Beispiel #1
        public override Level Eat(Level currentLevel, Creature consumer)
            int creatureIndex = currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(consumer);

            currentLevel.creatures[creatureIndex].Affect(eatEffect, currentLevel); //Apply effect to the consumer

            currentLevel.creatures[creatureIndex].inventory.Remove(this); //It's been drunk, it no longer exists; in the future, rewrite to transfer contents to creature's stomach, and leave behind an empty container in inventory
            return currentLevel;
Beispiel #2
        public Creature(Creature c)
            this.attack = new DNotation(c.attack); //Deep copy
            this.turn_energy = c.turn_energy;
            this.level = c.level;
            this.xpWorth = c.xpWorth;
            this.attack = c.attack;
            this.xp = c.xp;
            this.xpLevel = c.xpLevel;
            this.xpBorder = c.xpBorder;
            this.hp = c.hp;
            this.hpMax = c.hpMax;
            this.mpMax = c.mpMax;
            this.killCount = c.killCount;
            this.seed = c.seed;
            this.isPlayer = c.isPlayer;
            this.rng = c.rng;
            this.isAlive = true;
            this.creatureImage = c.creatureImage;
            this.speed = c.speed;
            this.turnsToWait = c.speed;
            this.mind = c.mind;
            this.smelliness = c.smelliness;
            this.senseOfSmell = c.senseOfSmell;
            this.mass = c.mass;
            this.color = c.color;
            this.pos = c.pos;
            this.minDLevel = c.minDLevel;
            this.armorType = c.armorType;
            this.weapon = c.weapon;
            this.strength = c.strength;
            this.dexterity = c.dexterity;
            this.constitution = c.constitution;
            this.intelligence = c.intelligence;
            this.wisdom = c.wisdom;
            this.charisma = c.charisma;

            this.anatomy = new List<BodyPart>();
            foreach (BodyPart b in c.anatomy)
                this.anatomy.Add(new BodyPart(b));

            this.inventory = new List<Item>();
            foreach (Item i in c.inventory)

            this.wornArmor = new List<Armor>();
            foreach (Armor a in c.wornArmor)

            this.isDextrous = c.isDextrous;
Beispiel #3
        public void RangeAttack(Level currentLevel, Creature target, Item firedItem)
            #region Attack creature in given direction
            if (target is QuestGiver)
                Creature c = (Creature)target;
                target = new Creature(c); //And then target was a monster
                message.Add("The " + + " gets angry!"); //And s/he's mad.

            byte chanceToMiss = 10; //The chance to miss target
            chanceToMiss += (byte)(15 - dexterity); //Dex bonus
            if (rng.Next(0, 101) < chanceToMiss) //If miss
                message.Add("You miss the " + + ".");
                target.message.Add("The " + name + " misses you.");
                currentLevel.tileArray[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y].itemList.Add(firedItem); //It ends up on selected tile
                int damage = rngDie.Roll(attack); //Inclusive

                //damage = (int)((float)damage * ((float)strength / 10f)); //Strength bonus

                int partIndex = rng.Next(0, target.anatomy.Count);
                BodyPart part = target.anatomy[partIndex];
                foreach (Armor a in wornArmor)
                    foreach (string s in a.covers)
                        if (s ==
                            damage -= a.aC;
                //float conBonus = target.constitution / 10f;
                //damage = (int)((float)damage / conBonus);


                this.message.Add("You hit the " + + " in the " + + " for " + damage + " damage.");
                target.message.Add("The " + + " hits you in the " + + " for " + damage + " damage.");

                if (firedItem is Potion)
                    Potion p = (Potion)firedItem;
                    p.Eat(currentLevel, target); //Smash, effect affects the creature
                    this.message.Add("The " + + " smashes against the " +;
                    currentLevel.tileArray[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y].itemList.Add(firedItem); //It ends up on selected tile

                if (target == currentLevel.creatures[0]) //If player
                    currentLevel.causeOfDeath = "lethal damage to your " + + ".";
                    currentLevel.mannerOfDeath = "you were struck in the " + + " by a " + + " thrown by a " + name + ".";

                inventory.Remove(firedItem); //Remove item from inventory

            #region If Killed Opponent
            if (target.ShouldBeDead(currentLevel))
                if (currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target) == 0) //If it was the player
                    currentLevel.playerDiedHere = true;
                    int count = target.inventory.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        currentLevel = target.Drop(currentLevel, target.inventory[0]); //Drop on death

                    this.message.Add("You kill the " + + ".");

                    if ( == "dragon")
                        this.message.Add("You monster.");

