Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTree&lt;T&gt;"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimension">The number of dimensions in the tree.</param>
 /// <param name="root">The root node, if already existent.</param>
 /// <param name="count">The number of elements in the root node.</param>
 /// <param name="leaves">The number of leaves linked through the root node.</param>
 public KDTree(int dimension, KDTreeNode <T> root, int count, int leaves)
     : this(dimension)
     this.root   = root;
     this.count  = count;
     this.leaves = leaves;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Attempts to add a value to the collection. If the list is full
        ///   and the value is more distant than the farthest node in the
        ///   collection, the value will not be added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The node to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The node distance.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the node has been added; false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool AddFarthest(KDTreeNode <T> value, double distance)
            // The list does have a limit. We have to check if the list
            // is already full or not, to see if we can discard or keep
            // the point

            if (count < Capacity)
                // The list still has room for new elements.
                // Just add the value at the right position.

                add(distance, value);

                return(true); // a value has been added

            // The list is at its maximum capacity. Check if the value
            // to be added is farther than the current nearest point.

            if (distance > range.Min)
                // Yes, it is farther. Remove the previous nearest point
                // and insert this new one at an appropriate position to
                // keep the list ordered.


                add(distance, value);

                return(true); // a value has been added

            // The value is even closer
            return(false); // discard it
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Adds the specified item to the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance from the node to the query point.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be added.</param>
        private void add(double distance, KDTreeNode <T> item)
            List <KDTreeNode <T> > position;

            if (!positions.TryGetValue(distance, out position))
                positions.Add(distance, position = new List <KDTreeNode <T> >());


            if (count == 0)
                range.Max = range.Min = distance;

                if (distance > range.Max)
                    range.Max = distance;
                if (distance < range.Min)
                    range.Min = distance;

        /// <summary>
        ///   Breadth-first tree traversal method.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerator <KDTreeNode <T> > BreadthFirst <T>(KDTree <T> tree)
            if (tree.Root == null)
                yield break;

            var queue = new Queue <KDTreeNode <T> >(new[] { tree.Root });

            while (queue.Count != 0)
                KDTreeNode <T> current = queue.Dequeue();

                yield return(current);

                if (current.Left != null)

                if (current.Right != null)
        /// <summary>
        ///   Pre-order tree traversal method.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerator <KDTreeNode <T> > PreOrder <T>(KDTree <T> tree)
            if (tree.Root == null)
                yield break;

            var stack = new Stack <KDTreeNode <T> >();

            KDTreeNode <T> current = tree.Root;

            while (stack.Count != 0 || current != null)
                if (current != null)
                    yield return(current);

                    current = current.Left;
                    current = stack.Pop();
                    current = current.Right;
Beispiel #6
        private bool approximate(KDTreeNode <T> current, double[] position,
                                 KDTreeNodeCollection <T> list, int maxLeaves, ref int visited)
            // Compute distance from this node to the point
            double d = distance(position, current.Position);

            list.Add(current, d);

            if (++visited > maxLeaves)

            // Check for leafs on the opposite sides of
            // the subtrees to nearest possible neighbors.

            // Prepare for recursion. The following null checks
            // will be used to avoid function calls if possible

            double value  = position[current.Axis];
            double median = current.Position[current.Axis];
            double u      = value - median;

            if (u <= 0)
                if (current.Left != null)
                    if (approximate(current.Left, position, list, maxLeaves, ref visited))

                if (current.Right != null && Math.Abs(u) <= list.Maximum)
                    if (approximate(current.Right, position, list, maxLeaves, ref visited))
                if (current.Right != null)
                    approximate(current.Right, position, list, maxLeaves, ref visited);

                if (current.Left != null && Math.Abs(u) <= list.Maximum)
                    if (approximate(current.Left, position, list, maxLeaves, ref visited))

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns an enumerator that iterates through the tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///   An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerator <KDTreeNode <T> > GetEnumerator()
            if (root == null)
                yield break;

            var stack = new Stack <KDTreeNode <T> >(new[] { root });

            while (stack.Count != 0)
                KDTreeNode <T> current = stack.Pop();

                yield return(current);

                if (current.Left != null)

                if (current.Right != null)
Beispiel #8
        private void insert(ref KDTreeNode <T> node, double[] position, T value, int depth)
            if (node == null)
                // Base case: node is null
                node = new KDTreeNode <T>()
                    Axis     = depth % dimensions,
                    Position = position,
                    Value    = value
                // Recursive case: keep looking for a position to insert

                int newIndex = depth % dimensions; // with this, each depth of
                // the tree will operate on one of the dimensions of the data

