.Error("Found record when it should have expired.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write array of integers using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestArray(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "serialarraykey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize array");

            int[] array = new int[10000];

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                array[i] = i * i;

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("serialbin"), (object)array);

            // Do a test that pushes this complex object through the serializer
            console.Info("Write array using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read array using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            int[] received;

                received = (int[])record.GetValue(;
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,;

            if (received.Length != 10000)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Array length mismatch: Expected={0:D} Received={1:D}",
                    10000, received.Length));

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                if (received[i] != i * i)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Mismatch: index={0:D} expected={1:D} received={2:D}",
                        i, i * i, received[i]));

            console.Info("Read array successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Add integer values.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "addkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("addbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Perform some adds and check results.
            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, 10);
            console.Info("Initial add will create record.  Initial value is " + bin.value + '.');
            client.Add(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, 5);
            console.Info("Add " + bin.value + " to existing record.");
            client.Add(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            // The value received from the server is an unsigned byte stream.
            // Convert to an integer before comparing with expected.
            int received = record.GetInt(;
            int expected = 15;

            if (received == expected)
                console.Info("Add successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                console.Error("Add mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);

            // Demonstrate add and get combined.
            bin = new Bin(binName, 30);
            console.Info("Add " + bin.value + " to existing record.");
            record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key, Operation.Add(bin), Operation.Get(;

            expected = 45;
            received = record.GetInt(;

            if (received == expected)
                console.Info("Add successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                console.Error("Add mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        /// <summary>
        /// Drop a bin from a record.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            if (args.singleBin)
                console.Info("Delete bin is not applicable to single bin servers.");

            console.Info("Write multi-bin record.");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "delbinkey");
            string binName1 = args.GetBinName("bin1");
            string binName2 = args.GetBinName("bin2");
            Bin bin1 = new Bin(binName1, "value1");
            Bin bin2 = new Bin(binName2, "value2");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin1, bin2);

            console.Info("Delete one bin in the record.");
            bin1 = Bin.AsNull(binName1); // Set bin value to null to drop bin.
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin1);

            console.Info("Read record.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,,, "bin3");

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in record.bins)
                console.Info("Received: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, entry.Key, entry.Value);

            bool valid = true;

            if (record.GetValue("bin1") != null)
                console.Error("bin1 still exists.");
                valid = false;

            object v2 = record.GetValue("bin2");

            if (v2 == null || !v2.Equals("value2"))
                console.Error("bin2 value mismatch.");
                valid = false;

            if (valid)
                console.Info("Bin delete successful");
 private static void BatchReadRecords(AerospikeClient client, BatchPolicy batchPolicy)
     Console.WriteLine("Batch Reads");
     const int size = 1024;
     var keys = new Key[size];
     for (var i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
         keys[i] = new Key("test", "myset", (i + 1));
     var records = client.Get(batchPolicy, keys);
     Console.WriteLine("Read " + records.Length + " records");
        private void RunReplaceExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "replacekey");
            Bin bin1 = new Bin("bin1", "value1");
            Bin bin2 = new Bin("bin2", "value2");
            Bin bin3 = new Bin("bin3", "value3");

            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin1={3} value1={4} bin2={5} value2={6}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin1.value,, bin2.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin1, bin2);

            console.Info("Replace with: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin3.value);

            WritePolicy policy = new WritePolicy();
            policy.recordExistsAction = RecordExistsAction.REPLACE;
            client.Put(policy, key, bin3);

            console.Info("Get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}", key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            if (record.GetValue( == null)
                console.Info( + " was deleted as expected.");
                console.Error( + " found when it should have been deleted.");

            if (record.GetValue( == null)
                console.Info( + " was deleted as expected.");
                console.Error( + " found when it should have been deleted.");
            ValidateBin(key, bin3, record);
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepend string to an existing string.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "prependkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("prependbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, "World");
            console.Info("Initial prepend will create record.  Initial value is " + bin.value + '.');
            client.Prepend(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, "Hello ");
            console.Info("Prepend \"" + bin.value + "\" to existing record.");
            client.Prepend(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            // The value received from the server is an unsigned byte stream.
            // Convert to an integer before comparing with expected.
            object received = record.GetValue(;
            string expected = "Hello World";

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Prepend successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                console.Error("Prepend mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
Beispiel #10
        private static void AerospikeReadMethod(long userId)
            using (var client = new AC.AerospikeClient(Config.DOCKER_MACHINE_IP, 3000))
                if (!client.Connected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Aerospike ERROR: Connection failed!");

                var key = new AC.Key("test", "users", userId);

                var user = client.Get(null, key);
                if (user != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Aerospike: ID: {user.GetValue("id")}, Name: {user.GetValue("name")}, Age:{user.GetValue("age")}");
                    Console.WriteLine("Aerospike ERROR: User record not found!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read list of compound objects using Aerospike list type with blob entries (Bin.AsList()).
        /// </summary>
        private void TestListCompoundList(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<CompoundObject> using list with blob entries");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listkey5");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            List<CompoundObject> list = new List<CompoundObject>();
            list.Add(new CompoundObject("string1", 7));
            list.Add(new CompoundObject("string2", 9));
            list.Add(new CompoundObject("string3", 54));

