Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses raw dataset and extract the list of Variables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metaDataValues"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <VariableDescriptor> ParseRawDataSet(string metaDataValues)
                //parse data
                var mdata = metaDataValues.Split(MLFactory.m_cntkSpearator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                //define columns
                var cols = new List <VariableDescriptor>();
                //parse meta data
                foreach (var c in mdata.Where(x => x.StartsWith("Column")).OrderBy(x => x))
                    VariableDescriptor col = new VariableDescriptor();
                    //check if double point appear more than one time. In that case raise exception
                    if (c.Count(x => x == ':') > 1)
                        throw new Exception("Column data contains double point ':' which is reserved char. PLease remove double point from metadata.");

                    var strData   = c.Substring(c.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                    var colValues = strData.Split(MLFactory.m_ValueSpearator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    col.Name         = colValues[0];
                    col.Type         = (DataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataType), colValues[1], true);
                    col.Kind         = (DataKind)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataKind), colValues[2], true);
                    col.MissingValue = (MissingValue)Enum.Parse(typeof(MissingValue), colValues[3], true);
                    if (col.Type == DataType.Category)
                        var cl = DataDescriptor.GetColumnClasses(c);
                        if (cl != null)
                            col.Classes = cl.ToArray();

                    //add parsed column to the collection
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #2
        public void Load(string projPath)
                var fi = new FileInfo(projPath);
                if (!fi.Exists)
                    throw new Exception("File not found!");

                if (Settings == null)
                    Settings = new ProjectSettings();

                //load project tags
                var dicValues = MLFactory.LoadMLConfiguration(projPath);

                //parse project information
                var projectMetaData = dicValues["project"];
                //setup project folder where all files will be places
                Settings.ProjectFolder = fi.Directory.FullName;
                Settings.ProjectFile   = fi.Name;

                //reset Descriptor
                Descriptor = new DataDescriptor();

                //parse data
                var dataValues = dicValues["parser"];

                //parse data
                var metaDataValues = dicValues["data"];
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #3
        public static EvaluationResult EvaluateModel(string mlconfigPath, DataSetType dsType, EvaluationType evType, ProcessDevice pdevice)
            var er = new EvaluationResult();

            er.Header = new List <string>();
            //device definition
            DeviceDescriptor device = MLFactory.GetDevice(pdevice);
            //Load ML model configuration file
            var dicMParameters = MLFactory.LoadMLConfiguration(mlconfigPath);

            //add full path of model folder since model file doesn't contains any absolute path
            dicMParameters.Add("root", Project.GetMLConfigFolder(mlconfigPath));

            // get model data paths
            var dicPath     = MLFactory.GetMLConfigComponentPaths(dicMParameters["paths"]);
            var modelName   = Project.GetParameterValue(dicMParameters["training"], "TrainedModel");
            var nnModelPath = Path.Combine(dicMParameters["root"], modelName);

            //check if model exists
            if (!MLFactory.IsFileExist(nnModelPath))

            //check if dataset files exist
            var dataPath = GetDataPath(dicMParameters, dsType);

            if (!MLFactory.IsFileExist(dataPath))
                //in case validation dataset is not defiend just export traininign dataset
                if (dsType == DataSetType.Validation)
                    dataPath = GetDataPath(dicMParameters, DataSetType.Training);
                if (!MLFactory.IsFileExist(dataPath))

            //get output classes in case the ml problem is classification
            var strCls = dicMParameters.ContainsKey("metadata") ? dicMParameters["metadata"] : "";

            er.OutputClasses = DataDescriptor.GetOutputClasses(strCls);

            //Minibatch type
            var           mbTypestr = Project.GetParameterValue(dicMParameters["training"], "Type");
            MinibatchType mbType    = (MinibatchType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MinibatchType), mbTypestr, true);
            var           mbSizetr  = Project.GetParameterValue(dicMParameters["training"], "BatchSize");

            var mf = MLFactory.CreateMLFactory(dicMParameters);
            //perform evaluation
            var evParams = new EvaluationParameters()
                MinibatchSize = uint.Parse(mbSizetr),
                MBSource      = new MinibatchSourceEx(mbType, mf.StreamConfigurations.ToArray(), dataPath, null, MinibatchSource.FullDataSweep, false),
                Input         = mf.InputVariables,
                Ouptut        = mf.OutputVariables,

            //evaluate model
            if (evType == EvaluationType.FeaturesOnly)
                if (!dicMParameters.ContainsKey("metadata"))
                    throw new Exception("The result cannot be exported to Excel, since no metadata is stored in mlconfig file.");
                var desc = ParseRawDataSet(dicMParameters["metadata"]);
                er.Header  = generateHeader(desc);
                er.DataSet = FeatureAndLabels(nnModelPath, dataPath, evParams, device);

            else if (evType == EvaluationType.Results)
                //define header
                er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_actual");
                er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_predicted");

                var result = EvaluateFunction(nnModelPath, dataPath, evParams, device);
                er.Actual    = result.actual.ToList();
                er.Predicted = result.predicted.ToList();
            else if (evType == EvaluationType.ResultyExtended)
                //define header
                er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_actual");
                er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_predicted");
                er.Actual      = new List <float>();
                er.Predicted   = new List <float>();
                er.ActualEx    = new List <List <float> >();
                er.PredictedEx = new List <List <float> >();
                var resultEx = EvaluateFunctionEx(nnModelPath, dataPath, evParams, device);
                for (int i = 0; i < resultEx.actual.Count(); i++)
                    var res1 = MLValue.GetResult(resultEx.actual[i]);
                    var res2 = MLValue.GetResult(resultEx.predicted[i]);
                er.ActualEx    = resultEx.actual;
                er.PredictedEx = resultEx.predicted;

                throw new Exception("Unknown evaluation type!");