                if (position[node.Axis] < node.Position[node.Axis])
                    KDTreeNode <T> child = node.Left;
                    insert(ref child, position, value, depth + 1);
                    node.Left = child;
                    KDTreeNode <T> child = node.Right;
                    insert(ref child, position, value, depth + 1);
                    node.Right = child;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates the root node for a new <see cref="KDTree{T}"/> given
        ///   a set of data points and their respective stored values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">The data points to be inserted in the tree.</param>
        /// <param name="values">The values associated with each point.</param>
        /// <param name="leaves">Return the number of leaves in the root subtree.</param>
        /// <param name="inPlace">Whether the given <paramref name="points"/> vector
        ///   can be ordered in place. Passing true will change the original order of
        ///   the vector. If set to false, all operations will be performed on an extra
        ///   copy of the vector.</param>
        /// <returns>The root node for a new <see cref="KDTree{T}"/>
        ///   contained the given <paramref name="points"/>.</returns>
        protected static KDTreeNode<T> CreateRoot(double[][] points, T[] values, bool inPlace, out int leaves)
            // Initial argument checks for creating the tree
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");

            if (values != null && points.Length != values.Length)
                throw new DimensionMismatchException("values");

            if (!inPlace)
                points = (double[][])points.Clone();

                if (values != null)
                    values = (T[])values.Clone();

            leaves = 0;

            int dimensions = points[0].Length;

            // Create a comparer to compare individual array
            // elements at specified positions when sorting
            ElementComparer comparer = new ElementComparer();

            // Call the recursive algorithm to operate on the whole array (from 0 to points.Length)
            KDTreeNode<T> root = create(points, values, 0, dimensions, 0, points.Length, comparer, ref leaves);

            // Create and return the newly formed tree
            return root;
Beispiel #10
        private void insert(ref KDTreeNode <T> node, double[] position, T value, int depth)
            if (node == null)
                // Base case: node is null
                node = new KDTreeNode <T>()
                    Axis     = depth % dimensions,
                    Position = position,
                    Value    = value
                // Recursive case: keep looking for a position to insert

                if (position[node.Axis] < node.Position[node.Axis])
                    KDTreeNode <T> child = node.Left;
                    insert(ref child, position, value, depth + 1);
                    node.Left = child;
                    KDTreeNode <T> child = node.Right;
                    insert(ref child, position, value, depth + 1);
                    node.Right = child;
Beispiel #11
        private void nearest(KDTreeNode <T> current, double[] position, KDTreeNodeCollection <T> list)
            // Compute distance from this node to the point
            double d = distance(position, current.Position);

            if (current.IsLeaf)
                // Base: node is leaf
                list.Add(current, d);
                // Check for leafs on the opposite sides of
                // the subtrees to nearest possible neighbors.

                // Prepare for recursion. The following null checks
                // will be used to avoid function calls if possible

                double value  = position[current.Axis];
                double median = current.Position[current.Axis];
                double u      = (value - median);

                if (u < 0)
                    if (current.Left != null)
                        nearest(current.Left, position, list);

                    list.Add(current, d);

                    if (current.Right != null)
                        if ((u * u) < list.Distance.Max)
                            nearest(current.Right, position, list);
                    if (current.Right != null)
                        nearest(current.Right, position, list);

                    list.Add(current, d);

                    if (current.Left != null)
                        if ((u * u) < list.Distance.Max)
                            nearest(current.Left, position, list);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        ///   Retrieves a fixed point of nearest points to a given point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The queried point.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance from the <paramref name="position"/>
        ///   to its nearest neighbor found in the tree.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of neighbor points, ordered by distance.</returns>
        public KDTreeNode<T> Nearest(double[] position, out double distance)
            KDTreeNode<T> result = root;
            distance = Distance.Distance(root.Position, position);

            nearest(root, position, ref result, ref distance);

            return result;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        ///   Adds the specified item to the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance from the node to the query point.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be added.</param>
        private void add(double distance, KDTreeNode <T> item)
            positions[count] = item;
            distances[count] = distance;

            // Ensure it is in the right place.
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        ///   Retrieves a fixed point of nearest points to a given point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">The queried point.</param>
        /// <param name="percentage">The maximum percentage of leaf nodes that
        /// can be visited before the search finishes with an approximate answer.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance between the query point and its nearest neighbor.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of neighbor points, ordered by distance.</returns>
        public KDTreeNode<T> ApproximateNearest(double[] position, double percentage, out double distance)
            KDTreeNode<T> result = root;
            distance = Distance.Distance(root.Position, position);

            int maxLeaves = (int)(leaves * percentage);

            int visited = 0;
            approximateNearest(root, position, ref result, ref distance, maxLeaves, ref visited);