                    Item corpse = new Item(target.mass, target.mass, $"{} corpse", target.color, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
                    corpse.itemImage = 253;
                    corpse.edible = true;
                    corpse.nutrition = 3000; //For now, default to this
                    currentLevel.tileArray[target.pos.X, target.pos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(corpse)); //Gibs

                    for (int y = 1; y < 40; y++)
                        for (int x = 1; x < 80; x++)
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.RemoveAt(currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target)); //Remove it from scent tracking
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.RemoveAt(currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target));
                    currentLevel.creatures.RemoveAt(currentLevel.creatures.IndexOf(target)); //Creature is gone ***Improve with death drop***
Beispiel #4
        public Creature CreatureAdjacent(Creature thisCreature)
            #region Array of positions
            Vector2[] newPos = new Vector2[10];
            newPos[1] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X - 1, thisCreature.pos.Y + 1); //1
            newPos[2] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X, thisCreature.pos.Y + 1); //2
            newPos[3] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X + 1, thisCreature.pos.Y + 1); //3
            newPos[4] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X - 1, thisCreature.pos.Y);     //4
            newPos[6] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X + 1, thisCreature.pos.Y);     //6
            newPos[7] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X - 1, thisCreature.pos.Y - 1); //7
            newPos[8] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X, thisCreature.pos.Y - 1); //8
            newPos[9] = new Vector2(thisCreature.pos.X + 1, thisCreature.pos.Y - 1); //9

            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                if (i == 5)
                    i++; //Skip position 5

                if (IsCreatureAt(newPos[i])) //If there's an adjacent creature
                    foreach (Creature k in creatures) //Find out which creature it is
                        if (k.pos == newPos[i]) //When you get a match
                            return k; //Return it

            return null;
Beispiel #5
        public Stack<byte> AStarPathfind(Creature creature, Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB)
            Stack<byte> path = new Stack<byte>();

            if (ConvertAbsolutePosToRelative(pointA, pointB) > 0)
                path.Push((byte)ConvertAbsolutePosToRelative(pointA, pointB));
                return path;

            if (pointA.X == pointB.X && pointA.Y == pointB.Y)
                return path;

            #region Variables
            //int g = 0;
            //int h = (int)(Math.Abs(pointB.X - pointA.X) + (int)Math.Abs(pointB.Y - pointA.Y));
            bool done = false;
            AStarTile currentTile = new AStarTile(pointA, new Vector2(-1, -1), 0,
                100 * ((int)(Math.Abs(pointB.X - pointA.X) + (int)Math.Abs(pointB.Y - pointA.Y))));
            List<AStarTile> openList = new List<AStarTile>();
            List<AStarTile> closedList = new List<AStarTile>();

            openList.Add(currentTile); //Add the current tile

            while (!done)
                #region Find new current tile
                currentTile = openList[0]; //The lowest F cost tile is the current tile
                openList.RemoveAt(0); //Removed from the open list
                closedList.Add(currentTile); //And placed in the closed list

                if (currentTile.pos == pointB) //If target has been just added to closed list
                    done = true;

                #region Define adjacent vectors
                Vector2[] adjacent = new Vector2[8];
                adjacent[0] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X - 1, currentTile.pos.Y + 1); //Adjacent tile at position 1
                adjacent[1] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X, currentTile.pos.Y + 1);     //Adjacent tile at position 2
                adjacent[2] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X + 1, currentTile.pos.Y + 1); //Adjacent tile at position 3
                adjacent[3] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X - 1, currentTile.pos.Y);     //Adjacent tile at position 4
                adjacent[4] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X + 1, currentTile.pos.Y);     //Adjacent tile at position 6
                adjacent[5] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X - 1, currentTile.pos.Y - 1); //Adjacent tile at position 7
                adjacent[6] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X, currentTile.pos.Y - 1);     //Adjacent tile at position 8
                adjacent[7] = new Vector2(currentTile.pos.X + 1, currentTile.pos.Y - 1); //Adjacent tile at position 9

                #region Process adjacent tiles to Current Tile
                for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) // the adjacent tiles 0-7, all 8
                    if (adjacent[i].X < 0 || adjacent[i].X > GRIDW-1 || adjacent[i].Y < 0 || adjacent[i].Y > GRIDH-1)

                    bool shouldBeOpen = true;
                    bool isAlreadyOpen = false;
                    bool closedDoor = false; //Whether this tile has a door in it.
                    int indexOnOpen = -1;

                    //if (tileArray[(int)adjacent[i].X, (int)adjacent[i].Y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0)
                    //    foreach (Fixture fixture in tileArray[(int)adjacent[i].X, (int)adjacent[i].Y].fixtureLibrary)
                    //    {
                    //        if (fixture is Door) //If it's a door
                    //        {
                    //            Door door = (Door)fixture;
                    //            if (!door.isOpen) //If the door is closed
                    //                closedDoor = true;
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    if (tileArray[(int)adjacent[i].X, (int)adjacent[i].Y] == null)
                        shouldBeOpen = false;
                    else if (this.tileArray[(int)adjacent[i].X, (int)adjacent[i].Y].isPassable == false &&
                        !(closedDoor && creature.isDextrous)) //If not passable
                        shouldBeOpen = false; //It's not a candidate if not blocked by door
                    else //If passable
                        foreach (AStarTile j in closedList) //For each closedList item
                            if (j.pos == adjacent[i]) //If a closedList item is the same as the potential tile
                                shouldBeOpen = false; //Not a candidate

                        foreach (Creature c in creatures)
                            if (c.pos == adjacent[i] && adjacent[i] != pointB) //If a creature is in the way
                                shouldBeOpen = false;

