/// <summary>Creates a <see cref="PrimaryKeyItem"/> to represent the <see cref="PrimaryKey"/> from the search
 /// result.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual PrimaryKeyItem CreateResultItem(PrimaryKey key)
   PrimaryKeyItem item = new PrimaryKeyItem(key, PGPUI.GetKeyName(key));
   item.SubItems.Add(key.Revoked ? "Revoked" : key.Expired ? "Expired" : "Valid");
   if(key.Revoked || key.Expired) item.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
   return item;
Beispiel #2
  /// <summary>Initializes this form with the subkeys to revoke.</summary>
  public void Initialize(Subkey[] subkeys)
    if(subkeys == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();

    foreach(Subkey key in subkeys) keyList.Items.Add(PGPUI.GetKeyName(key));

    btnOK.Enabled = rbDirect.Enabled = subkeys.Length != 0;
    if(rbDirect.Enabled) rbDirect.Checked = true;

    rbIndirect.Enabled = revokingKeys.Enabled = false;
  void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string defaultFilename = PGPUI.MakeSafeFilename("revoke " + PGPUI.GetKeyName(keyToRevoke) + ".txt");

    SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
    sfd.DefaultExt      = ".txt";
    sfd.FileName        = defaultFilename;
    sfd.Filter          = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|ASCII Files (*.asc)|*.asc|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
    sfd.OverwritePrompt = true;
    sfd.Title           = "Save Revocation Certificate";
    sfd.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = true;
    if(sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) txtFile.Text = sfd.FileName;
Beispiel #4
  /// <summary>Initializes this form with the given designated revoker key, and a list of keys owned by the user that
  /// can be selected to be revocable by the revoker key.
  /// </summary>
  public void Initialize(PrimaryKey revokerKey, PrimaryKey[] ownedKeys)
    if(revokerKey == null || ownedKeys == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();

    lblRevokingKey.Text = "You are making this key a designated revoker:\n" + PGPUI.GetKeyName(revokerKey);

    foreach(PrimaryKey key in ownedKeys)
      if(key == null) throw new ArgumentException("A key was null.");
      this.ownedKeys.Items.Add(new KeyItem(key));

    btnOK.Enabled = this.ownedKeys.Items.Count != 0;
    if(this.ownedKeys.Items.Count != 0) this.ownedKeys.SelectedIndex = 0;
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>Initializes a new <see cref="KeyItem"/> with the given key.</summary>
 public KeyItem(PrimaryKey key) : base(key, PGPUI.GetKeyName(key)) { }
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>Creates the <see cref="PrimaryKeyItem"/> used to display the given key.</summary>
 protected virtual PrimaryKeyItem CreatePrimaryKeyItem(PrimaryKey key)
   if(key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
   return new PrimaryKeyItem(key, PGPUI.GetKeyName(key));
 /// <summary>Initializes this form with the public key whose signatures will be displayed.</summary>
 public void Initialize(PrimaryKey publicKey)
   if(publicKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
   Text = lblDescription.Text = "Key Signatures for " + PGPUI.GetKeyName(publicKey);
  /// <summary>Initializes this form with the key for which the revocation certificate will be generated, and a list of
  /// keys for which the user has the secret key, which could possibly serve as designated revokers.
  /// </summary>
  public void Initialize(PrimaryKey keyToRevoke, PrimaryKey[] ownedKeys)
    if(keyToRevoke == null || ownedKeys == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();

    rbDirect.Enabled = Array.IndexOf(ownedKeys, keyToRevoke) != -1;

    foreach(PrimaryKey key in ownedKeys)
      if(key == null) throw new ArgumentException("A key was null.");
        revokingKeys.Items.Add(new KeyItem(key));

    rbIndirect.Enabled = revokingKeys.Items.Count != 0;
    if(revokingKeys.Items.Count != 0) revokingKeys.SelectedIndex = 0;

    if(rbDirect.Enabled) rbDirect.Checked = true;
    else if(rbIndirect.Enabled) rbIndirect.Checked = true;
    else rbDirect.Checked = rbIndirect.Checked = false;

    btnOK.Enabled = rbDirect.Enabled || rbIndirect.Enabled;

    lblRevokedKey.Text = btnOK.Enabled ? "The certificate will be generated for:\n" + PGPUI.GetKeyName(keyToRevoke)
      : "You cannot generate the certificate because you do not have its secret key or the secret key of a "+
        "designated revoker.";

    this.keyToRevoke = keyToRevoke;