Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string        path = @"C:\Users\utesh\Desktop\PP2"; // path of the root directory
            DirectoryInfo dir  = new DirectoryInfo(path);       // information about root directory

            Stack <window> windows = new Stack <window>();      // create a stack of windows to be able to restore previous windows

            windows.Push(new window(dir.GetFileSystemInfos())); // add a window for a root

            while (true)
                window cur = windows.Peek();          // get current window from top of the stack
                cur.draw();                           // print this window
                ConsoleKeyInfo k = Console.ReadKey(); // read from keyboard
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
                {                                     // if key is upArrow
                    if (cur.cursor > 0)               // if it will not go out of the bounderies
                        cur.cursor--;                 // move cursor up
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
                {                                         // if key is downArrow
                    if (cur.cursor + 1 < cur.list.Length) // if it will not go out of the bounderies
                        cur.cursor++;                     // move cursor down
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)                      // if key is enter
                    string newpath = cur.list[cur.cursor].FullName; // created a path for a file under cursor
                    if (Directory.Exists(newpath))                  // if it's directory, create new window in directory path
                        windows.Push(new window((new DirectoryInfo(newpath)).GetFileSystemInfos()));
                        var p = new Process();                       // create a process
                        p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(newpath); // set path for the process
                        p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;          // make it executable
                        p.Start();                                   // open it promptly
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) // if key is backspace
                    if (windows.Count > 1)         // if the number of windows is larger than 1
                    // there must be always at least one window in the stack
                        windows.Pop(); // pop the current window, and return to the previous directory (from which we entered)
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.F2)                                                         // if key is F2, rename the filename under the cursor
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter new name:");                                           // ask an user to enter the new name
                    string name = Console.ReadLine();                                               // new name is red
                    string prev = cur.list[cur.cursor].FullName;                                    // old name

                    string next = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(prev), name);                  // path for the new name
                    Directory.Move(prev, next);                                                     // move from old name to the new name (ala rename)
                    cur.list = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(prev)).GetFileSystemInfos(); // update current list of files in the current window
                if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Delete)                                                     // if the key is delete, delete under the cursor
                    FileSystemInfo x     = cur.list[cur.cursor];                                    // get info about file under the cursor
                    string         xpath = x.FullName;                                              // get file path
                    Console.Clear();                                                                // clear the console
                    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to delete {0} ?\nPress [Y/N]", x.Name);          // Ask user to whether to proceed or not.
                    ConsoleKeyInfo res = Console.ReadKey();                                         // reading a key to obtain an answer for the question
                    while (res.Key != ConsoleKey.Y && res.Key != ConsoleKey.N)                      // if the pressed key isn't defined in the question then keep pressing the key until Y or N not pressed
                        res = Console.ReadKey();                                                    // read the key
                    if (res.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                        string prDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(xpath); // parent directory of the file
                        if (Directory.Exists(xpath))                 // if it's directory
                            Directory.Delete(xpath, true);           // delete directory and all subfiles in it recusrively
                        else // if it's a file
                            File.Delete(xpath);                                   // delete the file
                        cur.list = new DirectoryInfo(prDir).GetFileSystemInfos(); // update a list of files in the current window
            // ConsoleKeyInfo x;
            // x.Key = ConsoleKey.ctrl
            // // when the programm is over, return default color of the window
            // Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;