Beispiel #1
 // Semantic resolution.
 // This is where we check for Set-Property transformations (where an
 // assignment gets changed into a methodcall)
 protected override Exp ResolveExpAsRight(ISemanticResolver s)
     // Resolve the leftside of the operator                
     Exp.ResolveExpAsLeft(ref m_oeLeft, s);
     // Event transform  actually occurs in the assignment node.
     // A.e = A.e + d --> A.add_e(d)            
     // We have to do this before we resolve the RHS of the operator (Since we
     // can't resolve events as a RHS).
     if (m_oeLeft is EventExp)
         EventExp nodeEvent = (EventExp)m_oeLeft;
         EventExpEntry e = nodeEvent.Symbol;         
         // Here we just do some asserts.
         BinaryExp b = this.m_expRight as BinaryExp;
         Debug.Assert(b != null, "bad formed event +=,-=");  
         // By now, we know we have something of the form A = B + C   
         // Make sure that A=B. Since we resolved A as left, must resolve B as left too.
         Exp eTempLeft = b.Left;
         Exp.ResolveExpAsLeft(ref eTempLeft, s);
         Debug.Assert(eTempLeft is EventExp);
         Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(((EventExp) eTempLeft).Symbol, e)); // symbols should be exact references
         // Resolve C (the delegate that we're adding to the event)
         Exp eTempRight = b.Right;
         Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref eTempRight, s);            
         Debug.Assert(AST.DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(eTempRight.CLRType), "Event only ops w/ delegates"); // @todo -legit/            
         Debug.Assert(b.Op == BinaryExp.BinaryOp.cAdd || b.Op == BinaryExp.BinaryOp.cSub);
         MethodExpEntry m2 = (b.Op == BinaryExp.BinaryOp.cAdd) ? e.AddMethod : e.RemoveMethod;
         Exp e2 = new MethodCallExp(
             new ArgExp[] {
                 new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, eTempRight)
         Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e2, s);
         return e2;            
     Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_expRight, s);
     // Check for calling add_, remove on events
     // a.E += X 
     // a.E = a.E + X (parser transforms)
     // if E is a delegate, and RHS is structured like E + X
     // then transform to a.add_E(X) or a.remove_E(x)
     // @todo - use the EventInfo to get exact add / remove functions
     if (DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(m_oeLeft.CLRType))
         // Events can only exist on a class
         AST.FieldExp f = m_oeLeft as FieldExp;
         if (f == null)
             goto NotAnEvent;
         Exp eInstance = f.InstanceExp; // ok if static                
         BinaryExp rhs = m_expRight as BinaryExp;
         if (rhs == null)
             goto NotAnEvent;            
         // Check if RHS is a.E + X
         if ((rhs.Left != m_oeLeft) || (rhs.Right.CLRType != rhs.Left.CLRType))
             goto NotAnEvent;
         string stEventName = f.Symbol.Name;
         string stOpName;
         if (rhs.Op == BinaryExp.BinaryOp.cAdd)
             stOpName = "add_" + stEventName;
         else if (rhs.Op == BinaryExp.BinaryOp.cSub)
             stOpName = "remove_" + stEventName;                        
             goto NotAnEvent;                
         // a.add_E(X);    
         Exp e = new MethodCallExp(
             new Identifier(stOpName),
             new ArgExp[] {
                 new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, rhs.Right)
         Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
         return e;
     // Check for set-indexer
     if (m_oeLeft is ArrayAccessExp)
         ArrayAccessExp a = m_oeLeft as ArrayAccessExp;
         if (a.IsIndexer) 
             // Leftside: get_Item(idx, value);
             System.Type [] alParams = new Type [] {
             TypeEntry t = s.ResolveCLRTypeToBlueType(a.Left.CLRType);            
             MethodExpEntry m = t.LookupIndexer(a.Left.Location, s, alParams, true);
             Exp e = new MethodCallExp(
                 new ArgExp[] { 
                     new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, a.ExpIndex),
                     new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, m_expRight) 
             Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
             return e;
     // Check for transforming properties into MethodCalls
     if (m_oeLeft is PropertyExp)
         PropertyExp p = (PropertyExp) m_oeLeft;
         Exp e = new MethodCallExp(
             new ArgExp[] { 
                 new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, m_expRight) 
         Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref e, s);
         return e;
     // Ensure type match        
     s.EnsureAssignable(m_expRight, m_oeLeft.CLRType);        
     return this;
Beispiel #2
 // Nothing to resolve for literal expressions
 protected override Exp ResolveExpAsRight(ISemanticResolver s)
     // Always resolve our children     
     ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_left, s);
     ResolveExpAsRight(ref m_right, s);
     // If we don't match a predefined operator, then check for overloads
     if (!MatchesPredefinedOp(Op, this.Left.CLRType, this.Right.CLRType))
         // Packagage Left & Right into parameters for a method call
         ArgExp [] args = new ArgExp [2] {
             new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, m_left),
             new ArgExp(EArgFlow.cIn, m_right)
         // Check for delegate combination
         // D operator+(D, D)
         // D operator-(D, D)            
         if (AST.DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(m_left.CLRType))
             if (m_left.CLRType == m_right.CLRType)
                 if (Op == BinaryOp.cAdd || Op == BinaryOp.cSub)
                     System.Type d = m_left.CLRType;
                     // Translates to:
                     // op+ --> (D) System.Delegate.Combine(left, right)
                     // op- --> (D) System.Delegate.Remove(left, right)
                     TypeEntry tDelegate = s.LookupSystemType("MulticastDelegate");
                     string stName = (Op == BinaryOp.cAdd) ? "Combine" : "Remove";
                     bool dummy;
                     MethodExpEntry sym = tDelegate.LookupMethod(s, new Identifier(stName), 
                         new Type[] { d, d}, out dummy);
                     Exp call2 = new CastObjExp(
                         new ResolvedTypeSig(d, s),
                         new MethodCallExp(
                             null,sym, args, s)
                     Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref call2, s);
                     return call2;                                
         } // end delgate op+ check
         // Check for System.String.Concat().
         // @todo - this should be able to compress an entire subtree, not just 2 args.
         // (ie, a+b+c -> String.Concat(a,b,c);
         // So we can't merge this into the SearchForOverload.
         // But for now we'll be lazy...
         if ((Op == BinaryOp.cAdd) && (Left.CLRType == typeof(string) || Right.CLRType == typeof(string)))
             Exp call2 = new MethodCallExp(                    
                     new DotObjExp(
                         new SimpleObjExp(
                             new Identifier("System", this.m_filerange)
                         new Identifier("String", this.m_filerange)),
                     new Identifier("Concat", m_filerange),
             Exp.ResolveExpAsRight(ref call2, s);
             return call2;
         MethodExpEntry  m = SearchForOverloadedOp(s);
         if (m == null && (Op == BinaryOp.cEqu || Op == BinaryOp.cNeq))
             // If it's '==' or '!=', then it's ok if we didn't find 
             // an overload.
         } else 
             // Couldn't find an overload, throw error
             if (m == null)
                 //ThrowError_NoAcceptableOperator(s, this.Location, m_left.CLRType, m_right.CLRType, Op);
                 ThrowError(SymbolError.NoAcceptableOperator(this.Location, m_left.CLRType, m_right.CLRType, Op));
             // Replace this node w/ the method call            
             MethodCallExp call = new MethodCallExp(null, m, args, s);
             return call;
     return this;