                        int openListCount = openList.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < openListCount; j++)
                            if (openList[j].pos == adjacent[i]) //If an openList item is the same as the potential tile
                                isAlreadyOpen = true; //Mark it as already on the open list
                                indexOnOpen = j;

                    if (shouldBeOpen) //If it should go on the open list
                        int g = 100; //Weight of tile ***IMPROVE THIS LATER***
                        int h = 100 * ((int)(Math.Abs(pointB.X - adjacent[i].X) + (int)Math.Abs(pointB.Y - adjacent[i].Y))); //Heuristic guess
                        //int f = g + h; //Definition of f cost
                        AStarTile newTile = new AStarTile(adjacent[i], currentTile.pos, currentTile.g + g, h, g); //Make an official tile for it

                        if (isAlreadyOpen) //If already on the open list
                            if (newTile.g < openList[indexOnOpen].g) //If this path to the tile is cheaper than its previous g
                                openList[indexOnOpen] = newTile; //Overwrite its old info with this cheaper info

                            openList.Insert(AStarSequentialSearch(openList, newTile), newTile); //Insert in openList a sequential search according to f cost

                            //Calculate where this new tile should go with a binary search. ***UNFINISHED***
                            //AStarBinarySearch(openList, newTile);
                if (openList.Count == 0) //If no more tiles to look at, there's no path
                    return path;

            #region Trace back to starting tile
            int oldIndex = -1;
            int index = 0;

            while (currentTile.parentpos != new Vector2(-1, -1)) //Until parent is starting tile
                int closedListCount = closedList.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < closedListCount; j++)
                    if (closedList[j].pos == currentTile.parentpos)
                        oldIndex = index;
                        index = j;
                        path.Push((byte)ConvertAbsolutePosToRelative(closedList[index].pos, currentTile.pos));

                currentTile = closedList[index];

            currentTile = closedList[oldIndex];

            return path;
Beispiel #6
        public void SpawnCreature(Creature c, Vector2 pos)
            c.pos = pos;

            for (int y = 0; y < GRIDH; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < GRIDW; x++)
                    tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.Add(; //Keep track of this creature's scent now
                    tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.Add(0); //Start it at zero scent in the room
Beispiel #7
        public void SlayCreature(Creature c)
            if (c.revive > 0) //If extra life
                c.revive = 0; //Not anymore, sukka
                if (c.amulet.effect.type == "revive")
                    c.amulet = null;
                c.hp = c.hpMax; //Full heal
       = 15000; //Full food
                c.message.Add("You have a near death experience");
                if (creatures.IndexOf(c) == 0)
                    playerDiedHere = true;
                    int count = c.inventory.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        c.Drop(this, c.inventory[0]); //Drop all items

                    count = c.wornArmor.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].itemList.Add(c.wornArmor[0]); //Add item to tile
                        c.wornArmor.Remove(c.wornArmor[0]); //From creature
                    } //Drop all armor

                    tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].itemList.Add(c.weapon); //Add item to tile
                    c.weapon = null; //Drop the weapon

                    Item corpse = new Item(c.mass, c.mass, + " corpse", c.color, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
                    corpse.itemImage = 253;
                    corpse.edible = true;
                    tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(corpse)); //Gibs

                    for (int y = 1; y < Level.GRIDH; y++)
                        for (int x = 1; x < Level.GRIDW; x++)
                            tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.RemoveAt(
                                creatures.IndexOf(c)); //Remove it from scent tracking
                            tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.RemoveAt(

                    if (LineOfSight(creatures[0].pos, c.pos))
                        creatures[0].message.Add("The " + + " dies.");

                    //killedIndex = creatureList.IndexOf(c);
        static void Update_Creature(Creature c)
            c.message.Clear(); //Monsters shouldn't need to keep messages
            string action = c.mind.DecideAction(currentLevel, c); //Decide action

            #region Perform Action

            #region Move Actions
            List<String> actionList = new List<String>();
            actionList.Add("Move 1");
            actionList.Add("Move 2");
            actionList.Add("Move 3");
            actionList.Add("Move 4");
            actionList.Add("Move 5");
            actionList.Add("Move 6");
            actionList.Add("Move 7");
            actionList.Add("Move 8");
            actionList.Add("Move 9");

            for (int k = 0; k <= 8; k++)
                if (action == actionList[k])
                    c.Move(currentLevel, k + 1);


            #region Item Management Actions
            if (action == "Pick Up")
                currentLevel = c.PickUp(currentLevel);

            if (action == "Unwield")

            if (action.StartsWith("Wield"))
                while (action.StartsWith("Wield"))
                    action = action.Remove(0, 6); //Clip everything but the index

                Weapon targetItem = (Weapon)c.inventory[int.Parse(action)];

            if (action == "Remove")

            if (action.StartsWith("Wear"))
                while (action.StartsWith("Wear"))
                    action = action.Remove(0, 5); //Clip everything but the index

                Armor targetItem = (Armor)c.inventory[int.Parse(action)];

            if (action.StartsWith("Eat")) //If it starts with "Eat"
                action = action.Remove(0, 4); //Clip everything but the index
                Item targetItem = c.inventory[int.Parse(action)];
                c.Eat(currentLevel, targetItem); //Eat the given item

            #region Melee Attack
            if (action.StartsWith("Attack"))
                action = action.Remove(0, 7);
                currentLevel = c.MeleeAttack(currentLevel, Direction.Parse(action));
Beispiel #9
        static void FileL_Level(Vector3 pos)
            #region Setup
            string levelPath = "Saves/" + sessionName.ToString() + "/(" + pos.X.ToString() + ", " + pos.Y.ToString() + ", " +
                pos.Z.ToString() + ").txt"; //The path to the level
            Vector2 tilePos = new Vector2(); //The tile position we're working with

            if (!File.Exists(levelPath))
                GenLevel("Dungeon", false); //Fabricate one

