public void learn_precomputed()
            #region doc_precomputed
            // As an example, we will try to learn a decision machine 
            // that can replicate the "exclusive-or" logical function:

            double[][] inputs =
                new double[] { 0, 0 }, // the XOR function takes two booleans
                new double[] { 0, 1 }, // and computes their exclusive or: the
                new double[] { 1, 0 }, // output is true only if the two booleans
                new double[] { 1, 1 }  // are different

            int[] xor = // this is the output of the xor function
                0, // 0 xor 0 = 0 (inputs are equal)
                1, // 0 xor 1 = 1 (inputs are different)
                1, // 1 xor 0 = 1 (inputs are different)
                0, // 1 xor 1 = 0 (inputs are equal)

            // Let's use a Gaussian kernel
            var kernel = new Gaussian(0.1);

            // Create a pre-computed Gaussian kernel matrix
            var precomputed = new Precomputed(kernel.ToJagged(inputs));

            // Now, we can create the sequential minimal optimization teacher
            var learn = new SequentialMinimalOptimization<Precomputed, int>()
                Kernel = precomputed // set the precomputed kernel we created

            // And then we can obtain the SVM by using Learn
            var svm = learn.Learn(precomputed.Indices, xor);

            // Finally, we can obtain the decisions predicted by the machine:
            bool[] prediction = svm.Decide(precomputed.Indices);

            // We can also compute the machine prediction to new samples
            double[][] sample =
                new double[] { 0, 1 } 

            // Update the precomputed kernel with the new samples
            precomputed = new Precomputed(kernel.ToJagged2(inputs, sample));

            // Update the SVM kernel
            svm.Kernel = precomputed;

            // Compute the predictions to the new samples
            bool[] newPrediction = svm.Decide(precomputed.Indices);

            Assert.AreEqual(prediction, Classes.Decide(xor));
            Assert.AreEqual(newPrediction.Length, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(newPrediction[0], true);
        public void multiclass_precomputed_matrix_smo()
            #region doc_precomputed
            // Let's say we have the following data to be classified
            // into three possible classes. Those are the samples:
            double[][] trainInputs =
                //               input         output
                new double[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, //  0 
                new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, //  0
                new double[] { 0, 0, 1, 0 }, //  0
                new double[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, //  0
                new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, //  0
                new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, //  1
                new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, //  1
                new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, //  1
                new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, //  1
                new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, //  1
                new double[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, //  2
                new double[] { 1, 0, 1, 1 }, //  2
                new double[] { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, //  2
                new double[] { 0, 1, 1, 1 }, //  2
                new double[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, //  2

            int[] trainOutputs = // those are the training set class labels
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                2, 2, 2, 2, 2,

            // Let's chose a kernel function
            Polynomial kernel = new Polynomial(2);

            // Get the kernel matrix for the training set
            double[][] K = kernel.ToJagged(trainInputs);

            // Create a pre-computed kernel
            var pre  = new Precomputed(K);

            // Create a one-vs-one learning algorithm using SMO
            var teacher = new MulticlassSupportVectorLearning<Precomputed, int>()
                Learner = (p) => new SequentialMinimalOptimization<Precomputed, int>()
                    Kernel = pre

            teacher.ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;

            // Learn a machine
            var machine = teacher.Learn(pre.Indices, trainOutputs);

            // Compute the machine's prediction for the training set
            int[] trainPrediction = machine.Decide(pre.Indices);

            // Evaluate prediction error for the training set using mean accuracy (mAcc)
            double trainingError = new ZeroOneLoss(trainOutputs).Loss(trainPrediction);

            // Now let's compute the machine's prediction for a test set
            double[][] testInputs = // test-set inputs
                //               input         output
                new double[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, //  0 
                new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, //  0
                new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, //  1
                new double[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, //  2

            int[] testOutputs = // those are the test set class labels
                0, 0,  1,  2, 

            // Compute precomputed matrix between train and testing
            pre.Values = kernel.ToJagged2(trainInputs, testInputs);

            // Update the kernel
            machine.Kernel = pre;

            // Compute the machine's prediction for the test set
            int[] testPrediction = machine.Decide(pre.Indices);

            // Evaluate prediction error for the training set using mean accuracy (mAcc)
            double testError = new ZeroOneLoss(testOutputs).Loss(testPrediction);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, trainingError);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, testError);

            // Create a one-vs-one learning algorithm using SMO
            var teacher2 = new MulticlassSupportVectorLearning<Polynomial>()
                Learner = (p) => new SequentialMinimalOptimization<Polynomial>()
                    Kernel = kernel

            teacher.ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;

            // Learn a machine
            var expected = teacher2.Learn(trainInputs, trainOutputs);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, expected.NumberOfInputs);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, expected.NumberOfOutputs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, machine.NumberOfInputs);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, machine.NumberOfOutputs);

            var machines = Enumerable.Zip(machine, expected, (a,b) => Tuple.Create(a.Value, b.Value));

            foreach (var pair in machines)
                var a = pair.Item1;
                var e = pair.Item2;

                Assert.AreEqual(0, a.NumberOfInputs);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, a.NumberOfOutputs);

                Assert.AreEqual(4, e.NumberOfInputs);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, e.NumberOfOutputs);
