Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult Create()
            Ticket model = new Ticket();
            model.DueDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(10);
            model.HoursToComplete = 1;
            UserRolesHelper helper = new UserRolesHelper();
            var id = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var roles = helper.ListUserRoles(id);
            var highest = helper.GetHighestRole(id);
            ViewBag.HighestUserRole = highest;

            // Do this in every GET action...
            var uModel = ProjectsHelper.LoadUserModel();
            ViewBag.UserModel = uModel;

            // If user is Submitter only (or has no role), don't allow Skill, Due Date, or HoursToComplete to show
            ViewBag.BaseOptionsOnly = (roles == null || ((roles.Count == 1) && (roles[0] == R.Submitter))) ? true : false;

            // If Admin, allow to select Developer when creating the ticket
            if (uModel.IsAdmin || uModel.IsPM)
                var roleDev = db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == R.Developer);
                ViewBag.CanAssignDeveloper = true;
                if (roleDev != null)
                    ViewBag.AssignedToDevId =
                        new SelectList(db.Users
                            .Where(d => d.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RoleId == roleDev.Id) != null), "Id", "UserName");
                else ViewBag.AssignedToDevId = Enumerable.Empty<SelectListItem>();
                ViewBag.AssignedToDevId = Enumerable.Empty<SelectListItem>();
                ViewBag.CanAssignDeveloper = false;

            ViewBag.OwnerUserId = new SelectList(db.Users, "Id", "FirstName");
            ViewBag.ProjectId = new SelectList(db.Projects, "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.SkillRequiredId = new SelectList(db.SkillLevels, "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.TicketPriorityId = new SelectList(db.TicketPriorities, "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.TicketStatusId = new SelectList(db.TicketStatuses, "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.TicketTypeId = new SelectList(db.TicketTypes, "Id", "Name");
            return View(model);
Beispiel #2
 public static void Notify(ApplicationDbContext db, Ticket ticket, DateTimeOffset date, EType type)
     // Create new object, init fields and save
     TicketNotification tn = new TicketNotification();
     // Don't need to create notification if the Developer is same as the User who generated the event
     if (ticket.AssignedToDevId != null)
         if (ticket.AssignedToDevId != ticket.OwnerUserId)
             tn.TicketId = ticket.Id;
             tn.UserId = ticket.AssignedToDevId;
             tn.Type = type;
             tn.Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
Beispiel #3
 private void CreateHistoryElement(ApplicationDbContext db, DateTimeOffset date,
         Prop prop, Ticket origTicket, string oldVal, string newVal)
     TicketHistory history = new TicketHistory();
     history.TicketId = origTicket.Id;
     history.TypeProperty = prop;
     history.OldValue = oldVal;
     history.NewValue = newVal;
     history.UserId = new UserRolesHelper().GetCurrentUserId();
Beispiel #4
 private bool CheckProperties(ApplicationDbContext db, DateTimeOffset date, 
         Prop prop, Ticket origTicket, string oldVal, string newVal)
     if (oldVal != newVal){
         CreateHistoryElement(db, date, prop, origTicket, oldVal, newVal);
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #5
        public DateTimeOffset WasChanged(ApplicationDbContext db, Ticket origTicket)
            // Compare each field of 'this' with 'origTicket'. If any field changed,
            //   create History record and copy the new value to origTicket

