Beispiel #1
        // Process given board with ABNegamax
        private (float score, Pos move) Negamax(Board board, int depth)
            // Increment number of evaluations (recursive ABNegamax calls)

            // Check what's the status of this board
            if (board.Status().HasValue)
                // GAME OVER! Who won?

                if (board.Status().Value == CellState.Undecided)
                    // It's a tie, return 0
                    return(0, Board.NoMove);
                else if (board.Status().Value == board.Turn)
                    // Current player wins, return max heuristic value
                    return(heuristic.WinScore, Board.NoMove);
                    // The other player won, return min heuristic value
                    return(-heuristic.WinScore, Board.NoMove);
            else if (depth == maxDepth)
                // We reached the max depth, return the heuristic value for this
                // board
                return(heuristic.Evaluate(board, board.Turn), Board.NoMove);
                // Game is not over and we haven't reached maximum depth, so let's
                // recursively call Negamax on all possible moves

                // Declare best move, which for now is no move at all
                (float score, Pos move)bestMove =
                    (float.NegativeInfinity, Board.NoMove);

                // Try to play on all board positions
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        // Get the current board position
                        Pos pos = new Pos(i, j);

                        // Only consider making a move at this position if it's
                        // not already occupied
                        if (board.GetStateAt(pos) == CellState.Undecided)
                            // Score for current move
                            float score;

                            // Make a virtual move at this position

                            // Get score for this move
                            score = -Negamax(board, depth + 1).score;

                            // Undo the move we just evaluated

                            // Is this the best move so far?
                            if (score > bestMove.score)
                                // If so, keep it
                                bestMove = (score, pos);
                // Return the best move found among all the tested moves