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Post-order tree traversal method.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerator <KDTreeNode <T> > PostOrder <T>(KDTree <T> tree)
            if (tree.Root == null)
                yield break;

            var stack = new Stack <KDTreeNode <T> >(new[] { tree.Root });

            KDTreeNode <T> previous = tree.Root;

            while (stack.Count != 0)
                KDTreeNode <T> current = stack.Peek();

                if (previous == current || previous.Left == current || previous.Right == current)
                    if (current.Left != null)
                    else if (current.Right != null)
                        yield return(stack.Pop());
                else if (current.Left == previous)
                    if (current.Right != null)
                        yield return(stack.Pop());
                else if (current.Right == previous)
                    yield return(stack.Pop());
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                previous = current;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTree&lt;T&gt;"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimension">The number of dimensions in the tree.</param>
        /// <param name="root">The root node, if already existent.</param>
        public KDTree(int dimension, KDTreeNode<T> root)
            : this(dimension)
            this.root = root;

            foreach (var node in this)

                if (node.IsLeaf)
Beispiel #17
        private void find(KDTreeNode <T> current, double[] position,
                          double radius, ICollection <KDTreeNodeDistance <T> > list)
            // Check if the distance of the point from this
            // node is within the desired radius, and if it
            // is, add to the list of nearest nodes.

            double d = distance(position, current.Position);

            if (d <= radius)
                list.Add(new KDTreeNodeDistance <T>(current, d));

            // Prepare for recursion. The following null checks
            // will be used to avoid function calls if possible

            double value  = position[current.Axis];
            double median = current.Position[current.Axis];

            if (value < median)
                if (current.Left != null)
                    find(current.Left, position, radius, list);

                if (current.Right != null)
                    if (Math.Abs(value - median) <= radius)
                        find(current.Right, position, radius, list);
                if (current.Right != null)
                    find(current.Right, position, radius, list);

                if (current.Left != null)
                    if (Math.Abs(value - median) <= radius)
                        find(current.Left, position, radius, list);
Beispiel #18
        private bool approximateNearest(KDTreeNode<T> current, double[] position,
           ref KDTreeNode<T> match, ref double minDistance, int maxLeaves, ref int visited)
            // Compute distance from this node to the point
            double d = distance.Distance(position, current.Position);

            // Base: node is leaf
            if (d < minDistance)
                minDistance = d;
                match = current;

            if (++visited > maxLeaves)
                return true;

            // Check for leafs on the opposite sides of 
            // the subtrees to nearest possible neighbors.

            // Prepare for recursion. The following null checks
            // will be used to avoid function calls if possible

            double value = position[current.Axis];
            double median = current.Position[current.Axis];
            double u = value - median;

            if (u <= 0)
                if (current.Left != null)
                    if (approximateNearest(current.Left, position, ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited))
                        return true;

                if (current.Right != null && Math.Abs(u) <= minDistance)
                    if (approximateNearest(current.Right, position, ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited))
                        return true;
                if (current.Right != null)
                    approximateNearest(current.Right, position,
                        ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited);

                if (current.Left != null && Math.Abs(u) <= minDistance)
                    if (approximateNearest(current.Left, position, ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited))
                        return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #19
        private static KDTreeNode <T> create(double[][] points, T[] values,
                                             int depth, int k, int start, int length, ElementComparer comparer, ref int leaves)
            if (length <= 0)

            // We will be doing sorting in place
            int axis = comparer.Index = depth % k;

            Array.Sort(points, values, start, length, comparer);

            // Middle of the input section
            int half = start + length / 2;

            // Start and end of the left branch
            int leftStart  = start;
            int leftLength = half - start;

            // Start and end of the right branch
            int rightStart  = half + 1;
            int rightLength = length - length / 2 - 1;

            // The median will be located halfway in the sorted array
            var median = points[half];
            var value  = values != null ? values[half] : default(T);


            // Continue with the recursion, passing the appropriate left and right array sections
            KDTreeNode <T> left  = create(points, values, depth, k, leftStart, leftLength, comparer, ref leaves);
            KDTreeNode <T> right = create(points, values, depth, k, rightStart, rightLength, comparer, ref leaves);

            if (left == null && right == null)

            // Backtrack and create
            return(new KDTreeNode <T>()
                Axis = axis,
                Position = median,
                Value = value,
                Left = left,
                Right = right,
Beispiel #20
        private void nearest(KDTreeNode <T> current, double[] position, ref KDTreeNode <T> match, ref double minDistance)
            // Compute distance from this node to the point
            double d = distance(position, current.Position);

            if (d < minDistance)
                minDistance = d;
                match       = current;

            // Check for leafs on the opposite sides of
            // the subtrees to nearest possible neighbors.

