Beispiel #1
        public UserScreeningController(ysamediaDbContext context, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
            _context = context;
            var userId = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            _userId = userId;
Beispiel #2
        public UserProfileController(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, ysamediaDbContext context, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
            _environment = hostingEnvironment;
            _context     = context;
            var userId = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            _userId = userId;
Beispiel #3
 public AccountController(
     UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager,
     SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager,
     IEmailSender emailSender,
     ILogger <AccountController> logger, ysamediaDbContext context)
     _userManager   = userManager;
     _signInManager = signInManager;
     _emailSender   = emailSender;
     _logger        = logger;
     _context       = context;
Beispiel #4
 public HomeController(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #5
 public DepartmentController(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #6
        // Creates an Admin role and one Admin user
        public static async Task InitializeAsync(ApplicationDbContext context, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // create database schema if none exists

            var _roleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >();
            var _userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <UserManager <ApplicationUser> >();

            string[] roleNames = { "Administrator", "Admin", "Member", "Guest" };

            IdentityResult roleResult;

            foreach (var roleName in roleNames)
                var roleExists = await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(roleName);

                if (!roleExists)
                    roleResult = await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(roleName));

            // Create the default Admin account and apply the Admin role
            string firstName = "YSM";
            string surname   = "Admin";
            string email     = "*****@*****.**";
            int    genderId  = 1;
            string password  = "******";
            int    day       = 10;
            int    month     = 10;
            int    year      = 2000;

            var user = new ApplicationUser
                FirstName   = firstName,
                Surname     = surname,
                DisplayName = firstName + " " + surname,
                UserName    = email,
                Email       = email,
                Approved    = 1,
                GenderId    = genderId,
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0)

            var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, password);

            await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(email), "Admin");

            using (var ysmcontext = new ysamediaDbContext(serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <ysamediaDbContext> >()))
                if (!ysmcontext.Occupation.Any())
                    /*************** Seed Occupation Table *******************/

                        new Occupation {
                        OccupationId = 1, Occupation1 = "Student"
                        new Occupation {
                        OccupationId = 2, Occupation1 = "Internship"
                        new Occupation {
                        OccupationId = 3, Occupation1 = "Employed"
                        new Occupation {
                        OccupationId = 4, Occupation1 = "Self-Employed"
                        new Occupation {
                        OccupationId = 5, Occupation1 = "Other"


                if (!ysmcontext.TimeIn.Any())

                        new TimeIn {
                        TimeId = 1, Category = "Before 08:00 AM", TimeCount = 0
                        new TimeIn {
                        TimeId = 2, Category = "Before 08:15 AM", TimeCount = 0
                        new TimeIn {
                        TimeId = 3, Category = "Before 08:30 AM", TimeCount = 0
                        new TimeIn {
                        TimeId = 4, Category = "After 08:30  AM", TimeCount = 0
                        new TimeIn {
                        TimeId = 5, Category = "Absent", TimeCount = 0


                if (!ysmcontext.Gender.Any())
                    /***************** Seed Gender Table ********************/
                        new Gender {
                        GenderId = 1, Gname = "Male"
                        new Gender {
                        GenderId = 2, Gname = "Female"


                if (!ysmcontext.AgeGroup.Any())
                    /***************** Seed AgeGroup Table ********************/
                        new AgeGroup {
                        AgroupId = 1, AgeRange = "18-25"
                        new AgeGroup {
                        AgroupId = 2, AgeRange = "26-35"
                        new AgeGroup {
                        AgroupId = 3, AgeRange = "36-50"
                        new AgeGroup {
                        AgroupId = 4, AgeRange = "51-75"
                        new AgeGroup {
                        AgroupId = 5, AgeRange = "N/A"


                if (!ysmcontext.Department.Any())
                    /***************** Seed Department Table ********************/
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 1, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Lights", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 2, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Camera", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 3, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Social Media", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 4, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "CD Production", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 5, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Switching", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 6, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Photography", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 7, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Design", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 8, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Book Shop", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null
                        new Department {
                        DepartmentId = 9, DepartmentLeaderId = null, NumMembers = null, DepartmentName = "Journalism", DepartmentLeader = null, DeputyId = null, Deputy = null


                if (!ysmcontext.RelationshipStatus.Any())
                    /***************** Seed RelationshipStatus Table ********************/
                        new RelationshipStatus {
                        RelationshipId = 1, RelationshipCategory = "Single"
                        new RelationshipStatus {
                        RelationshipId = 2, RelationshipCategory = "Engaged"
                        new RelationshipStatus {
                        RelationshipId = 3, RelationshipCategory = "Married"
                        new RelationshipStatus {
                        RelationshipId = 4, RelationshipCategory = "Widow"
                        new RelationshipStatus {
                        RelationshipId = 5, RelationshipCategory = "Widower"
                        new RelationshipStatus {
                        RelationshipId = 6, RelationshipCategory = "Unspecified"


                if (!ysmcontext.TransportType.Any())
                    /***************** Seed TransportType Table ********************/
                        new TransportType {
                        TransportId = 1, TransportName = "Own Transport"
                        new TransportType {
                        TransportId = 2, TransportName = "Public Transport"
                        new TransportType {
                        TransportId = 3, TransportName = "Family Transport"
                        new TransportType {
                        TransportId = 4, TransportName = "Walking Distance"


