Beispiel #1
        // The ViewDidLoad() method is called when the view is first requested by the application.
        // The "async" keyword is added here to the override in order to allow other awaited async method calls inside the override to be called ascynchronously.
        public override async void ViewDidLoad()

            // tell the table view source to load the data
            await _AcquaintanceTableViewSource.LoadAcquaintances();


            // override the back button text for AcquaintanceDetailViewController (the navigated-to view controller)
            NavigationItem.BackBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem("List", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, null);
        // The ViewDidLoad() method is called when the view is first requested by the application.
        // The "async" keyword is added here to the override in order to allow other awaited async method calls inside the override to be called ascynchronously.
        public override async void ViewDidLoad()

            // tell the table view source to load the data
            await _AcquaintanceTableViewSource.LoadAcquaintances();

Beispiel #3
        async Task RefreshAcquaintances()
            // ! flag to indicate how this refresh command was instantiated.
            bool triggeredByPullToRefresh = false;

            // Store the original offset of the TableView.
            var originalOffset = new CGPoint(TableView.ContentOffset.X, TableView.ContentOffset.Y);

            // If
            if (RefreshControl.Refreshing)
                triggeredByPullToRefresh = true;

                // If this refresh has not been started by a pull-to-refresh UI action, then we need to manually set the tableview offset to SHOW the refresh indicator.
                if (!triggeredByPullToRefresh)
                    TableView.SetContentOffset(new CGPoint(originalOffset.X, originalOffset.Y - RefreshControl.Frame.Size.Height), true);

                // Starts animating the refreshing indicator, and sets its Refreshing property to true.

                // request the TableViewSource to load acquaintances
                await _AcquaintanceTableViewSource.LoadAcquaintances();

                // Tell the TableView to update its UI (reload the cells) because the TableViewSource has updated.
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Error getting acquaintances: {ex.Message}");

                // present an alert about the failure
                using (var alert = new UIAlertView("Error getting acquaintances", "Ensure you have a network connection, and that a valid backend service URL is present in the app settings.", null, "OK"))
                // Starts animating the refreshing indicator, and sets its Refreshing property to false.

                // If this refresh has not been started by a pull-to-refresh UI action, then we need to manually set the tableview offset to HIDE the refresh indicator.
                if (!triggeredByPullToRefresh)
                    TableView.SetContentOffset(originalOffset, true);