            Bin bin = new Bin("listbin", list);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            IList receivedList = (IList)record.GetValue(;

            ValidateSize(3, receivedList.Count);
            Validate(list[0], receivedList[0]);
            Validate(list[1], receivedList[1]);
            Validate(list[2], receivedList[2]);

            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<CompoundObject> successful.");
        private void WriteUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey1");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("udfbin1"), "string value");

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(, bin.value);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();
            string received = (string)record.GetValue(;

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        private void WriteIfNotExists(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey3");
            string binName = "udfbin3";

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Write record only if not already exists. This should succeed.
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeUnique", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get("first"));

            // Verify record written.
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, binName);
            string expected = "first";
            string received = (string)record.GetValue(binName);

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Record written: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);

            // Write record second time. This should fail.
            console.Info("Attempt second write.");
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeUnique", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get("second"));

            // Verify record not written.
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, binName);
            received = (string)record.GetValue(binName);

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Success. Record remained unchanged: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read ArrayList<String> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestListStrings(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<String>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listkey1");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("listbin1"), list);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            List<object> receivedList = (List<object>) record.GetValue(;

            ValidateSize(3, receivedList.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedList[0]);
            Validate("string2", receivedList[1]);
            Validate("string3", receivedList[2]);

            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<String> successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write list object using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestList(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "seriallistkey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize list");

            List<string> list = new List<string>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("serialbin"), (object)list);

            console.Info("Write list using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read list using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            List<string> received;

                received = (List<string>)record.GetValue(;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, e);

            if (received.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Array length mismatch: Expected={0:D} Received={1:D}",
                    3, received.Count));

            for (int i = 0; i < received.Count; i++)
                string expected = "string" + (i + 1);
                if (!received[i].Equals(expected))
                    object obj = received[i];
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Mismatch: index={0:D} expected={1} received={2}",
                        i, expected, obj));

            console.Info("Read list successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write complex object using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "serialcomplexkey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize complex object");

            List<object> inner = new List<object>();

            Dictionary<object, object> innerMap = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            innerMap["a"] = 1;
            innerMap[2] = "b";
            innerMap["list"] = inner;

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("complexbin"), (object)list);

            console.Info("Write complex object using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read complex object using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            string expected = Util.ListToString(list);
            string received;

                object val = record.GetValue(;
                received = Util.ObjectToString(val);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,;

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch");
                console.Error("Expected " + expected);
                console.Error("Received " + received);
            console.Info("Read complex object successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read ArrayList<Object> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestListComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<Object>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listkey2");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            byte[] blob = new byte[] {3, 52, 125};
            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("listbin2"), list);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            List<object> receivedList = (List<object>) record.GetValue(;

            ValidateSize(3, receivedList.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedList[0]);
            // Server convert numbers to long, so must expect long.
            Validate(2L, receivedList[1]);
            Validate(blob, (byte[])receivedList[2]);

            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<Object> successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read HashMap<String,String> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestMapStrings(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<String,String>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey1");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            Dictionary<object, object> map = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            map["key1"] = "string1";
            map["key2"] = "string2";
            map["key3"] = "string3";

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("mapbin1"), map);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            Dictionary<object, object> receivedMap = (Dictionary<object, object>)record.GetValue(;

            ValidateSize(3, receivedMap.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedMap["key1"]);
            Validate("string2", receivedMap["key2"]);
            Validate("string3", receivedMap["key3"]);

            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<String,String> successful");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read HashMap<Object,Object> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestMapComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<Object,Object>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey2");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            byte[] blob = new byte[] {3, 52, 125};
            List<int> list = new List<int>();

            Dictionary<object, object> map = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            map["key1"] = "string1";
            map["key2"] = 2;
            map["key3"] = blob;
            map["key4"] = list;

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("mapbin2"), map);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            Dictionary<object, object> receivedMap = (Dictionary<object, object>)record.GetValue(;

            ValidateSize(4, receivedMap.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedMap["key1"]);
            // Server convert numbers to long, so must expect long.
            Validate(2L, receivedMap["key2"]);
            Validate(blob, (byte[])receivedMap["key3"]);

            IList receivedInner = (IList)receivedMap["key4"];
            ValidateSize(4, receivedInner.Count);
            Validate(100034L, receivedInner[0]);
            Validate(12384955L, receivedInner[1]);
            Validate(3L, receivedInner[2]);
            Validate(512L, receivedInner[3]);

            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<Object,Object> successful");
        /// <summary>
        /// Exercise record generation functionality.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "genkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("genbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Set some values for the same record.
            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue1");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue2");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Retrieve record and its generation count.
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            object received = record.GetValue(;
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} generation={5}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received, record.generation);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Get mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));

            // Set record and fail if it's not the expected generation.
            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue3");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expected generation={5}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin.value, record.generation);

