Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the time series of an airport
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string QueryAirportTimeSeries(string dataSrc, string origin)
            // Get the meta data of specific data source
            ADataSourceMetaData metaData = null;

            if (!DataSourceRegister.Register.TryGetValue(dataSrc, out metaData))

            NpgsqlConnection conn = null;

            try {
                conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ASTDatabase.connStr2);

                string[]         fields      = new string[] { Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("AIRLINE"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("FLOW_TYPE"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("TIME_SERIES") };
                string           fieldStr    = String.Join(",", fields);
                string           sql         = string.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM ""{1}"" WHERE ""ORIGIN""= {2}", fieldStr, metaData.AirportTimeSeriesTableName, Utils.SingleQuoteStr(origin));
                NpgsqlCommand    command     = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn);
                NpgsqlDataReader dr          = command.ExecuteReader();
                string           jsonPax     = "";
                string           jsonFreight = "";
                while (dr.Read())
                    if (dr["FLOW_TYPE"].ToString() == "Pax")
                        if (jsonPax != "")
                            jsonPax += ",";
                        jsonPax += string.Format("{0}:{1}", Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(dr["AIRLINE"].ToString()), dr["TIME_SERIES"].ToString());
                    else if (dr["FLOW_TYPE"].ToString() == "Freight")
                        if (jsonFreight != "")
                            jsonFreight += ",";
                        jsonFreight += string.Format("{0}:{1}", Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(dr["AIRLINE"].ToString()), dr["TIME_SERIES"].ToString());

                return(String.Format(@"{{""pax"": {{ {0} }}, ""freight"": {{ {1} }} }}", jsonPax, jsonFreight));
            } catch (NpgsqlException e) {
            } finally {
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the airport statistics: top destinations and airline share
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSrc">The data source for the query: T100, TwData, KrData, etc.</param>
        public static string QueryAirportStat(string dataSrc, string year, string airport, string locale)
            // Get the meta data of specific data source
            ADataSourceMetaData metaData = null;

            if (!DataSourceRegister.Register.TryGetValue(dataSrc, out metaData))

            NpgsqlConnection conn = null;
            string           res  = "";

            try {
                conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ASTDatabase.connStr2);

                string[]      fields   = new string[] { Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("AIRLINE"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("DEST"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("PAX"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("FREIGHT") };
                string        fieldStr = String.Join(",", fields);
                string        sql      = String.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM ""{1}"" WHERE {2}", fieldStr, metaData.SummaryTableName, ASTDatabase.MakeWhere(year, "", airport, ""));
                NpgsqlCommand command  = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn);

                NpgsqlDataReader dr     = command.ExecuteReader();
                List <RouteStat> routes = new List <RouteStat>();

                while (dr.Read())
                    RouteStat route = new RouteStat();
                    route.Airline = dr["AIRLINE"].ToString();
                    route.Dest    = dr["DEST"].ToString();
                    route.Pax     = metaData.HasPaxData ? Convert.ToInt32(dr["PAX"]) : 0;
                    route.Freight = metaData.HasFreightData ? Convert.ToInt32(dr["FREIGHT"]) : 0;

                string[] regions = new string[] { "All", "International", "Domestic" };
                foreach (string region in regions)
                    if (res != "")
                        res += ",";
                    res += Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(region) + ":" + CreateRankByRegion(routes, region, metaData, locale);
                return("{" + res + "}");
            }  finally {
Beispiel #3
 private static void RegisterDataSource(string name, ADataSourceMetaData dataSrc)
     Register[name] = dataSrc;
     CountryToDataSrc[dataSrc.Country] = name;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the time series of a route
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flowType">The query type: "pax;freight": query the flow and "seat": query the seat and load factor</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string QueryRouteTimeSeries(string dataSrc, string origin, string dest, string flowType, string locale)
            // Get the meta data of specific data source
            ADataSourceMetaData metaData = null;

            if (!DataSourceRegister.Register.TryGetValue(dataSrc, out metaData))

