Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the first item instance associated with 'id' (if any).
    /// if 'id' is zero or lower, returns the first item of 'itemType'.
    /// this method uses a temporary dictionary to speed things up.
    /// if the item can't be found in the dictionary, tries to add it
    /// to the dictionary from the serialized list. returns null if
    /// 'itemType' is null or no matching item can be found
    /// </summary>
    public vp_ItemInstance GetItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int id)
        //Debug.Log("GetItem @ " + Time.frameCount);

        // TIP: turn the comments in this method into debug output for
        // a very detailed look at the code flow at runtime

        if (itemType == null)
            Debug.LogError("Error (" + vp_Utility.GetErrorLocation(1, true) + ") Sent a null itemType to 'GetItem'.");

        if (id < 1)
            //Debug.Log("no ID was specified: returning the first item of matching type");

        if (m_ItemDictionaryDirty)
            //Debug.Log("resetting the dictionary");
            m_ItemDictionaryDirty = false;

        //Debug.Log("we have an ID (" + id + "): try to fetch an associated instance from the dictionary");
        if (!m_ItemDictionary.TryGetValue(id, out m_GetItemResult))
            //Debug.Log("DID NOT find item in the dictionary: trying to find it in the list");
            m_GetItemResult = GetItemFromList(itemType, id);
            if ((m_GetItemResult != null) && (id > 0))
                //Debug.Log("found id '"+id+"' in the list! adding it to dictionary");
                m_ItemDictionary.Add(id, m_GetItemResult);
        else if (m_GetItemResult != null)
            //Debug.Log("DID find a quick-match by ID ("+id+") in the dictionary: verifying the item type");
            if (m_GetItemResult.Type != itemType)
                //Debug.Log("type (" + m_GetItemResult.Type + ") was wrong (expected " + itemType + ") trying to get item from the list");
                Debug.LogWarning("Warning: (vp_Inventory) Player has vp_FPWeapons with identical, non-zero vp_ItemIdentifier IDs! This is much slower than using zero or differing IDs.");
                m_GetItemResult = GetItemFromList(itemType, id);
            //Debug.Log("we found item in the dictionary but it was null");
            GetItem(itemType, id);

        //if (m_GetItemResult != null)	Debug.Log("found item: " + m_GetItemResult + ", Type: " + m_GetItemResult.Type + ", ID: " + m_GetItemResult.ID);
        //else							Debug.Log("found no matching item");

Beispiel #2
	/// <summary>
	/// tries to award an item to a recipient by transform, item type
	/// and amount
	/// </summary>
	public static bool TryGiveItem(Transform recipient, vp_ItemType itemType, int amount)

		if (recipient == null)
			Debug.LogError("Error (" + Instance + ") Recipient was null.");
			return false;

		vp_Inventory inventory;
		if (!m_RecipientInventories.TryGetValue(recipient, out inventory))
			inventory = vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_Inventory>.SendUpwards(recipient, "GetInventory");
			m_RecipientInventories.Add(recipient, inventory);

		if (inventory == null)
			Debug.LogError("Error (" + Instance + ") Failed to find an enabled inventory on '" + recipient + "'.");
			return false;

		if (TryMatchExistingItem(inventory, recipient, itemType, amount))
			return true;

		return TryGiveItemAsNew(recipient, itemType, amount);
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// tries to award an item to a recipient by transform, item type
    /// and amount
    /// </summary>
    public static bool TryGiveItem(Transform recipient, vp_ItemType itemType, int amount)
        if (recipient == null)
            Debug.LogError("Error (" + Instance + ") Recipient was null.");

        vp_Inventory inventory;

        if (!m_RecipientInventories.TryGetValue(recipient, out inventory))
            inventory = vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_Inventory> .SendUpwards(recipient, "GetInventory");

            m_RecipientInventories.Add(recipient, inventory);

        if (inventory == null)
            Debug.LogError("Error (" + Instance + ") Failed to find an enabled inventory on '" + recipient + "'.");

        if (TryMatchExistingItem(inventory, recipient, itemType, amount))

