public static void Postfix(ref bool __result, ref ScreenDialog __instance, ref CoreInputControlMapping mapping, ref IGameUIComponent triggeredUI, ref InputManager.Controls triggeredMappingID)
            // Check if there's a custom input listener assigned to this dialog. If that is the case, invoke its
            // ApplyScreenInput.
            ICustomDialogInputListener listener = CustomUIManager.GetCustomDialogInputListener(__instance);

            if (listener != null)
                __result = listener.ApplyScreenInput(mapping, triggeredUI, triggeredMappingID);
 public static void Postfix(ref MainMenuScreen __instance)
     // We only need to do this once. In fact, not checking this probably results in the game freezing due
     // to an infinite recursion.
     if (!CustomUIManager.AreTemplatesInitalized())
         // Find the current ScreenManager to access the Settigns Screen and Settings Dialog, as the Settings
         // Dialog contains a lot of UI elements and is helpful in creating templates.
         ScreenManager  screenManager  = Traverse.Create(Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("gameStateManager").GetValue <GameStateManager>()).Field("screenManager").GetValue <ScreenManager>();
         SettingsScreen settingsScreen = (SettingsScreen)screenManager.GetScreen(ScreenName.Settings);
         SettingsDialog settingsDialog = Traverse.Create(settingsScreen).Field("settingsDialog").GetValue <SettingsDialog>();
         // We need to actually open the Settings Dialog in order for the UI elements to initalize correctly.
         // Use the Patch Notes Dialog as a template for custom dialogs
         PatchNotesUI patch          = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("patchNotesDialog").GetValue <PatchNotesUI>();
         ScreenDialog dialogTemplate = Traverse.Create(patch).Field("dialog").GetValue <ScreenDialog>();
         CustomUIManager.InitalizeTemplates(settingsScreen, dialogTemplate, settingsDialog);
         // Pretend that nothing has happend and return to the main menu.