/// <summary>
        /// Method: AStarTraversal
        /// Input: Nil
        /// Returns: list of locations
        /// </summary>
        public List<LocationInfo> AStarTraversal()
            // Instantiate a priority queue
            Queue queueOfNodes = new Queue();

            // initial cost from start is made 0 and the heuristic cost to goal computed. parent node is also set to null
            _startNode._costOfTraversal._g = 0.0;
            _startNode._costOfTraversal._h = getEdgeDistance(_startNode, _endNode);
            _startNode._parentNode = null;

            // add the start node information to the open list and the priority queue

            // variables for usage in the algorithm
            LocationInfo visitingNode;
            List<ConnectionInfo> neighborsList;
            List<String> neighboringNodes;
            String[] sNeighboringNodes;
            LocationInfo openedNode;

            while (queueOfNodes.queueLength > 0)
            {   // when the priority queue is having some node
                visitingNode = queueOfNodes.deQueue();  // remove the first item from the queue
                _openNodes.Remove(visitingNode);        // remove the corresponding node from the open list

                if (visitingNode._node._node.Equals(_endNode._node._node))
                { // visiting node the same as the end node implies we are home
                    // track the parent nodes and insert them to the list of traversed locations to be printed
                    var finalTraversal = new List<LocationInfo> {
                    while (visitingNode._parentNode != null)
                        finalTraversal.Insert(0, visitingNode._parentNode);
                        visitingNode = visitingNode._parentNode;
                    return finalTraversal;

                // use the linq feature in c# to find if the parent node and visiting node to get its neighbors list
                var neighborsForVisitingNode = _connectionsInfo.Where(query => query._parentNode._node == visitingNode._node._node);
                neighborsList = neighborsForVisitingNode.ToList();  // cast it to a list
                neighboringNodes = new List<String>();

                foreach (ConnectionInfo availableConnections in neighborsList)
                    neighboringNodes.Add(availableConnections._connectingNode._node); // add the node names to a string list

                sNeighboringNodes = neighboringNodes.ToArray(); // cast it to a string array to be used later

                // find the corresponding neighbor from the string array using linq feature and make a list of neighbors to visit
                var neighborsVisitList = _locationsInfo.Where(query => sNeighboringNodes.Contains(query._node._node));
                List<LocationInfo> neighbors = neighborsVisitList.ToList();

                // iterate over each neighbor found
                foreach (LocationInfo neighbor in neighbors)
                    if (_visitedNodes.Contains(neighbor))

                    // Update the traversal cost with the cost of the neighbor - g(n) from parent to neighbor
                    // and h(n) heuristic from neighbor to goal
                    double g_cost = visitingNode._costOfTraversal._g + getEdgeDistance(visitingNode, neighbor);
                    double h_cost = getEdgeDistance(neighbor, _endNode);

                    double newCostOfTraversal = g_cost + h_cost;    // total cost f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

                    // use the linq feature in c# to find out the recently opened node from the open list
                    openedNode = _openNodes.FirstOrDefault(query => query._node._node == neighbor._node._node);

                    // make sure that the cost incurred due to traversing that neighbor is minimal
                    if (openedNode != null && openedNode._costOfTraversal.getCostOfTraversal() <= newCostOfTraversal)

                    // set the updated cost parameters of g(n) and h(n) in cost of traversal bean.
                    neighbor._costOfTraversal._g = g_cost;
                    neighbor._costOfTraversal._h = h_cost;
                    neighbor._parentNode = visitingNode;    // make the visiting node the parent now and continue tracing the path.

                    if (openedNode != null)
                        _openNodes.Remove(neighbor);        // remove the neighbor from the open list and  queue
                    _openNodes.Add(neighbor);           // add the neighbor to the open list and queue
                _visitedNodes.Add(visitingNode);    // add the current node the closed list
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method: searchByLinks
        /// Input: Nil
        /// Returns: string of locations
        /// </summary>
        public string searchByLinks()
            // Instantiate a priority queue
            var queueOfNodes = new Queue<LocationInfo>();

            _startNode._parentNode = null;
            queueOfNodes.Enqueue(_startNode); //Adopt a BFS approach and add the start node to the queue

            // variables for usage in the algorithm
            LocationInfo visitingNode;
            List<ConnectionInfo> neighborsList;
            List<String> neighboringNodes;
            String[] sNeighboringNodes;
            LocationInfo openedNode;

            while (queueOfNodes.Count > 0)
                visitingNode = queueOfNodes.Dequeue();  //Dequeue the first element

                if (visitingNode._node._node.Equals(_endNode._node._node))
                    var finalTraversal = new List<LocationInfo> { visitingNode };
                    while (visitingNode._parentNode != null)
                        finalTraversal.Insert(0, visitingNode._parentNode);
                        visitingNode = visitingNode._parentNode;

                    foreach (LocationInfo minLinkNode in finalTraversal)
                        _minLinkPath += minLinkNode._node._node + ',';
                    return _minLinkPath;

                // use the linq feature in c# to find if the parent node and visiting node to get its neighbors list
                var neighborsForVisitingNode = _connectionsInfo.Where(query => query._parentNode._node == visitingNode._node._node);
                neighborsList = neighborsForVisitingNode.ToList();  // cast it to a list
                neighboringNodes = new List<String>();

                foreach (ConnectionInfo availableConnections in neighborsList)
                    neighboringNodes.Add(availableConnections._connectingNode._node); // add the node names to a string list

                sNeighboringNodes = neighboringNodes.ToArray(); // cast it to a string array to be used later

                // find the corresponding neighbor from the string array using linq feature and make a list of neighbors to visit
                var neighborsVisitList = _locationsInfo.Where(query => sNeighboringNodes.Contains(query._node._node));
                List<LocationInfo> neighbors = neighborsVisitList.ToList();

                // iterate over each neighbor found
                foreach (LocationInfo neighbor in neighbors) {
                    if (_visitedNodes.Contains(neighbor))

                    // use the linq feature in c# to find out the recently opened node from the open list
                    openedNode = _openNodes.FirstOrDefault(query => query._node._node == neighbor._node._node);

                    if (openedNode == null && !queueOfNodes.Contains(neighbor)) {
                        neighbor._parentNode = visitingNode;
            return null;