            // Prepare for recursion. The following null checks
            // will be used to avoid function calls if possible

            double value  = position[current.Axis];
            double median = current.Position[current.Axis];
            double u      = value - median;

            if (u <= 0)
                if (current.Left != null)
                    nearest(current.Left, position, ref match, ref minDistance);

                if (current.Right != null && u <= minDistance)
                    nearest(current.Right, position, ref match, ref minDistance);
                if (current.Right != null)
                    nearest(current.Right, position, ref match, ref minDistance);

                if (current.Left != null && u <= minDistance)
                    nearest(current.Left, position, ref match, ref minDistance);
Beispiel #21
        internal static KDTree <T> FromData(double[][] points, T[] values, Func <double[], double[], double> distance)
            // Initial argument checks for creating the tree
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");

            if (distance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("distance");

            if (values != null && points.Length != values.Length)
                throw new DimensionMismatchException("values");

            int dimensions = points[0].Length;

            // Create a comparer to compare individual array
            // elements at specified positions when sorting
            ElementComparer comparer = new ElementComparer();

            // Since all sorting will be done in-place, we
            // will register the original order of values
            int[] idx = Matrix.Indices(0, points.Length);

            // Call the recursive algorithm to operate on the whole array (from 0 to points.Length)
            KDTreeNode <T> root = create(points, idx, values, 0, dimensions, 0, points.Length, comparer);

            // Restore the original ordering
            Array.Sort(idx, points);

            // Create and return the newly formed tree
            KDTree <T> tree = new KDTree <T>(dimensions);

            tree.root     = root;
            tree.count    = points.Length;
            tree.distance = distance;
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTree&lt;Object&gt;"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimension">The number of dimensions in the tree.</param>
 /// <param name="root">The root node, if already existent.</param>
 /// <param name="count">The number of elements in the root node.</param>
 /// <param name="leaves">The number of leaves linked through the root node.</param>
 public KDTree(int dimension, KDTreeNode <Object> root, int count, int leaves)
     : base(dimension, root, count, leaves)
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTree&lt;Object&gt;"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimension">The number of dimensions in the tree.</param>
 /// <param name="root">The root node, if already existent.</param>
 public KDTree(int dimension, KDTreeNode <Object> root)
     : base(dimension, root)
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTree&lt;Object&gt;"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimension">The number of dimensions in the tree.</param>
 /// <param name="root">The root node, if already existent.</param>
 public KDTree(int dimension, KDTreeNode root)
     : base(dimension, root)
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 ///   Removes all nodes from this tree.
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
     this.root = null;
Beispiel #26
        private bool approximateNearest(KDTreeNode <T> current, double[] position,
                                        ref KDTreeNode <T> match, ref double minDistance, int maxLeaves, ref int visited)
            // Compute distance from this node to the point
            double d = distance(position, current.Position);

            if (current.IsLeaf)
                // Base: node is leaf
                if (d < minDistance)
                    minDistance = d;
                    match       = current;


                if (visited > maxLeaves)
                // Check for leafs on the opposite sides of
                // the subtrees to nearest possible neighbors.

                // Prepare for recursion. The following null checks
                // will be used to avoid function calls if possible

                double value  = position[current.Axis];
                double median = current.Position[current.Axis];
                double u      = (value - median);

                if (value < median)
                    if (current.Left != null)
                        if (approximateNearest(current.Left, position,
                                               ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited))

                    if (u < 0)
                        minDistance = d;
                        match       = current;

                    if (current.Right != null)
                        if ((u * u) < minDistance)
                            if (approximateNearest(current.Right, position,
                                                   ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited))
                    if (current.Right != null)
                        approximateNearest(current.Right, position,
                                           ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited);

                    if (d < minDistance)
                        minDistance = d;
                        match       = current;

                    if (current.Left != null)
                        if ((u * u) < minDistance)
                            if (approximateNearest(current.Left, position,
                                                   ref match, ref minDistance, maxLeaves, ref visited))

Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTree&lt;T&gt;"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dimension">The number of dimensions in the tree.</param>
 /// <param name="root">The root node, if already existent.</param>
 public KDTree(int dimension, KDTreeNode <T> root)
     : this(dimension)
     this.root = root;
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates a new <see cref="KDTreeNodeDistance&lt;T&gt;"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node value.</param>
 /// <param name="distance">The distance value.</param>
 public KDTreeNodeDistance(KDTreeNode <T> node, double distance)
     this.node     = node;
     this.distance = distance;