Beispiel #1
        static void Main()
            led = GpioController.GetDefault().OpenPin(FEZ.GpioPin.Led1);

            string host = ""; //"" "" ""
            int    port = 8883;                             // 1883 8883

            var serial = SerialDevice.FromId(FEZ.UartPort.Usart1);

            serial.BaudRate    = 115200;
            serial.ReadTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero;

            wifi = new AMW007Interface(serial);

            mqtt = new MQTT();

            //wifi.SetTlsServerRootCertificate("azure.pem"); //aws.pem

            mqtt.Connect(wifi, host, port, clientID, 60, true);
            mqtt.Publish("devices/FEZ/messages/events/", "HELLO!");       //devices/FEZ/messages/events/    $aws/things/FEZ/shadow/update

            mqtt.Subscribe("devices/FEZ/messages/devicebound/#", "test"); // devices/FEZ/messages/devicebound/# $aws/things/FEZ/shadow/update

            Thread reader = new Thread(ReadStream);


            while (true)
                wifi.ReadSocket(0, 500);
Beispiel #2
        public void Connect(AMW007Interface wifi, string host, int port, string clientID, int keepAlive, bool cleanSession, string username = null, string password = null)
            int fixedHeaderSize = 0;
            int varHeaderSize   = 0;
            int payloadSize     = 0;
            int remainingLength = 0;

            byte[] MQTTbuffer;
            int    index = 0;

            this.wifi     = wifi;
            this.clientID = clientID;

            wifi.OpenSocket(host, port);

            Thread reader = new Thread(ReadStream);


            byte[] clientIdUtf8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clientID);
            byte[] usernameUtf8 = ((username != null) && (username.Length > 0)) ? Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username) : null;
            byte[] passwordUtf8 = ((password != null) && (password.Length > 0)) ? Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password) : null;

            varHeaderSize += (Constants.PROTOCOL_NAME_LEN_SIZE + Constants.PROTOCOL_NAME_SIZE);

            varHeaderSize += Constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION_SIZE;
            varHeaderSize += Constants.CONNECT_FLAGS_SIZE;
            varHeaderSize += Constants.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_SIZE;

            payloadSize     += clientIdUtf8.Length + 2;
            payloadSize     += (usernameUtf8 != null) ? (usernameUtf8.Length + 2) : 0;
            payloadSize     += (passwordUtf8 != null) ? (passwordUtf8.Length + 2) : 0;
            remainingLength += (varHeaderSize + payloadSize);

            fixedHeaderSize = 1;

            int temp = remainingLength;

            // increase fixed header size based on remaining length
            // (each remaining length byte can encode until 128)
                temp = temp / 128;
            } while (temp > 0);

            MQTTbuffer          = new byte[fixedHeaderSize + varHeaderSize + payloadSize];
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (Constants.CONNECT << Constants.TYPE_OFFSET) | Constants.CONNECT_FLAG_BITS;
            index = this.encodeRemainingLength(remainingLength, MQTTbuffer, index);

            MQTTbuffer[index++] = 0;                            // MSB protocol name size
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = Constants.PROTOCOL_NAME_SIZE; // LSB protocol name size
            Array.Copy(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Constants.PROTOCOL_NAME), 0, MQTTbuffer, index, Constants.PROTOCOL_NAME_SIZE);
            index += Constants.PROTOCOL_NAME_SIZE;
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = Constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION_V3_1_1;

            byte connectFlags = 0x00;

            connectFlags       |= (usernameUtf8 != null) ? (byte)(1 << Constants.USERNAME_FLAG_OFFSET) : (byte)0x00;
            connectFlags       |= (passwordUtf8 != null) ? (byte)(1 << Constants.PASSWORD_FLAG_OFFSET) : (byte)0x00;
            connectFlags       |= (cleanSession) ? (byte)(1 << Constants.CLEAN_SESSION_FLAG_OFFSET) : (byte)0x00;
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = connectFlags;

            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(keepAlive / 256);                     // MSB
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(keepAlive % 256);                     // LSB

            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)((clientIdUtf8.Length >> 8) & 0x00FF); // MSB
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(clientIdUtf8.Length & 0x00FF);        // LSB
            Array.Copy(clientIdUtf8, 0, MQTTbuffer, index, clientIdUtf8.Length);
            index += clientIdUtf8.Length;

            if (usernameUtf8 != null)
                MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(usernameUtf8.Length / 256); // MSB
                MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(usernameUtf8.Length % 256); // LSB
                Array.Copy(usernameUtf8, 0, MQTTbuffer, index, usernameUtf8.Length);
                index += usernameUtf8.Length;

            if (passwordUtf8 != null)
                MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(passwordUtf8.Length / 256); // MSB
                MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(passwordUtf8.Length % 256); // LSB
                Array.Copy(passwordUtf8, 0, MQTTbuffer, index, passwordUtf8.Length);
                index += passwordUtf8.Length;

            int count = 0;

                wifi.WriteSocket(0, MQTTbuffer, MQTTbuffer.Length);
                wifi.ReadSocket(0, 1000);
                if (count > 5)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Can't connect"); //TODO Add exceptions class
            } while (connack == false);
            // TODO implement ConnackHandler()
Beispiel #3
        public void Publish(string topic, string message)
            int index           = 0;
            int tmp             = 0;
            int fixedHeader     = 0;
            int varHeader       = 0;
            int payload         = 0;
            int remainingLength = 0;

            byte[] MQTTbuffer = null;

            byte[] utf8Topic = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(topic);

            if ((topic.IndexOf('#') != -1) || (topic.IndexOf('+') != -1))
                throw new ArgumentException("Topic wildcards error");

            if ((utf8Topic.Length > Constants.MAX_TOPIC_LENGTH) || (utf8Topic.Length < Constants.MIN_TOPIC_LENGTH))
                throw new ArgumentException("Topic length error");

            varHeader += 2;
            varHeader += utf8Topic.Length;

            payload         = message.Length;
            remainingLength = varHeader + payload;

            if (remainingLength > Constants.MAXLENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException("Message length error");

            // Add space for each byte we need in the fixed header to store the length
            tmp = remainingLength;
            while (tmp > 0)
                tmp = tmp / 128;

            MQTTbuffer          = new byte[fixedHeader + varHeader + payload];
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = Constants.PUBLISH;

            index = encodeRemainingLength(remainingLength, MQTTbuffer, index);

            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(utf8Topic.Length / 256);
            MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)(utf8Topic.Length % 256);

            for (var i = 0; i < utf8Topic.Length; i++)
                MQTTbuffer[index++] = utf8Topic[i];

            for (var i = 0; i < message.Length; i++)
                MQTTbuffer[index++] = (byte)message[i];

            wifi.WriteSocket(0, MQTTbuffer, MQTTbuffer.Length);
            wifi.ReadSocket(0, 1000);
            //while (puback == false);
            // TODO implement PubackHandler()