        return(TryGiveItemAsNew(recipient, itemType, amount));
    /// <summary>
    /// upon success, unwields the current weapon of the player and waits
    /// for a little bit before tossing the weapon
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void TryDropCurrentWeapon(float pauseForUnwield = 0.3f)
        if (WeaponHandler == null)

        if (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeapon == null)

        vp_ItemIdentifier identifier = WeaponHandler.CurrentWeapon.GetComponent <vp_ItemIdentifier>();

        if (identifier == null)

        vp_ItemType itemType = identifier.GetItemType();

        if (itemType == null)

        int units = Inventory.GetAmmoInCurrentWeapon();


        vp_Timer.In(Mathf.Max(pauseForUnwield, 0.0f), () =>
            TryDropWeapon(itemType, units);
    /// <summary>
    /// returns a pickup prefab of the passed 'itemType', if available
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual GameObject GetPickupPrefab(vp_ItemType itemType, int units = 0)
        if (itemType == null)

        GameObject o = null;

        if (itemType is vp_UnitType)            // ammo
            m_SceneDroppables.TryGetValue( + "," + units, out o);
        else          // weapons and other items
            m_SceneDroppables.TryGetValue(, out o);

        if (o == null)

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public virtual int GetItemCount(vp_ItemType type)
        vp_UnitType unitType = type as vp_UnitType;

        if (unitType != null)

        int count = 0;

        for (int v = 0; v < ItemInstances.Count; v++)
            if (ItemInstances[v].Type == type)

        for (int v = 0; v < m_UnitBankInstances.Count; v++)
            if (m_UnitBankInstances[v].Type == type)

    /// <summary>
    /// upon success, drops all the player's weapons
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void TryDropAllWeapons()
        if (WeaponHandler == null)

        foreach (KeyValuePair <vp_Weapon, vp_ItemIdentifier> w in Inventory.WeaponIdentifiers)
            vp_Weapon         weapon           = w.Key;
            vp_ItemIdentifier weaponIdentifier = w.Value;

            // skip if weapon identifier has no item type
            vp_ItemType itemType = weaponIdentifier.GetItemType();
            if (itemType == null)

            // for unitbank weapons, try and set the weapon pickup's ammo
            // to the amount of ammo in the dropped weapon
            int units = 0;

            vp_UnitBankInstance unitBank = Inventory.GetUnitBankInstanceOfWeapon(weapon);
            if (unitBank != null)
                units = unitBank.Count;

            // drop the weapon
            TryDropWeapon(itemType, units, weaponIdentifier.ID);
    /// <summary>
    /// if id is set: looks for a specific item, if not:
    /// returns the first item found
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual vp_ItemInstance GetItemFromList(vp_ItemType itemType, int id = UNIDENTIFIED)
        for (int v = 0; v < m_UnitBankInstances.Count; v++)
            if (m_UnitBankInstances[v].Type != itemType)
            if ((id == UNIDENTIFIED) || m_UnitBankInstances[v].ID == id)

        for (int v = 0; v < ItemInstances.Count; v++)
            if (ItemInstances[v].Type != itemType)
            if ((id == UNIDENTIFIED) || ItemInstances[v].ID == id)

    /// <summary>
    /// sets item count to higher or lower than current, regardless
    /// of item cap. this can be used for game designs allowing
    /// for a one-time addition of excess items. NOTE: if caps
    /// should be imposed, instead use 'TryGiveItem.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void SetItemCount(vp_ItemType type, int amount)
        if (type is vp_UnitType)
            SetUnitCount((vp_UnitType)type, amount);

        // if we are to ignore item caps and inventory space, temporarily disable them
        bool capsEnabledBak  = CapsEnabled;
        bool spaceEnabledBak = SpaceEnabled;

        CapsEnabled  = false;
        SpaceEnabled = false;

        // either give or remove items to reach target amount
        int amountToGive = amount - GetItemCount(type);

        if (amountToGive > 0)
            TryGiveItems(type, amount);
        else if (amountToGive < 0)
            TryRemoveItems(type, -amount);