            #region Gen base level
            using (StreamReader read = new StreamReader(levelPath))
                string line = read.ReadLine(); //First entry should be the level type
                line = line.Remove(0, 7); //Clip off "[TYPE] "
                string levelType = line; // example: "Dungeon"

                line = read.ReadLine(); //Next is the seed
                line = line.Remove(0, 7); //Clip off "[SEED] "

                levelSeed[pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z] = int.Parse(line); //Fix the seed to its original

                GenLevel(levelType, false); //Recreate the originally genned level
                Creature tempCreature = new Creature(currentLevel.creatures[0]);
                currentLevel.creatures.Clear(); //We'll fill this in from the load file
                for (int y = 0; y < Level.GRIDH; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Level.GRIDW; x++) //For all tiles
                        currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.Add(; //Keep track of this creature's scent now
                        currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.Add(0); //Start it at zero scent in the room
                        currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].itemList.Clear(); //Clear out previous items
                        if (!currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].isPassable && currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0)
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].isTransparent = true; //Remove influence of fixtures
                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].isPassable = true;
                        currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].fixtureLibrary.Clear();

                line = read.ReadLine();
                while (line != "[END]")
                    #region Work on individual tiles
                    if (line.StartsWith("(")) //If it's a tile position
                        #region Base Tile Data
                        string[] piece = line.Split(','); //Split apart based on commas

                        piece[0] = piece[0].Remove(0, 1); //Remove "("
                        piece[1] = piece[1].Substring(0, piece[1].Length - 1); //Remove ")"
                        tilePos.X = short.Parse(piece[0]); //Get the X digit
                        tilePos.Y = short.Parse(piece[1]); //Get the Y digit
                        currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].itemList.Clear(); //Empty the random gen items.
                        currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Clear(); //Empty the random gen items.
                    else if (line.StartsWith("[ARMOR]") || line.StartsWith("[ITEM]") || line.StartsWith("[POTION]") || line.StartsWith("[SCROLL]")
                        || line.StartsWith("[WEAPON]")) //If an item of some sort
                        #region Item Data
                        string[] piece = line.Split(']'); //Split based on ]
                        piece[0] = piece[0].Remove(0, 1);
                        piece[1] = piece[1].Remove(0, 1);

                        if (piece[1] == "pinecone") //TODO: Bluh hackish improve later
                            currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(content.items.Find(item => == "pinecone")));
                            foreach (Species c in content.bestiary) //For gore
                                if (piece[1].StartsWith( //If it's a creature part
                                    string[] split = piece[1].Split(' '); //Get creature name and part name

                                    Item gore;
                                    if (split[1] == "corpse")
                                        gore = new Item(500f, 500f, $"{} corpse", c.color, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
                                        gore = new Item(500f, 500f, $"{} corpse", Color.Crimson, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
                                    gore.itemImage = 253; //"²"
                                    gore.edible = true;
                                    currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].itemList.Add(gore);

                            foreach (Item i in content.items)
                                if ( == piece[1])
                                    currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].itemList.Add(i);
                    else if (line.StartsWith("[CREATURE]") || line.StartsWith("[QUESTGIVER]") || line.StartsWith("[PLAYER]"))
                        #region Creature Data
                        bool isPlayer = false;
                        int creatureIndex = 0;

                        if (line.StartsWith("[CREATURE]"))
                            line = line.Remove(0, 11); // Clip off the "[CREATURE] " part
                        else if (line.StartsWith("[QUESTGIVER]"))
                            line = line.Remove(0, 13); // Clip off the "[QUESTGIVER] " part
                        else if (line.StartsWith("[PLAYER]"))
                            isPlayer = true;
                            line = line.Remove(0, 9); //Clip off the "[PLAYER] " part

                        string[] piece = line.Split(':'); //Split it by ':'

                        foreach (Species c in content.bestiary) //Look for the creature to add
                            if (piece[0] == //If the name matches the type of creature generator
                                if (isPlayer)
                                    Creature p = c.GenerateCreature("monster", content.items, int.Parse(piece[1]));
                                    p.hp = int.Parse(piece[2]);
                                    p.hpMax = int.Parse(piece[3]);
                                    p.xp = int.Parse(piece[4]);
                           = int.Parse(piece[5]);
                                    while (p.xp > p.xpBorder*2)
                                        p.xpBorder *= 2;
                                    p.weapon = null;
                                    p.pos = tilePos;
                                    creatureIndex = 0;

                                    for (int y = 0; y < Level.GRIDH; y++)
                                        for (int x = 0; x < Level.GRIDW; x++)
                                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier.Add(; //Keep track of this creature's scent now
                                            currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.Add(0); //Start it at zero scent in the room

                                    currentLevel.creatures.Insert(0, p); //Insert player at spot 0
                                    creatureIndex = currentLevel.creatures.Count;

