Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called for a spell projectile to damage its target
        /// </summary>
        public void DamageTarget(Creature target, float damage, bool critical, bool critDefended, bool overpower)
            var targetPlayer = target as Player;

            if (targetPlayer != null && targetPlayer.Invincible || target.IsDead)

            var sourceCreature = ProjectileSource as Creature;
            var sourcePlayer   = ProjectileSource as Player;

            var amount                = 0u;
            var percent               = 0.0f;
            var heritageMod           = 1.0f;
            var sneakAttackMod        = 1.0f;
            var damageRatingMod       = 1.0f;
            var damageResistRatingMod = 1.0f;

            // handle life projectiles for stamina / mana
            if (Spell.Category == SpellCategory.StaminaLowering)
                percent = damage / target.Stamina.MaxValue;
                amount  = (uint)-target.UpdateVitalDelta(target.Stamina, (int)-Math.Round(damage));
            else if (Spell.Category == SpellCategory.ManaLowering)
                percent = damage / target.Mana.MaxValue;
                amount  = (uint)-target.UpdateVitalDelta(target.Mana, (int)-Math.Round(damage));
                // for possibly applying sneak attack to magic projectiles,
                // only do this for health-damaging projectiles?
                if (sourcePlayer != null)
                    // TODO: use target direction vs. projectile position, instead of player position
                    // could sneak attack be applied to void DoTs?
                    sneakAttackMod = sourcePlayer.GetSneakAttackMod(target);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Magic sneak attack:  + sneakAttackMod);
                    heritageMod = sourcePlayer.GetHeritageBonus(sourcePlayer.GetEquippedWand()) ? 1.05f : 1.0f;

                // DR / DRR applies for magic too?
                var damageRating = sourceCreature?.GetDamageRating() ?? 0;
                damageRatingMod       = Creature.AdditiveCombine(Creature.GetPositiveRatingMod(damageRating), heritageMod, sneakAttackMod);
                damageResistRatingMod = Creature.GetNegativeRatingMod(target.GetDamageResistRating(CombatType.Magic));
                damage *= damageRatingMod * damageResistRatingMod;

                //Console.WriteLine($"Damage rating: " + Creature.ModToRating(damageRatingMod));

                percent = damage / target.Health.MaxValue;
                amount  = (uint)-target.UpdateVitalDelta(target.Health, (int)-Math.Round(damage));
                target.DamageHistory.Add(ProjectileSource, Spell.DamageType, amount);

                //if (targetPlayer != null && targetPlayer.Fellowship != null)

            amount = (uint)Math.Round(damage);    // full amount for debugging

            if (target.IsAlive)
                string verb = null, plural = null;
                Strings.GetAttackVerb(Spell.DamageType, percent, ref verb, ref plural);
                var type = Spell.DamageType.GetName().ToLower();

                var critMsg      = critical ? "Critical hit! " : "";
                var sneakMsg     = sneakAttackMod > 1.0f ? "Sneak Attack! " : "";
                var overpowerMsg = overpower ? "Overpower! " : "";

                var nonHealth = Spell.Category == SpellCategory.StaminaLowering || Spell.Category == SpellCategory.ManaLowering;

                if (sourcePlayer != null)
                    var critProt = critDefended ? " Your target's Critical Protection augmentation allows them to avoid your critical hit!" : "";

                    var attackerMsg = $"{critMsg}{overpowerMsg}{sneakMsg}You {verb} {target.Name} for {amount} points with {Spell.Name}.{critProt}";

                    // could these crit / sneak attack?
                    if (nonHealth)
                        var vital = Spell.Category == SpellCategory.StaminaLowering ? "stamina" : "mana";
                        attackerMsg = $"With {Spell.Name} you drain {amount} points of {vital} from {target.Name}.";

                    if (!sourcePlayer.SquelchManager.Squelches.Contains(target, ChatMessageType.Magic))
                        sourcePlayer.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(attackerMsg, ChatMessageType.Magic));

                if (targetPlayer != null)
                    var critProt = critDefended ? " Your Critical Protection augmentation allows you to avoid a critical hit!" : "";

                    var defenderMsg = $"{critMsg}{overpowerMsg}{sneakMsg}{ProjectileSource.Name} {plural} you for {amount} points with {Spell.Name}.{critProt}";

                    if (nonHealth)
                        var vital = Spell.Category == SpellCategory.StaminaLowering ? "stamina" : "mana";
                        defenderMsg = $"{ProjectileSource.Name} casts {Spell.Name} and drains {amount} points of your {vital}.";

                    if (!targetPlayer.SquelchManager.Squelches.Contains(ProjectileSource, ChatMessageType.Magic))
                        targetPlayer.Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(defenderMsg, ChatMessageType.Magic));

                if (!nonHealth)
                    if (target.HasCloakEquipped)
                        Cloak.TryProcSpell(target, ProjectileSource, percent);


                    if (critical)
                var lastDamager = ProjectileSource != null ? new DamageHistoryInfo(ProjectileSource) : null;
                target.OnDeath(lastDamager, Spell.DamageType, critical);

            // show debug info
            if (sourceCreature != null && sourceCreature.DebugDamage.HasFlag(Creature.DebugDamageType.Attacker))
                ShowInfo(sourceCreature, heritageMod, sneakAttackMod, damageRatingMod, damageResistRatingMod, damage);
            if (target.DebugDamage.HasFlag(Creature.DebugDamageType.Defender))
                ShowInfo(target, heritageMod, sneakAttackMod, damageRatingMod, damageResistRatingMod, damage);