            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
            writePolicy.generationPolicy = GenerationPolicy.EXPECT_GEN_EQUAL;
            writePolicy.generation = record.generation;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Set record with invalid generation and check results .
            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue4");
            writePolicy.generation = 9999;
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expected generation={5}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin.value, writePolicy.generation);

                client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);
                throw new Exception("Should have received generation error instead of success.");
            catch (AerospikeException ae)
                if (ae.Result == ResultCode.GENERATION_ERROR)
                    console.Info("Success: Generation error returned as expected.");
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpected set return code: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} code={5}",
                        key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin.value, ae.Result));

            // Verify results.
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            received = record.GetValue(;
            expected = "genvalue3";

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} generation={5}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, received, record.generation);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Get mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute put and get on a server configured as single-bin.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunSingleBinTest(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "putgetkey");
            Bin bin = new Bin("", "value");

            console.Info("Single Bin Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} value={3}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Single Bin Get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}", key.ns,
                key.setName, key.userKey);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            ValidateBin(key, bin, record);
 private static void ReadSomeValuesForKey(AerospikeClient client, Policy policy, Key key)
     Console.WriteLine("Read specific values (or bins) of a record");
     var record = client.Get(policy, key, "name", "age");
     Console.WriteLine("Read these values: " + record);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read List/HashMap combination directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestListMapCombined(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write List/HashMap");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listmapkey");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            byte[] blob = new byte[] {3, 52, 125};
            List<object> inner = new List<object>();

            Dictionary<object, object> innerMap = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            innerMap["a"] = 1;
            innerMap[2] = "b";
            innerMap[3] = blob;
            innerMap["list"] = inner;

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("listmapbin"), list);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key,;
            List<object> received = (List<object>) record.GetValue(;

            ValidateSize(4, received.Count);
            Validate("string1", received[0]);
            // Server convert numbers to long, so must expect long.
            Validate(8L, received[1]);

            List<object> receivedInner = (List<object>)received[2];
            ValidateSize(2, receivedInner.Count);
            Validate("string2", receivedInner[0]);
            Validate(5L, receivedInner[1]);

            Dictionary<object, object> receivedMap = (Dictionary<object, object>)received[3];
            ValidateSize(4, receivedMap.Count);
            Validate(1L, receivedMap["a"]);
            Validate("b", receivedMap[2L]);
            Validate(blob, (byte[])receivedMap[3L]);

            List<object> receivedInner2 = (List<object>)receivedMap["list"];
            ValidateSize(2, receivedInner2.Count);
            Validate("string2", receivedInner2[0]);
            Validate(5L, receivedInner2[1]);

            console.Info("Read/Write List/HashMap successful");
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Read records with varying namespaces, bin names and read types in one batch.
        /// This requires Aerospike Server version >= 3.6.0.
        /// </summary>
        private void BatchReadComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args, string keyPrefix, string binName)
            // Batch gets into one call.
            // Batch allows multiple namespaces in one call, but example test environment may only have one namespace.
            string[] bins = new string[] {binName};
            List<BatchRead> records = new List<BatchRead>();
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 1), bins));
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 2), true));
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 3), true));
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 4), false));
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 5), true));
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 6), true));
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 7), bins));

            // This record should be found, but the requested bin will not be found.
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + 8), new string[] { "binnotfound" }));

            // This record should not be found.
            records.Add(new BatchRead(new Key(args.ns, args.set, "keynotfound"), bins));

            // Execute batch.
            client.Get(null, records);

            // Show results.
            int found = 0;
            foreach (BatchRead record in records)
                Key key = record.key;
                Record rec = record.record;

                if (rec != null)
                    console.Info("Record: ns={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                        key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, rec.GetValue(binName));
                    console.Info("Record not found: ns={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                        key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName);

            if (found != 8)
                console.Error("Records found mismatch. Expected %d. Received %d.", 8, found);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Read records in one batch.
        /// </summary>
        private void BatchReads(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args, string keyPrefix, string binName, int size)
            // Batch gets into one call.
            Key[] keys = new Key[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                keys[i] = new Key(args.ns, args.set, keyPrefix + (i + 1));

            Record[] records = client.Get(null, keys, binName);

            for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
                Key key = keys[i];
                Record record = records[i];
                Log.Level level = Log.Level.ERROR;
                object value = null;

                if (record != null)
                    level = Log.Level.INFO;
                    value = record.GetValue(binName);
                console.Write(level, "Record: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, value);

            if (records.Length != size)
                console.Error("Record size mismatch. Expected {0}. Received {1}.", size, records.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute put and get on a server configured as multi-bin.  This is the server default.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunMultiBinTest(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "putgetkey");
            Bin bin1 = new Bin("bin1", "value1");
            Bin bin2 = new Bin("bin2", "value2");

            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin1={3} value1={4} bin2={5} value2={6}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey,, bin1.value,, bin2.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin1, bin2);

            console.Info("Get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}", key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            ValidateBin(key, bin1, record);
            ValidateBin(key, bin2, record);
 private static void ReadAllValuesForKey(AerospikeClient client, Policy policy, Key key)
     Console.WriteLine("Read all bins of a record");
     var record = client.Get(policy, key);
     Console.WriteLine("Read these values: " + record);