Beispiel #1
 protected void FinaliseOutputs(Step downstream)
     for (int i = 0; i < downstream.WeightedInputs.Length; i++)
         downstream.Output[i] = downstream.CalculateActivation(downstream.WeightedInputs[i]);
Beispiel #2
 protected void FinaliseErrorSecondDerivatives(Step downstream)
     for (int i = 0; i < downstream.ErrorDerivative.Length; i++)
         double weightedInputs = downstream.WeightedInputs[i];
         double activationDerivative = downstream.CalculateActivationDerivative(weightedInputs);
         downstream.ErrorDerivative[i] *= activationDerivative * activationDerivative;
 protected void EstimateBiasSecondDerivative(Step downstream)
     for (int i = 0; i < downstream.Length; i++)
         // Calculating the sum of: second derivatives of error with respect to the bias weight.
         // Note that the bias is implemented as an always-on Neuron with a (the same) weight to the outputs neurons.
         BiasStepSize += downstream.ErrorDerivative[i] * 1.0 * 1.0;
        protected override void TrainCore(Step downstream)
            RectangularStep step = (RectangularStep)downstream;
            Debug.Assert(MapCount == downstream.Upstream.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < MapCount; i++)
                PropogateError(step, i);
        protected override void PreTrainCore(Step downstream)
            RectangularStep step = (RectangularStep)downstream;
            Debug.Assert(MapCount == downstream.Upstream.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < MapCount; i++)
                PropogateUnitSecondDerivatives(step, i);
Beispiel #6
        protected void FinaliseErrorFirstDerivatives(Step downstream)
            // Calculating the dEj/dWij and dEi/dOi both requires a multiplication by the derivative of the activation function,
            // it is done here once so it doesn't need to be done for each individual calculations.

            // This turns dEk/dOk into dEk/dAk by multiplying it by dOk/dAk
            for (int i = 0; i < downstream.ErrorDerivative.Length; i++)
                double weightedInputs = downstream.WeightedInputs[i];
                double activationDerivative = downstream.CalculateActivationDerivative(weightedInputs);
                downstream.ErrorDerivative[i] *= activationDerivative;
Beispiel #7
        protected override void PreTrainCore(Step downstream)
            int inputIndex = 0;
            foreach (Step upstream in downstream.Upstream)
                Debug.Assert(inputIndex + upstream.Length <= InputLength);
                for (int i = 0; i < upstream.Length; i++)
                    // Error second derivative relative to output is constant, as first derivative is 2.0 * (state - desiredState).
                    upstream.ErrorDerivative[inputIndex] = 2.0;

                    inputIndex += 1;
        protected override void PreTrainCore(Step downstream)
            Debug.Assert(InputNeurons % downstream.Upstream.Count == 0);
            int neuronsPerUpstream = InputNeurons / downstream.Upstream.Count;

            int inputNeuron = 0;
            foreach (Step upstream in downstream.Upstream)
                Debug.Assert(upstream.Length == neuronsPerUpstream);

                for (int i = 0; i < neuronsPerUpstream; i++)
                    PropogateSecondDerivatives(downstream, upstream, i, inputNeuron++);
Beispiel #9
        protected void PropogateForward(Step downstream, int output)
            double sumSquaredError = 0;
            int inputIndex = 0;
            int definitionIndex = output * InputLength;
            foreach (Step upstream in downstream.Upstream)
                Debug.Assert(inputIndex + upstream.Length <= InputLength);
                for (int i = 0; i < upstream.Length; i++)
                    double difference = upstream.Output[i] - ClassStateDefinitions[definitionIndex];
                    sumSquaredError += difference * difference;

                    inputIndex += 1;
                    definitionIndex += 1;
            downstream.Output[output] = sumSquaredError;
Beispiel #10
        protected override void TrainCore(Step downstream)
            int inputIndex = 0;
            int definitionIndex = correctClass * InputLength;
            foreach (Step upstream in downstream.Upstream)
                Debug.Assert(inputIndex + upstream.Length <= InputLength);
                for (int i = 0; i < upstream.Length; i++)
                    double desiredState = ClassStateDefinitions[definitionIndex];

                    double firstDerivative = 2.0 * (upstream.Output[inputIndex] - desiredState);
                    upstream.ErrorDerivative[inputIndex] = firstDerivative;

                    inputIndex += 1;
                    definitionIndex += 1;
Beispiel #11
 public override void ProprogateForward(Step downstream)
Beispiel #12
 public override void PreTrain(Step downstream)
Beispiel #13
 public MarkingStep(Step upstream, LeNetConfiguration configuration)
     : this(new[] { upstream }, configuration)
Beispiel #14
 public virtual void ProprogateForward(Step downstream)
Beispiel #15
 public override void ProprogateForward(Step downstream)
Beispiel #16
 public override void Train(Step downstream)
        protected void PropogateError(Step downstream, Step upstream, int upstreamNeuron, int inputNeuron)
            int weightIndex = inputNeuron * OutputNeurons;

            double upstreamState = upstream.Output[upstreamNeuron];

            double inputError = 0.0;
            for (int output = 0; output < OutputNeurons; output++)
                double downstreamErrorDerivative = downstream.ErrorDerivative[output];

