Beispiel #1
        public PNGAnalyzer(byte[] data)
            pngData      = data;
            index        = 0;
            foundIEND    = false;
            memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

            // zlib initialization
            zBuf    = new byte[8192];
            zStream = new zlib.ZStream();
            zStream.next_out  = zBuf;
            zStream.avail_out = zBuf.Length;
Beispiel #2
 protected ZStream(RubyClass/*!*/ cls, zlib.ZStream/*!*/ stream)
     : base(cls)
     Debug.Assert(stream != null);
     _stream = stream;
Beispiel #3
            private static zlib.ZStream CreateInflateStream(int windowBits)
                var zst = new zlib.ZStream();
                int result = zst.inflateInit(windowBits);
                if (result != Z_OK) {
                    throw MakeError(result, zst.msg);

                return zst;
Beispiel #4
            private static zlib.ZStream CreateDeflateStream(int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy)
                var stream = new zlib.ZStream();
                int result = stream.deflateInit(level, windowBits, memLevel, (zlib.CompressionStrategy)strategy);
                if (result != Z_OK) {
                    throw MakeError(result, null);

                return stream;
        public static byte[] ZLibBufferToString(this byte[] buf, int len)
            //using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buf, 0, len))
            //using (var ds = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress))
            //    byte[] decompressed = new byte[32 * 1024 + 10];
            //    int readlen = 0;
            //    int readSum = 0;
            //    do
            //    {
            //        readlen = ds.Read(decompressed, readlen, decompressed.Length - readSum);
            //        readSum += readlen;
            //    } while (readlen != 0);
            //    return decompressed.Take(readSum).ToArray();

            var strm = new zlib.ZStream();

            strm.next_in  = buf;
            strm.avail_in = len;
            if (strm.inflateInit() != zlib.zlibConst.Z_OK)
            bool done = false;

            byte[] decompressed = new byte[32 * 1024];
            int    status       = 0;

            while (!done)
                // Make sure we have enough room and reset the lengths.
                strm.next_out  = decompressed;
                strm.avail_out = decompressed.Length;

                // Inflate another chunk.
                status = strm.inflate(zlib.zlibConst.Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
                if (status == zlib.zlibConst.Z_STREAM_END)
                    done = true;
                else if (status != zlib.zlibConst.Z_OK)
            if (strm.inflateEnd() != zlib.zlibConst.Z_OK)

            // Set real length.
            if (done)
                //using (var ms = new MemoryStream(decompressed, 0, (int)strm.total_out))
                //    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms, Encoding.Unicode))
                //    {
                //        var res = reader.ReadToEnd();
                //        return res;
                //    }
                if (decompressed.Length == (int)strm.total_out)
Beispiel #6
        public static byte[] ReadZPacket(this RawData data, int compressedLength, int uncompressedLength)
            byte[] uncompressedData = new byte[uncompressedLength];

            var zs = new zlib.ZStream
                next_in_index = data.CurrentPosition,
                next_in = data.Data,
                avail_in = 0,

                next_out = uncompressedData,
                avail_out = uncompressedLength

            var res = zs.inflateInit(-15);
            if (res != zlib.zlibConst.Z_OK)
                throw new Exception("Inflate init failed: " + res);

            zs.avail_in = compressedLength;
            res = zs.inflate(zlib.zlibConst.Z_FINISH);
            if (res != zlib.zlibConst.Z_STREAM_END)
                throw new Exception("Inflate failed: " + res);

            res = zs.inflateEnd();
            if (res != zlib.zlibConst.Z_OK)
                throw new Exception("Inflate end failed: " + res);

            data.CurrentPosition += compressedLength;
            return uncompressedData;