        CapsEnabled  = capsEnabledBak;
        SpaceEnabled = spaceEnabledBak;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void DrawUnitBank(Rect pos, SerializedProperty prop)
        vp_PropertyDrawerUtility.AddObjectBoxBG(pos, pos.width - 50);

        pos.width -= 22;
        pos.x     += 6;
        pos.y     += 2;
        vp_ItemType item = (vp_UnitBankType)prop.objectReferenceValue;
        string      name = item.ToString();

        if (vp_PropertyDrawerUtility.ItemCard(pos,
                                              ((item == null) ? null : item.Icon),
                                              ((item == null) ? null : item),
                                              ref vp_ItemAmountDrawer.ItemAmountValue,
                                              ref vp_ItemIDDrawer.ItemIDValue,
            prop.objectReferenceValue = null;
            vp_ItemAmountDrawer.ItemAmountValue = 0;
            vp_ItemIDDrawer.ItemIDValue = 0;
        }, 0))
            vp_ItemAmountDrawer.ItemAmountTargetObject = prop.serializedObject;
            vp_ItemIDDrawer.ItemIDTargetObject         = prop.serializedObject;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void DrawInternalUnitBank(Rect pos, SerializedProperty prop)
        vp_PropertyDrawerUtility.AddObjectBoxBG(pos, pos.width - 50);

        //int NOVALUE = -1;		// uncomment to hide ID field
        pos.width -= 22;
        pos.x     += 6;
        pos.y     += 2;
        vp_ItemType item = (vp_ItemType)prop.objectReferenceValue;
        string      name = item.ToString();

        //if(prop.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType() == typeof(vp_ItemPickup))		// this can be done to identify the type of host component

        if (vp_PropertyDrawerUtility.ItemCard(pos,
                                              ((item == null) ? null : item.Icon),
                                              ((item == null) ? null : item),
                                              ref vp_ItemAmountDrawer.ItemAmountValue,
                                              ref vp_ItemIDDrawer.ItemIDValue, // set to 'NOVALUE' to hide ID field
                                              "ID",                            // set to "" to hide ID field
            prop.objectReferenceValue = null;
            vp_ItemAmountDrawer.ItemAmountValue = 0;
            vp_ItemIDDrawer.ItemIDValue = 0;
        }, 0))
            vp_ItemAmountDrawer.ItemAmountTargetObject = prop.serializedObject;
Beispiel #12
    /// <summary>
    /// returns true if we managed to add new items of 'itemType',
    /// false if not
    /// </summary>
    protected static bool TryGiveItemAsNew(Transform recipient, vp_ItemType itemType, int amount)
        System.Type type = itemType.GetType();

        if (type == typeof(vp_ItemType))
            return(vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_ItemType, int, bool> .SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveItem", itemType, 0));
        else if (type == typeof(vp_UnitBankType))
            return(vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_UnitBankType, int, int, bool> .SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnitBank", (itemType as vp_UnitBankType), amount, 0));
        else if (type == typeof(vp_UnitType))
            return(vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_UnitType, int, bool> .SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnits", (itemType as vp_UnitType), amount));
        else if (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_ItemType))
            return(vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_ItemType, int, bool> .SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveItem", itemType, 0));
        else if (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_UnitBankType))
            return(vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_UnitBankType, int, int, bool> .SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnitBank", (itemType as vp_UnitBankType), amount, 0));
        else if (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_UnitType))
            return(vp_TargetEventReturn <vp_UnitType, int, bool> .SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnits", (itemType as vp_UnitType), amount));

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool HaveItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int id = UNIDENTIFIED)
     if (itemType == null)
     return(GetItem(itemType, id) != null);
Beispiel #14
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected override void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)
        bool alreadyHaveIt = vp_Gameplay.isMultiplayer ? HaveItem(type) : HaveItem(type, id);           // NOTE: id not supported in UFPS multiplayer add-on

        base.DoAddItem(type, id);