                // Calculate inputs error gradient by taking the sum, for all outputs of
                // dEk/dAj multiplied by dAj/dOj (w/sum =dEj/dOj);
                inputError += (downstreamErrorDerivative * Weight[weightIndex]);

                // Calculate the Weight's first derivative with respect to the error
                double weightErrorGradient = downstreamErrorDerivative * upstreamState;
                double deltaWeight = WeightStepSize[weightIndex] * weightErrorGradient;
                Weight[weightIndex] -= deltaWeight;

                weightIndex += 1;
            upstream.ErrorDerivative[upstreamNeuron] = inputError;
        protected override void TrainCore(Step downstream)
            Debug.Assert(InputNeurons % downstream.Upstream.Count == 0);
            int neuronsPerUpstream = InputNeurons / downstream.Upstream.Count;

            int inputNeuron = 0;
            foreach (Step upstream in downstream.Upstream)
                Debug.Assert(upstream.Length == neuronsPerUpstream);
                for (int i = 0; i < neuronsPerUpstream; i++)
                    PropogateError(downstream, upstream, i, inputNeuron++);
Beispiel #19
 protected abstract void PropogateForwardCore(Step step);
        protected void PropogateSecondDerivatives(Step downstream, Step upstream, int upstreamNeuron, int inputNeuron)
            int weightIndex = inputNeuron * OutputNeurons;

            double upstreamState = upstream.Output[upstreamNeuron];
            double upstreamErrorSecondDerivative = 0.0;

            for (int output = 0; output < OutputNeurons; output++)
                double downstreamErrorSecondDerivative = downstream.ErrorDerivative[output]; // (d^2)E/(dAj)^2, where Aj is the sum of inputs to this downstream unit.

                // Here we calculate (d^2)Ej/(dWij)^2 by multiplying the 2nd derivative of E with respect to the sum of inputs, Aj
                // by the state of Oi, the upstream unit, squared. Refer to Equation 25 in document.
                // The summing happening here is described by equation 23.
                double weight2ndDerivative = downstreamErrorSecondDerivative * upstreamState * upstreamState;

                WeightStepSize[weightIndex] = weight2ndDerivative;

                double weight = Weight[weightIndex];

                // This is implementing the last sigma of Equation 27.
                // This propogates error second derivatives back to previous layer, but will need to be multiplied by the second derivative
                // of the activation function at the previous layer.
                upstreamErrorSecondDerivative += weight * weight * downstreamErrorSecondDerivative;

                weightIndex += 1;


            upstream.ErrorDerivative[upstreamNeuron] += upstreamErrorSecondDerivative;
        protected override void PropogateForwardCore(Step downstream)
            Debug.Assert(InputNeurons % downstream.Upstream.Count == 0);
            int neuronsPerUpstream = InputNeurons / downstream.Upstream.Count;

            int inputIndex = 0;
            foreach (Step upstream in downstream.Upstream)
                Debug.Assert(inputIndex + upstream.Length <= InputNeurons);

                for (int i = 0; i < neuronsPerUpstream; i++)
                    PropogateForward(downstream, upstream, i, inputIndex++);
        protected void PropogateForward(Step downstream, Step upstream, int upstreamNeuron, int inputNeuron)
            int weightIndex = inputNeuron * OutputNeurons;

            double upstreamNeuronOutput = upstream.Output[upstreamNeuron];
            double weightedSum = Bias;
            for (int o = 0; o < OutputNeurons; o++)
                downstream.WeightedInputs[o] += upstreamNeuronOutput * Weight[weightIndex++];
Beispiel #23
        protected override void PropogateForwardCore(Step downstream)
            Debug.Assert(downstream.Upstream.Count == 1);

            for (int o = 0; o < ClassCount; o++)
                PropogateForward(downstream, o);
Beispiel #24
 public StepSnapshot(Step step, int width)
     this.Step = step;
     OutputSnapshot = new double[step.Output.Length];
     Width = width;
Beispiel #25
 public virtual void PreTrain(Step step)
     PreTrainingSamples += 1;
Beispiel #26
 public MarkingStep(Step upstream, LeNetConfiguration configuration)
     : this(new[] { upstream }, configuration)
Beispiel #27
 public virtual void Train(Step downstream)
Beispiel #28
 public override void Train(Step downstream)
Beispiel #29
 protected abstract void TrainCore(Step downstream);
Beispiel #30
 public override void PreTrain(Step downstream)