Beispiel #1
        public bool SendFax(string subject, string senderName, string recipientName, string faxNumber, string contentOrFilePath, ref string errorMess, bool isFilePath = false)
                //var diagnosticService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IDiagnosticService>();
                faxNumber = Regex.Replace(faxNumber, "[^0-9]+", "");
                var settingsReader = new AppSettingsReader();
                var api            = new wfApi();
                var url            = (string)settingsReader.GetValue("FaxServer", typeof(String));
                api.Url = url;
                Int64 uid      = 0;
                var   user     = (string)settingsReader.GetValue("FaxUserName", typeof(String));
                var   password = (string)settingsReader.GetValue("FaxPassword", typeof(String));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderName))
                    senderName = (string)settingsReader.GetValue("EmailFromDisplayName", typeof(String));

                uid = api.AuthenticateUser(user, password);
                if (uid != 0 && uid != 1 && uid != 2)
                    // create file temp to store content
                    string fullPath = string.Empty;
                    if (!isFilePath)
                        string filePath = Path.GetTempPath();
                        string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + ".pdf";

                        var pathApplication = "file:///" + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace("\\", "/");
                        var doc             = new HtmlDocumentHelper(contentOrFilePath);
                        contentOrFilePath = doc.MergeUrlOnImage(pathApplication);
                        var exportFileExportToPdf = new HtmToPdfProvider();
                        fullPath = exportFileExportToPdf.Export(filePath, fileName, contentOrFilePath, null);
                        fullPath = contentOrFilePath;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath) || !File.Exists(fullPath))
                        //if (diagnosticService != null)
                        //    diagnosticService.Info("Cannot create pdf file to fax.");

                    var result = SendFax(api, uid, senderName, subject, recipientName, faxNumber, fullPath);

                    Int64 msgNo = 0;
                    if (Int64.TryParse(result, out msgNo))
                        //message successfully send to server for processing, return value Message ID
                        result = msgNo.ToString();
                        //if (diagnosticService != null)
                        //    diagnosticService.Info("Message sent: " + result);
                    //message fail to send to server for processing, return value = 0
                    //if (diagnosticService != null)
                    //    errorMess = result;
                    //    diagnosticService.Info("Send failed.");
                //if (diagnosticService != null)
                //    diagnosticService.Info("Authentication Failed.");
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorMess = exception.Message;
Beispiel #2
        private string SendFax(wfApi api, Int64 uid, string senderName, string subject, string recipientNameValue, string recipientFaxNumber, string filename)
            var trackingKey   = new string[2];
            var trackingValue = new string[2];

            trackingKey[0]   = "Tracking Key 1";
            trackingValue[0] = "";
            trackingKey[1]   = "Tracking Key 2";
            trackingValue[1] = "";
            //recipient information. sample below shows how to insert one recipient to the message.
            //to send to multiple fax recipients, just extend the list for information below.
            //recipient notify address, notification on send success and notification on send fail are optional.
            var recipientName                = new string[1];
            var recipientCompany             = new string[1];
            var recipientFax                 = new string[1]; //recipient fax number
            var isRawFax                     = new bool[1];   //specify fax number as raw format
            var recipientNotifyAddress       = new string[1]; //recipient email notification address
            var notifyRecipientOnSendSuccess = new bool[1];   //notify recipient on message send success
            var notifyRecipientOnSendFail    = new bool[1];   //notify recipient on message send fail

            recipientName[0]    = recipientNameValue;
            recipientCompany[0] = "";
            recipientFax[0]     = recipientFaxNumber;
            isRawFax[0]         = true;
            //recipientNotifyAddress[0] = "*****@*****.**";
            recipientNotifyAddress[0]       = "";
            notifyRecipientOnSendSuccess[0] = true;
            notifyRecipientOnSendFail[0]    = true;

            //attachment information

            FileStream fs = null;

            byte[] doc1;
                fs   = File.OpenRead(filename);
                doc1 = new byte[fs.Length];
                fs.Read(doc1, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length));
                if (fs != null)

            //attach document from Bytes/Upload (multiple documents)
            var documentName    = new string[1];
            var documentPath    = new string[1];
            var documentBytes   = new object[1];
            var isMergeDocument = new bool[1];

            documentName[0]    = Path.GetFileName(filename);
            documentPath[0]    = string.Empty;
            documentBytes[0]   = doc1;
            isMergeDocument[0] = false;

            var result = api.SendMessage(uid
                                         , senderName
                                         , ""
                                         , subject
                                         , ""
                                         , ""
                                         , ""
                                         , 50
                                         , false
                                         , false
                                         , false
                                         , trackingKey
                                         , trackingValue
                                         , recipientName
                                         , recipientCompany
                                         , recipientFax
                                         , isRawFax
                                         , recipientNotifyAddress
                                         , notifyRecipientOnSendFail
                                         , notifyRecipientOnSendSuccess
                                         , documentName
                                         , documentPath
                                         , documentBytes
                                         , isMergeDocument);