        TryWieldNewItem(type, alreadyHaveIt);
    /// <summary>
    /// tries to drop the currenlty loaded throwing weapon unit in the form
    /// of an ammo unit (rather than in the form of a weapon)
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void TryDropLoadedThrowingUnit(vp_UnitType unitType)
        vp_UnitBankType unitBankType = Inventory.GetThrowingWeaponUnitBankType(unitType);

        if (unitBankType == null)

        for (int v = (WeaponHandler.Weapons.Count - 1); v > -1; v--)
            if (WeaponHandler.Weapons[v] == null)

            vp_ItemIdentifier identifier = WeaponHandler.Weapons[v].GetComponent <vp_ItemIdentifier>();
            if (identifier == null)

            vp_ItemType iType = identifier.GetItemType();
            if (iType == null)

            if (iType != unitBankType)

            for (int u = (Inventory.UnitBankInstances.Count - 1); u > -1; u--)
                //Debug.Log("unittype: " + Inventory.UnitBankInstances[u].Type + ", count: " + Inventory.UnitBankInstances[u].Count);
                if (Inventory.UnitBankInstances[u].UnitType == unitBankType.Unit)
                    // if the throwing weapon is currently loaded with one unit (likely), move that unit
                    // from the throwing weapon to the internal unitbank and drop it as an ammo clip
                    if (Inventory.UnitBankInstances[u].Count == 1)
                        // move unit to internal unitbank
                        vp_UnitBankInstance internalUnitBank = Inventory.GetInternalUnitBank(Inventory.UnitBankInstances[u].UnitType);
                        // drop the moved unit
                        if (TryDropAmmoClip(Inventory.UnitBankInstances[u], 1))
                            //Debug.Log("Dropped: " + Inventory.UnitBankInstances[v] + ",1");
Beispiel #16
    public static void CreateItemTypeVpItemType()
        vp_ItemType asset = (vp_ItemType)vp_EditorUtility.CreateAsset("UFPS/Base/Content/ItemTypes", typeof(vp_ItemType));

        if (asset != null)
            asset.DisplayName = "thing";
Beispiel #17
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected override void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)
        bool hadItBefore = HaveItem(type, id);

        base.DoAddItem(type, id);
        if (!hadItBefore)
            TryWield(GetItem(type, id));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)
     ItemInstances.Add(new vp_ItemInstance(type, id));
     m_FirstItemsDirty = true;
     if (SpaceEnabled)
         m_UsedSpace += type.Space;
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual vp_ItemInstance GetItem(vp_ItemType itemType)
        // TIP: turn the comments in this method into debug output for
        // a very detailed look at the code flow at runtime

        // recreate the dictionary if needed (items may have been added, removed)

        if (m_FirstItemsDirty)
            //Debug.Log("recreating the 'm_FirstItemsOfType' dictionary");
            foreach (vp_ItemInstance itemInstance in ItemInstances)
                if (itemInstance == null)
                if (!m_FirstItemsOfType.ContainsKey(itemInstance.Type))
                    m_FirstItemsOfType.Add(itemInstance.Type, itemInstance);
            foreach (vp_UnitBankInstance itemInstance in UnitBankInstances)
                if (itemInstance == null)
                if (!m_FirstItemsOfType.ContainsKey(itemInstance.Type))
                    m_FirstItemsOfType.Add(itemInstance.Type, itemInstance);
            m_FirstItemsDirty = false;

        //Debug.Log("trying to fetch an instance of the target item type");
        if (!m_FirstItemsOfType.TryGetValue(itemType, out m_GetFirstItemInstanceResult))
            //Debug.Log("no match: returning null");

        //Debug.Log("an instance of the target item type was found: perform a null check");
        if (m_GetFirstItemInstanceResult == null)
            //Debug.Log("the instance was null: so refresh dictionary and run the method all over again");
            m_FirstItemsDirty = true;

        //Debug.Log("item was found");
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)
     ItemInstances.Add(new vp_ItemInstance(type, id));
     if (SpaceEnabled)
         m_UsedSpace += type.Space;
     m_FirstItemsDirty     = true;
     m_ItemDictionaryDirty = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// tries to remove a number of items by type and amount,
    /// regardless of their IDs
    /// </summary>
    public virtual bool TryRemoveItems(vp_ItemType type, int amount)
        bool result = false;

        while (amount > 0)
            if (TryRemoveItem(type, UNIDENTIFIED))
                result = true;
Beispiel #22
    /// <summary>
    /// tries to remove an amount of items to the item count.
    /// NOTE: this event should be passed an object array where
    /// the first object is of type 'vp_ItemType', and the second
    /// (optional) object is of type 'int', representing the amount
    /// of items to remove
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual bool OnAttempt_RemoveItem(object args)
        object[] arr = (object[])args;