                                    if (currentLevel.levelType == "village")
                                        Creature p = c.GenerateCreature("quest giver", content.items, int.Parse(piece[1]));
                                        p.weapon = null;
                                        currentLevel.SpawnCreature(p, tilePos);
                                        Creature p = c.GenerateCreature("monster", content.items, int.Parse(piece[1]));
                                        p.weapon = null;
                                        currentLevel.SpawnCreature(p, tilePos);

                        for (int a = 2; a < piece.Length; a++) //Look for items in the inventory to add
                            if (piece[a] == "pinecone") //Bluh hackish improve later
                                currentLevel.creatures[creatureIndex].inventory.Add(new Item(content.items.Find(item => == "pinecone")));

                            foreach (Species c in content.bestiary) //For gore
                                if (piece[a].StartsWith( //If it's a creature part
                                    string[] split = piece[a].Split(' '); //Get creature name and part name
                                    Item gore;
                                    if (split[1] == "corpse")
                                        gore = new Item(500f, 500f, $"{} corpse", c.color, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());
                                        gore = new Item(500f, 500f, $"{} corpse", Color.Crimson, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());

                                    gore.itemImage = 253;
                                    gore.edible = true;

                            foreach (Item i in content.items)
                                if ( == piece[a])
                    else if (line.StartsWith("[TRAP]"))
                        #region Trap Data
                        line = line.Remove(0, 7); //Remove the "[TRAP] " part
                        currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Add(new Trap(new Effect(rngDie.Roll(5), line))); //Add trap
                    else if (line.StartsWith("[TREE]"))
                        #region Tree Data
                        line = line.Remove(0, 7); //Remove the "[TREE] " part
                        string[] piece = line.Split(':');
                        Tree thisTree = new Tree(rng);
                        thisTree.species = piece[0];
                        thisTree.fruit = piece[1];

                        currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].isPassable = false; //Fix for tree
                        currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].isTransparent = false; //Fix for tree
                        currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Add(thisTree); //Add tree
                    else if (line.StartsWith("[DOOR]"))
                        #region Door Data
                        line = line.Remove(0, 7);
                        string[] dataSplit = line.Split(':');
                        Tile thisTile = currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y];
                        Door thisDoor = new Door(thisTile, bool.Parse(dataSplit[1]));

                        if (dataSplit[0] == "open")
                            thisDoor.Open(thisTile, currentLevel); //Open the door from default closed
                            thisDoor.Close(thisTile, currentLevel);
                    else if (line.StartsWith("[STAIRS]"))
                        #region Stairs Data
                        line = line.Remove(0, 9);
                        if (line == "down")
                            currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Add(new Stairs(true));
                            currentLevel.tileArray[tilePos.X, tilePos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Add(new Stairs(false));

                    line = read.ReadLine();
            //read.Close(); //Close this now that we're done with it
Beispiel #10
        static void Update_PostTurn(Creature c)

            if (c.message.Count > 50)
                c.message.RemoveRange(0, c.message.Count - 50); //Toss excess messages

            #region Check if a creature should be dead
            int killedIndex = 0;

            if (c.ShouldBeDead(currentLevel))

            if (killedIndex > 0)
Beispiel #11
        static void Update_Smell(Creature c)
            int x = (int)c.pos.X;
            int y = (int)c.pos.Y;
            string smelledWhat = String.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude.Count; i++)
                if (currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentMagnitude[i] > c.senseOfSmell)
                    smelledWhat = currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].scentIdentifier[i];
            if (smelledWhat != String.Empty)
                bool seeSmelled = false;
                bool ownSmell = false;
                for (int i = 1; i < currentLevel.creatures.Count; i++)
                    if (currentLevel.LineOfSight(c.pos,
                        currentLevel.creatures[i].pos) && currentLevel.creatures[i].name == smelledWhat)
                        seeSmelled = true; //It's the same as something seen

                    if (smelledWhat ==
                        ownSmell = true; //It's the creature's own smell

                if (!seeSmelled && !ownSmell) //If it's an un-obvious smell
                    int count = c.message.Count;
                    if (count > 0)
                        //if (currentLevel.creatureList[n].message[count - 1] != "You smell a " + smelledWhat + ".") //Don't spam this
                        //    currentLevel.creatureList[n].message.Add("You smell a " + smelledWhat + ".");
Beispiel #12
        static bool Update_Player(Creature c)
            if (currentLevel.playerDiedHere)
                if (c.revive > 0) //If extra life
                    c.revive = 0; //Not anymore, sukka
                    if (c.amulet.effect.type == "revive")
                        c.message.Add("Your " + + " disintegrates.");
                        c.amulet = null;
                    c.hp = c.hpMax; //Full heal
           = 15000; //Full food
                    c.message.Add("You have a near death experience");
                    currentLevel.playerDiedHere = false;
                    c.message.Add("You have died from " + currentLevel.causeOfDeath);
                    c.message.Add("This happened because " + currentLevel.mannerOfDeath);
                    c.message.Add("You have slain " + currentLevel.creatures[0].killCount + " foes");
                    c.message.Add("You lived to see " + exploredLevels + " areas in your world");

                    while (Update_GetKey() != "Enter") { }; //Wait for Enter


                    run = false;
                    gameState = GameState.OpeningMenu;
                    return false;

            bool wait = true;
            Vector2 radius;
            while (wait)
                string input = Update_GetKey();