            NpgsqlConnection conn = null;

            try {
                conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ASTDatabase.connStr2);
                string condition = "";
                if (flowType == "pax;freight")
                    condition = @" AND ( ""FLOW_TYPE"" = 'Pax' OR ""FLOW_TYPE"" = 'Freight') ";
                else if (flowType == "seat")
                    condition = @" AND ( ""FLOW_TYPE"" = 'Pax' OR ""FLOW_TYPE"" = 'Seat') ";

                string[] fields   = new string[] { Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("AIRLINE"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("FLOW_TYPE"), Utils.DoubleQuoteStr("TIME_SERIES") };
                string   fieldStr = String.Join(",", fields);
                string   sql      = string.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM ""{1}"" WHERE ""ORIGIN""= {2} AND ""DEST""= {3} {4} ORDER BY ""SUMFLOW"" DESC",
                                                  fieldStr, metaData.RouteTimeSeriesTableName, Utils.SingleQuoteStr(origin), Utils.SingleQuoteStr(dest), condition);
                NpgsqlCommand               command = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn);
                NpgsqlDataReader            dr      = command.ExecuteReader();
                Dictionary <string, string> jsonRes = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "Pax", "" }, { "Freight", "" }, { "Seat", "" }
                while (dr.Read())
                    Airline carrier     = AirlineData.Query(dr["AIRLINE"].ToString(), locale);
                    string  airlineName = dr["AIRLINE"].ToString();
                    if (airlineName == AnyAirline)
                        airlineName = Localization.QueryLocale(locale)._anyAirline;
                    if (carrier != null)
                        airlineName = carrier.FullName + " (" + dr["AIRLINE"].ToString() + ")";
                    string dbFlowType = dr["FLOW_TYPE"].ToString();
                    if (jsonRes[dbFlowType] != "")
                        jsonRes[dbFlowType] += ",";
                    jsonRes[dbFlowType] += Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(airlineName) + ":" + dr["TIME_SERIES"].ToString();

                if (flowType == "pax;freight")
                    string res = String.Format("\"pax\": {{ {0} }}, \"freight\":{{ {1} }}", jsonRes["Pax"], jsonRes["Freight"]);
                    return("{" + res + "}");
                else if (flowType == "seat")
                    string res = String.Format("\"pax\": {{ {0} }}, \"seat\":{{ {1} }}", jsonRes["Pax"], jsonRes["Seat"]);
                    return("{" + res + "}");
            } catch (NpgsqlException e) {
            } finally {
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the dest rank for the given region.
        /// </summary>
        private static string CreateRankByRegion(List <RouteStat> routes, string region, ADataSourceMetaData meteData, string locale)
            Dictionary <string, int> dictPaxDest        = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> dictFreightDest    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> dictPaxAirline     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> dictFreightAirline = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (RouteStat route in routes)
                Airport airport = AirportData.Query(route.Dest, locale);
                if (region == "International" && airport.Country != meteData.Country ||
                    region == "Domestic" && airport.Country == meteData.Country ||
                    region == "All")
                    AddFlowToDict(dictPaxDest, dictPaxAirline, route, item => item.Pax);
                    AddFlowToDict(dictFreightDest, dictFreightAirline, route, item => item.Freight);

            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > lstPaxDest        = dictPaxDest.ToList();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > lstFreightDest    = dictFreightDest.ToList();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > lstPaxAirline     = dictPaxAirline.ToList();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > lstFreightAirline = dictFreightAirline.ToList();


            // Create the destination rank for passenger and freight
            string paxDestRank     = DestRankToJson(lstPaxDest, locale);
            string freightDestRank = DestRankToJson(lstFreightDest, locale);

            // Create the airline rank for passenger and freight
            int    totalPax           = lstPaxAirline.Sum(item => item.Value);
            string paxAirlineRank     = meteData.HasAirlineInfo ? AirlineRankToJson(lstPaxAirline, totalPax, locale) : "[]";
            int    totalFreight       = lstFreightAirline.Sum(item => item.Value);
            string freightAirlineRank = meteData.HasAirlineInfo ? AirlineRankToJson(lstFreightAirline, totalFreight, locale) : "[]";

            return(string.Format(@"{{""paxDestRank"" : {0}, ""freightDestRank"" : {1}, ""paxAirlineRank"" : {2}, ""freightAirlineRank"" : {3}, ""totalPax"" : {4}, ""totalFreight"" : {5} }}",
                                 paxDestRank, freightDestRank, paxAirlineRank, freightAirlineRank,
                                 Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(Utils.FormatLargeNumber(totalPax, locale)),
                                 Utils.DoubleQuoteStr(Utils.FormatLargeNumber(totalFreight, locale))));