            // Something could have changed, so this is the date to store in each record
            DateTimeOffset date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            bool changed = false;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.ProjectId, origTicket, origTicket.ProjectId, this.ProjectId))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.ProjectId = this.ProjectId;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.TicketTypeId, origTicket, origTicket.TicketTypeId, this.TicketTypeId))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.TicketTypeId = this.TicketTypeId;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.TicketPriorityId, origTicket, origTicket.TicketPriorityId, this.TicketPriorityId))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.TicketPriorityId = this.TicketPriorityId;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.TicketStatusId, origTicket, origTicket.TicketStatusId, this.TicketStatusId))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.TicketStatusId = this.TicketStatusId;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.SkillRequiredId, origTicket, origTicket.SkillRequiredId, this.SkillRequiredId))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.SkillRequiredId = this.SkillRequiredId;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.Title, origTicket, origTicket.Title, this.Title))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.Title = this.Title;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.Description, origTicket, origTicket.Description, this.Description))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.Description = this.Description;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.DueDate, origTicket, origTicket.DueDate, this.DueDate))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.DueDate = this.DueDate;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.HoursToComplete, origTicket, origTicket.HoursToComplete, this.HoursToComplete))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.HoursToComplete = this.HoursToComplete;
            if (CheckProperties(db, date, Prop.AssignedToDevId, origTicket, origTicket.AssignedToDevId, this.AssignedToDevId))
                changed = true;
                origTicket.AssignedToDevId = this.AssignedToDevId;

            // Show whether any changes were made
            return changed ? date : DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
            private int AddNewTickets()
                // Process each row, create new user
                int nTickets = 0;
                int row;
                string[] colData;
                string Creator, Dev, Name, Desc;
                row = Start - 1;
                UserRolesHelper helper = new UserRolesHelper();
                var statuses = db.TicketStatuses.ToList();
                var priorities = db.TicketPriorities.ToList();
                var types = db.TicketTypes.ToList();
                var skills = db.SkillLevels.ToList();
                bool devOk = false;         // Set to true if validated and ready to add to ticket

                // Use same time stamp for all tickets
                DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

                // First, make sure all needed columns are present
                if (HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_Title] < 0
                    || HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_Description] < 0)
                    Section.LogErr(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " is missing a column " +
                        "(Title and Description are required) -- cannot process any Tickets");
                    return 0;

                while (++row < (Count + Start))
                    if (Source[row][0] != ';')
                        // Valid row to process, so get columns
                        // DON'T TRIM THE ROW!! If it's trimmed, the column positions will NOT line up with
                        // what is expected, resulting in a crash!
                        colData = Source[row].Split('\t');

                        // These rules must be followed:
                        // [] Title and Description must be non-empty
                        // [] No uniqueness test -- OK to enter tickets with same Title/Description(??)
                        // [] Developer must be in database
                        // [] Developer must be in Developer role
                        // [] TicketCreator must be in database
                        // [] If ProjectTitle/Description cannot be found, leave as null
                        // [] Parse DateCreated - default is Now
                        // [] Parse DueDate - default is Now + 1 day
                        // [] Parse HoursToComplete - default is 1
                        // [] Parse Type, Priority, Status, Skill - default is 1
                        //    - load all values from db, find the match, if not found use default
                        // If rules not followed, show error and skip

                        Ticket ticket = new Ticket();
                        ticket.Title = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_Title]];
                        ticket.Description = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_Description]];
                        Dev = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_AssignedDeveloperUserName]];
                        Creator = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_TicketCreatorUserName]];

                        ApplicationUser user = null;

                        // Test column requirements now...
                        if (ticket.Title.Length == 0 || ticket.Description.Length == 0)
                            Section.LogErr(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " needs both a Title and a Description -- will be skipped");

                        // Validate Developer
                        user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == Dev);
                        if (user == null)
                            if (Dev != "")
                                Section.LogAlert(db, "DeveloperUser on row " + (row + 1) + " has UserName [" + Dev
                                    + "] not in database -- leaving field blank, will continue");
                            // Dev is in database, now check role
                            if (!helper.IsUserInRole(user.Id, R.Developer))
                                Section.LogErr(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " has AssignedDeveloper [" + user.UserName
                                    + "] not in 'Developer' role -- leaving field blank, will continue");
                                devOk = true;       // Flags us to create Notification if/when ticket added to table
                                ticket.AssignedToDevId = user.Id;