                #region Process Input
                switch (input)
                case "1":
                case "2":
                case "3":
                case "4":
                case "6":
                case "7":
                case "8":
                case "9":
                    return Update_Move(currentLevel.creatures[0],

                case "5":
                case ".":
                case "s":
                    return true; //Wait a turn

                case ">":
                    #region [S] Adventurer: Descend
                    if (currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0)
                    { //If there's a fixture here
                        if (currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].fixtureLibrary[0] is Stairs)
                        { //If that fixture is stairs
                            Stairs stairs = (Stairs)currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].fixtureLibrary[0]; //Stairs
                            if (stairs.isDown)
                            { //If those stairs are down stairs
                                mapPos.Z++; //Go down a level
                                c = new Creature(c); //Break reference link
                                GenLevel("dungeon", true);
                                c.pos = currentLevel.creatures[0].pos; //Place the player at the new up stairs position
                                currentLevel.creatures[0] = c;
                                wait = true;
                                c.message.Add("How does one go down up stairs?");

                case "<":
                    #region [S] Adventurer: Ascend
                    if (currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0)
                        if (currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].fixtureLibrary[0] is Stairs)
                            Stairs stairs = (Stairs)currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].fixtureLibrary[0]; //Stairs
                            if (!stairs.isDown)
                                mapPos.Z--; //Go up a level
                                c = new Creature(c); //Break reference link
                                if (mapPos.Z < 1)
                                    Random thisLevelRNG = new Random(levelSeed[mapPos.X, mapPos.Y, mapPos.Z]); //This level's generator
                                    if (thisLevelRNG.Next(0, 100) < 20)
                                        GenLevel("village", true);
                                        GenLevel("forest", true);
                                    GenLevel("dungeon", true);
                                for (int y = 0; y < Level.GRIDH; y++)
                                    for (int x = 0; x < Level.GRIDW; x++)
                                        if (currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0)
                                            if (currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].fixtureLibrary[0].type == "stairs")
                                                stairs = (Stairs)currentLevel.tileArray[x, y].fixtureLibrary[0];
                                                if (stairs.isDown)
                                                    c.pos = new Vector2(x, y); //Place on down stairs

                                currentLevel.creatures[0] = c;
                                c.message.Add("How does one go up down stairs?");

                case "Escape":
                    gameState = GameState.EscapeMenu;
                    return false;

                case ",":
                    #region Pick Up

                    while (c.inventory.Count > 25)
                        c.message.Add("You drop your " + c.inventory[25] + " to make room.");
                        c.Drop(currentLevel, c.inventory[25]); //Drop item

                    wait = false;

                case "c":
                    #region Close
                    Vector2[] position = new Vector2[10];
                    position[1] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X - 1, (int)c.pos.Y + 1);
                    position[2] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X    , (int)c.pos.Y + 1);
                    position[3] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X + 1, (int)c.pos.Y + 1);
                    position[4] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X - 1, (int)c.pos.Y    );
                    position[6] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X + 1, (int)c.pos.Y    );
                    position[7] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X - 1, (int)c.pos.Y - 1);
                    position[8] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X    , (int)c.pos.Y - 1);
                    position[9] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X + 1, (int)c.pos.Y - 1);

                    for (int dir = 1; dir <= 9; dir++)
                        if (dir == 5)
                            dir++; //Skip 5
                        foreach (Fixture f in currentLevel.tileArray[(int)position[dir].X, (int)position[dir].Y].fixtureLibrary)
                            if (f.type == "door")
                                Door door = (Door)f;
                                if (door.isOpen)
                                        (int)position[dir].X, (int)position[dir].Y], currentLevel);

                case "e":
                    currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].engraving = Update_GetString(); //Engrave
                    wait = false;

                case "h":
                    #region Hax dig
                    if (debugMode)
                        c.message.Add("Choose a direction to dig.");
                        string s = Update_GetKey();

                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X, c.pos.Y);

                        if (s == "1")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 5, c.pos.Y + 5);
                        else if (s == "2")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 0, c.pos.Y + 5);
                        else if (s == "3")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X + 5, c.pos.Y + 5);
                        else if (s == "4")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 5, c.pos.Y - 0);
                        else if (s == "6")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X + 5, c.pos.Y - 0);
                        else if (s == "7")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 5, c.pos.Y - 5);
                        else if (s == "8")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 0, c.pos.Y - 5);
                        else if (s == "9")
                            radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X + 5, c.pos.Y - 5);
                            c.message.Add("Dig cancelled");