                if (!ysmcontext.DriverLicence.Any())
                    /***************** Seed DriverLicence Table ********************/
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 1, LicenceCode = "A1"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 2, LicenceCode = "A"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 3, LicenceCode = "B"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 4, LicenceCode = "EB"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 5, LicenceCode = "C1"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 6, LicenceCode = "C"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 7, LicenceCode = "EC1"
                        new DriverLicence {
                        LicenceId = 8, LicenceCode = "EC"


                if (!ysmcontext.PositiveAttribute.Any())
                    /***************** Seed Attribute Table ********************/
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 1, AttributeName = "Outgoing (People Person)"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 2, AttributeName = "Reserved (Shy)"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 3, AttributeName = "Innovative"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 4, AttributeName = "Confrontational"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 5, AttributeName = "Assertive"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 6, AttributeName = "Outspoken"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 7, AttributeName = "Confident"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 8, AttributeName = "Analytical"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 9, AttributeName = "Creative"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 10, AttributeName = "Persistent"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 11, AttributeName = "Submissive"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 12, AttributeName = "Considerate"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 13, AttributeName = "Planner"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 14, AttributeName = "Orderly"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 15, AttributeName = "Daring"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 16, AttributeName = "Cheerful"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 17, AttributeName = "Demonstrative"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 18, AttributeName = "Mediator"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 19, AttributeName = "Thoughtful"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 20, AttributeName = "Listener"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 21, AttributeName = "Perfectionist"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 22, AttributeName = "Playful"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 23, AttributeName = "Patient"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 24, AttributeName = "Spontaneous"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 25, AttributeName = "Diplomatic"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 26, AttributeName = "Independent"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 27, AttributeName = "Decisive"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 28, AttributeName = "Scheduled"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 29, AttributeName = "Diplomatic"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 30, AttributeName = "Mover"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 31, AttributeName = "Leader"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 32, AttributeName = "Analytical"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 33, AttributeName = "Strong Willed"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 34, AttributeName = "Convincing"
                        new PositiveAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 35, AttributeName = "Resourceful"


                if (!ysmcontext.ScreeningQuestion.Any())
                    /***************** Seed ScreeningQuestion Table ********************/
                        new ScreeningQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 1, Question = "In your own words, what is the role of the church’s media department?"
                        new ScreeningQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 2, Question = "What kind of influence do you think a media department has on the church?"
                        new ScreeningQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 3, Question = "Are media members supposed to carry themselves in a specific manner?"
                        new ScreeningQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 4, Question = "What is your understanding of being a servant of God?"


                if (!ysmcontext.NegativeAttribute.Any())
                    /***************** Seed NegativeAttribute Table ********************/
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 1, Attribute = "Arrogant"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 2, Attribute = "Undisciplined"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 3, Attribute = "Impatient"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 4, Attribute = "Headstrong"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 5, Attribute = "Angered easily"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 6, Attribute = "Naive"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 7, Attribute = "Worrier"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 8, Attribute = "Too sensitive"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 9, Attribute = "Doubtful"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 10, Attribute = "Inconsistent"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 11, Attribute = "Slow"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 12, Attribute = "Sluggish"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 13, Attribute = "Unsympathetic"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 14, Attribute = "Pessimistic"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 15, Attribute = "Withdrawn"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 16, Attribute = "Disorganized"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 17, Attribute = "Unpuntual"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 18, Attribute = "Critical"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 19, Attribute = "Competitive"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 20, Attribute = "Indecisive"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 21, Attribute = "Proud"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 22, Attribute = "Argumentative"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 23, Attribute = "Domineering"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 24, Attribute = "Intolerant"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 25, Attribute = "Show-off"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 26, Attribute = "Lazy"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 27, Attribute = "Reluctant"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 28, Attribute = "Unforgiving"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 29, Attribute = "Wants credit"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 30, Attribute = "Indifferent"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 31, Attribute = "Manipulative"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 32, Attribute = "Procrastinator"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 33, Attribute = "Too soft"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 34, Attribute = "Judgemental"
                        new NegativeAttribute {
                        AttributeId = 35, Attribute = "Does not like authority"


                if (!ysmcontext.RatingQuestion.Any())
                    /***************** Seed RatingQuestion Table ********************/
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 1, Question = "A group should always have shared vision and goals"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 2, Question = "Every members needs and wants should be met in the group"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 3, Question = "Everyone should be heard and every idea should be taken into consideration"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 4, Question = "Teams are best run when there is a culture of democracy"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 5, Question = "People should only be given tasks they want to do"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 6, Question = "Nothing should be done without go ahead from person in charge"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 7, Question = "Getting along with every team member is an absolute must"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 8, Question = "A member should always stand their ground and MUST be heard"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 9, Question = "Every problem/issue addressed in a team should be addressed"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 10, Question = "Every team member is a leader and should be an example"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 11, Question = "There should be zero tolerance of members who don’t pull their weight"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 12, Question = "Team building is crucial to running a successful department"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 13, Question = "Training and upscaling of skills should be number priority in a team"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 14, Question = "Successful team members have a responsibility towards those not doing so well"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 15, Question = "All members should suffer consequences of one members mistakes"
                        new RatingQuestion {
                        QuestionId = 16, Question = "A team is accountable to its leaders"

Beispiel #7
 public TimeLogController(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #8
 public UserScreeningSupport(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #9
 public UserController(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #10
 public TimeLogSupport(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;
Beispiel #11
 public ChurchMembersController(ysamediaDbContext context)
     _context = context;