                        // Validate Creator
                        user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == Creator);
                        if (user == null)
                            Section.LogAlert(db, "TicketCreator on row " + (row + 1) + " has UserName [" + Dev
                                + "] not in database -- using name of current user for this Ticket");
                            ticket.OwnerUserId = helper.GetCurrentUserId();
                            ticket.OwnerUserId = user.Id;

                        // Validate Project -- if not found, leave as null
                        Name = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_ProjectName]];
                        Desc = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_ProjectDescription]];
                        var project = db.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == Name && p.Description == Desc);
                        if (project != null)
                            ticket.ProjectId = project.Id;
                        else {
                            if (Name != "" && Desc != "")
                                Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1)
                                + " has project not found in Projects table -- setting to null, will continue");

                        // Check HoursToComplete
                        int num;
                        int.TryParse(colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_HoursToComplete]], out num);
                        ticket.HoursToComplete = num < 1 ? 1 : num;

                        // Parse Dates...
                        DateTimeOffset date;
                        DateTimeOffset.TryParse(colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_DateCreated]], out date);
                        if (date == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                            ticket.Created = ticket.MostRecentUpdate = now;
                            Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " had invalid DateCreated -- using today's date");
                        else ticket.Created = date;
                        DateTimeOffset.TryParse(colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_DueDate]], out date);
                        if (date == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                            ticket.DueDate = now.AddDays(10);
                            Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " had invalid DueDate -- set default date to 10 days from now");
                        else ticket.DueDate = date;

                        // Validate Type, Priority, Status, Skill -- set to 1 as default
                        // Type
                        string type = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_TicketType]].ToUpper();
                        var tempType = types.Where(t => t.Name.ToUpper().Contains(type));
                        if (tempType.Count() == 1)
                            ticket.TicketTypeId = tempType.ElementAt(0).Id;
                            // Set to default, issue alert if invalid type specified
                            ticket.TicketTypeId = 1;
                            if (type != "")
                                Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " had invalid TicketType -- set to Bug");

                        // Priority
                        string priority = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_TicketPriority]].ToUpper();
                        var tempPriority = priorities.Where(t => t.Name.ToUpper().Contains(priority));
                        if (tempPriority.Count() == 1)
                            ticket.TicketPriorityId = tempPriority.ElementAt(0).Id;
                            // Set to default, issue alert if invalid type specified
                            ticket.TicketPriorityId = 3;
                            if (type != "")
                                Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " had invalid TicketPriority -- set to Essential");

                        // Status
                        string status = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_TicketStatus]].ToUpper();
                        var tempStatus = statuses.Where(t => t.Name.ToUpper().Contains(status));
                        if (tempStatus.Count() == 1)
                            ticket.TicketStatusId = tempStatus.ElementAt(0).Id;
                            // Set to default, issue alert if invalid type specified
                            ticket.TicketStatusId = 1;
                            if (type != "")
                                Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " had invalid TicketStatus -- set to New");

                        // Skill
                        string skill = colData[HeadingOffsets[(int)H.T_SkillRequired]].ToUpper();
                        var tempSkill = skills.Where(s => s.Name.ToUpper().Contains(skill));
                        if (tempSkill.Count() == 1)
                            ticket.SkillRequiredId = tempSkill.ElementAt(0).Id;
                            // Set to default, issue alert if invalid type specified
                            ticket.SkillRequiredId = 1;
                            if (type != "")
                                Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " had invalid SkillRequired -- set to Junior");

                        // Last check... if ticket.StatusId is "New" and a developer is assigned, change to "AssignedToDev"
                        if (ticket.AssignedToDev != null && ticket.TicketStatusId == (int)TS.Status.New)
                            Section.LogAlert(db, "Ticket on row " + (row + 1) + " has assigned developer -- set to AssignedToDev");
                            ticket.TicketStatusId = (int)TS.Status.AssignedToDev;

                        // We can add the Ticket now
                        if (devOk)
                        LogSuccess(db, "Added Ticket from row " + (row + 1));
                return nTickets;