                        c.message.Add("You release a blast of unnatural energy, tearing through the walls of the dungeon.");
                        currentLevel.DigLine(c.pos, radius);
                        wait = false;
                    wait = true;

                case "i":
                    gameState = GameState.InventoryMenu; //Gamestate is now the Inventory Menu
                    return false;

                case "k":
                    #region Kick/Break
                    c.message.Add("Choose a direction.");
                    input = Update_GetKey();

                    radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X, c.pos.Y);

                    if (input == "1")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 1, c.pos.Y + 1);
                    else if (input == "2")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 0, c.pos.Y + 1);
                    else if (input == "3")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X + 1, c.pos.Y + 1);
                    else if (input == "4")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 1, c.pos.Y - 0);
                    else if (input == "6")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X + 1, c.pos.Y - 0);
                    else if (input == "7")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 1, c.pos.Y - 1);
                    else if (input == "8")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X - 0, c.pos.Y - 1);
                    else if (input == "9")
                        radius = new Vector2(c.pos.X + 1, c.pos.Y - 1);

                    bool creatureThere = false;

                    foreach (Creature d in currentLevel.creatures)
                        if (d.pos == radius) //If a creature is there.
                            creatureThere = true;

                    if (creatureThere) //Stupid foreach limitations
                        c.MeleeAttack(currentLevel, Direction.Parse(input));
                    else if (currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary.Count > 0)
                        if (currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary[0] is Door)
                            if (rngDie.Roll(2) == 1) // 1/2 chance
                                Item stick = new Item(100f, 100f, "stick", Color.Brown, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());

                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(stick));
                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(stick));
                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(stick));

                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary.RemoveAt(0);
                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].isPassable = true;
                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].isTransparent = true;
                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].isDoor = false;

                                c.message.Add("The door splinters apart.");
                                c.message.Add("The door thuds.");
                        else if (currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary[0] is Trap)
                            Trap thisTrap = (Trap)currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary[0];

                            if (thisTrap.effect.type == "tripwire")
                                Item rope = new Item(100f, 100f, "rope", Color.Wheat, new List<Item>(), new List<string>());

                                foreach (Item t in content.items)
                                    if ( == "rope")
                                        rope = new Item(t); //Copy an actual rope if possible

                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(rope));

                                c.message.Add("You take apart the tripwire.");

                                currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary.RemoveAt(0);
                        else if (currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary[0] is Stairs)
                            c.TakeDamage(1); //Ow.
                            c.message.Add("You kick the hard stairs and hurt your leg.");
                        else if (currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary[0] is Tree)
                            Tree thisTree = (Tree)currentLevel.tileArray[radius.X, radius.Y].fixtureLibrary[0];

                            if (rng.Next(1, 101) > 50) //50% chance
                                c.TakeDamage(1); //Ow.
                                c.message.Add("You hurt your leg kicking the tree.");
                            else if (thisTree.fruit != String.Empty && rng.Next(1, 101) > 50) //If it has fruit, 50% chance
                                currentLevel.tileArray[c.pos.X, c.pos.Y].itemList.Add(new Item(100f, 100f, thisTree.fruit, Color.Lime, new List<Item>(), new List<string>())); //Add a fruit
                                c.message.Add("A " + thisTree.fruit + " drops at your feet.");
                                thisTree.fruit = String.Empty; //No more fruit
                        c.message.Add("You kick at nothing.");

                case "l":
                    if (debugMode)
                        if (iCanSeeForever)
                            iCanSeeForever = false;
                            iCanSeeForever = true;
                    return false;

                case "o":
                    #region Open
                    position = new Vector2[10];
                    position[1] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X - 1, (int)c.pos.Y + 1);
                    position[2] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X    , (int)c.pos.Y + 1);
                    position[3] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X + 1, (int)c.pos.Y + 1);
                    position[4] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X - 1, (int)c.pos.Y    );
                    position[6] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X + 1, (int)c.pos.Y    );
                    position[7] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X - 1, (int)c.pos.Y - 1);
                    position[8] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X    , (int)c.pos.Y - 1);
                    position[9] = new Vector2((int)c.pos.X + 1, (int)c.pos.Y - 1);

                    for (int dir = 1; dir <= 9; dir++)
                        if (dir == 5)
                            dir++; //Skip 5
                        foreach (Fixture f in currentLevel.tileArray[(int)position[dir].X, (int)position[dir].Y].fixtureLibrary)
                            if (f.type == "door")
                                Door door = (Door)f;
                                if (!door.isOpen)
                                    c.OpenDoor(currentLevel.tileArray[(int)position[dir].X, (int)position[dir].Y], currentLevel);

                case "v":
                    #region Hax Dive
                    if (debugMode)
                        c = new Creature(c); //Break reference link
                        c.message.Add("You warp through the floor");
                        mapPos.Z++;//Go down a level
                        GenLevel("dungeon", true);
                        c.pos = currentLevel.creatures[0].pos; //Place the player at the new up stairs position
                        currentLevel.creatures[0] = c;
                        c.message.Add("Now entering area (" + mapPos.X + ", " + mapPos.Y + ", " + mapPos.Z + ")");

                case "w":
                    if (c.weapon == null)
                        c.message.Add("You are wielding nothing.");
                        wait = false;

                case "W":
                    if (c.wornArmor.Count > 0)
                        wait = true;
                        c.message.Add("You are wearing no armor.");

                case "x":
                    Update_GetPosition(); //Retrieve a position
                    return false;

                case "X":
                    if (debugMode) //Toggle debug mode
                        debugMode = false;
                        c.message.Add("You feel the unnatural energy fade.");
                        debugMode = true;
                        c.message.Add("You call upon the power of Kalasen.");

                    iCanSeeForever = false; //Disable infinisight
                    return false;

                case "z":
                    gameState = GameState.HealthMenu;
                    return false;

                    return false; //If no other appropriate key is pressed, don't use a turn

            return true;
Beispiel #13
        static bool Update_Move(Creature c, Directions dir)
            bool peacefulAdjacent = false; //Whether the adjacent creature, if any, is peaceful

            foreach (Creature d in currentLevel.creatures)
                if (d is QuestGiver && d.pos == c.pos.AdjacentVector(dir))
                    QuestGiver qG = (QuestGiver)d;
                    bool haveItem = false;
                    peacefulAdjacent = true;
                    c.message.Add("You chat with the " + + ".");

                    int inventoryCount = c.inventory.Count; //Bluh foreach
                    for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < inventoryCount; itemIndex++)
                        Item item = c.inventory[itemIndex]; //There, foreach simulated
                        if ( == qG.wantObject)
                            haveItem = true;
                            c.message.Add(CapitalizeFirst( + ": I see you have a " + qG.wantObject + ". Trade for a " + qG.giveObject + "? (y/n)");
                            Draw(); //Draw this to the screen
                            if (Update_GetKey() == "y")
                                d.inventory.Add(item); //Give away the wanted item

                                int cInventoryCount = c.inventory.Count; //Bluh foreach
                                for (itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < cInventoryCount; itemIndex++)
                                    Item cItem = d.inventory[itemIndex];
                                    c.inventory.Add(cItem); //Recieve giveObject
                                foreach (Item cItem in d.inventory)
                                    if ( == qG.giveObject)

                                qG.CycleWantGiveItem(content.items); //Cycle what s/he wants and what he will give

                                c.message.Add(CapitalizeFirst( + ": You trade your items.");
                                c.message.Add(CapitalizeFirst( + ": Too bad. Come back if you change your mind.");

                    if (!haveItem) //If we don't have the item
                        c.message.Add(CapitalizeFirst( + ": Hello adventurer. If you bring me a " + qG.wantObject + ", I'll give you a " + qG.giveObject + ".");

                    return true; //Talking is not a free action

            if (!peacefulAdjacent)
                if (c.CanAttackMelee(currentLevel, dir) && !peacefulAdjacent)
                    currentLevel = c.MeleeAttack(currentLevel, dir);
                    return true;
                else if (!currentLevel.MoveWillBeBlocked(0, dir))
                    bool moved = c.Move(currentLevel, (int)dir);
                    Update_MapEdge(c); //Check for hitting map edge
                    return moved;

            return false;
Beispiel #14
        static void Update_MapEdge(Creature c)
            if (c.pos.X <= 1)
                Creature player = new Creature(c); //Grab copy of player
                mapPos.X--; //We've gone to the left
                if (mapPos.X == -1)
                    mapPos.X = 99; //Loop around

                Random thisLevelRNG = new Random(levelSeed[mapPos.X, mapPos.Y, mapPos.Z]); //This level's generator
                if (thisLevelRNG.Next(0, 100) < 30)
                    GenLevel("village", true);
                    GenLevel("forest", true);

                player.pos.X = Level.GRIDW - 2; //Now on other end of map
                currentLevel.creatures[0] = player; //Creature 0 is the player
            else if (c.pos.X >= Level.GRIDW - 1)
                Creature player = new Creature(c); //Grab copy of player
                mapPos.X++; //We've gone to the left
                if (mapPos.X == 100)
                    mapPos.X = 0; //Loop around

                Random thisLevelRNG = new Random(levelSeed[mapPos.X, mapPos.Y, mapPos.Z]); //This level's generator
                if (thisLevelRNG.Next(0, 100) < 30)
                    GenLevel("village", true);
                    GenLevel("forest", true);
                player.pos.X = 2; //Now on other end of map
                currentLevel.creatures[0] = player; //Creature 0 is the player
            else if (c.pos.Y <= 1)
                Creature player = new Creature(c); //Grab copy of player
                mapPos.Y--; //We've gone to the left
                if (mapPos.Y == -1)
                    mapPos.Y = 99; //Loop around

                Random thisLevelRNG = new Random(levelSeed[mapPos.X, mapPos.Y, mapPos.Z]); //This level's generator
                if (thisLevelRNG.Next(0, 100) < 30)
                    GenLevel("village", true);
                    GenLevel("forest", true);

                player.pos.Y = Level.GRIDH - 2; //Now on other end of map
                currentLevel.creatures[0] = player; //Creature 0 is the player
            else if (c.pos.Y >= Level.GRIDH - 1)
                Creature player = new Creature(c); //Grab copy of player
                mapPos.Y++; //We've gone to the left
                if (mapPos.X == 100)
                    mapPos.X = 0; //Loop around

                Random thisLevelRNG = new Random(levelSeed[mapPos.X, mapPos.Y, mapPos.Z]); //This level's generator
                if (thisLevelRNG.Next(0, 100) < 30)
                    GenLevel("village", true);
                    GenLevel("forest", true);

                player.pos.Y = 2; //Now on other end of map
                currentLevel.creatures[0] = player; //Creature 0 is the player
Beispiel #15
        static void Update_Hunger(Creature c)
   -= 2; //Hunger

            if ( < 0) //If starving
                currentLevel.causeOfDeath = "organ failure.";
                currentLevel.mannerOfDeath = "you were starving.";
Beispiel #16
 public void FallMultiple(Creature c)
     c.message.Add("IT KEEPS HAPENNING");