        // fail if item type is unknown
        vp_ItemType type = arr[0] as vp_ItemType;

        if (type == null)

        int amount = (arr.Length == 2) ? (int)arr[1] : 1;

        return(TryRemoveItems(type, amount));
    /// <summary>
    /// tries to remove an item record or unit from the player inventory
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual bool TryRemoveItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int units = 1, int id = 0)
        //Debug.Log("TryRemoveItem: " + + ", " + amount);

        if (Inventory == null)
            Debug.LogError("Error (" + this + ") Tried to remove an item but there is no vp_Inventory!");

        vp_ItemInstance i = null;

        if (id != 0)
            i = Inventory.GetItem(itemType, id);
            i = Inventory.GetItem(;

        if (i == null)

        id = i.ID;

        if (itemType is vp_UnitType)
            if (!Inventory.TryRemoveUnits((itemType as vp_UnitType), units))
                //Debug.Log("Failed to remove " + amount + " units of type: " + itemType);
            if (!Inventory.TryRemoveItems(itemType, 1))
                //Debug.Log("Failed to remove an item of type: " + itemType);

    /// <summary>
    /// internal method which can add items by type, amount and ID.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual bool TryGiveItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int id)
        if (itemType == null)
            Debug.LogError("Error (" + vp_Utility.GetErrorLocation(2) + ") Item type was null.");

        // forward to the correct method if this was a unit type
        vp_UnitType unitType = itemType as vp_UnitType;

        if (unitType != null)
            return(TryGiveUnits(unitType, id));                 // in this case treat int argument as 'amount'
        // forward to the correct method if this was a unitbank type
        vp_UnitBankType unitBankType = itemType as vp_UnitBankType;

        if (unitBankType != null)
            return(TryGiveUnitBank(unitBankType, unitBankType.Capacity, id));

        // enforce item cap for this type of item
        if (CapsEnabled)
            int capacity = GetItemCap(itemType);
            if ((capacity != UNLIMITED) && (GetItemCount(itemType) >= capacity))

        // enforce space limitations of the inventory
        if (SpaceEnabled)
            if ((UsedSpace + itemType.Space) > TotalSpace)

        DoAddItem(itemType, id);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void SetItemCap(vp_ItemType type, int cap, bool clamp = false)

        // see if we have an existing cap for 'type'
        for (int v = 0; v < m_ItemCapInstances.Count; v++)
            // if so, change the cap
            if (m_ItemCapInstances[v].Type == type)
                m_ItemCapInstances[v].Cap = cap;
                goto found;

        // if not found, create a new cap
        m_ItemCapInstances.Add(new ItemCap(type, cap));


        // if type is a unit, update capacity of the unit bank
        if (type is vp_UnitType)
            for (int v = 0; v < m_InternalUnitBanks.Count; v++)
                if ((m_InternalUnitBanks[v].UnitType != null) && (m_InternalUnitBanks[v].UnitType == type))
                    m_InternalUnitBanks[v].Capacity = cap;
                    // clamp amount of units, if specified
                    if (clamp)
        // clamp amount of items, if specified
        else if (clamp)
            if (GetItemCount(type) > cap)
                TryRemoveItems(type, (GetItemCount(type) - cap));
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public virtual int GetItemCap(vp_ItemType type)
        if (!CapsEnabled)

        for (int v = 0; v < m_ItemCapInstances.Count; v++)
            if (m_ItemCapInstances[v].Type == type)

        if (AllowOnlyListed)

 /// <summary>
 /// NOTE: only for item unit banks (such as weapons)
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool TryReload(vp_ItemType itemType, int unitBankId, int amount)
     return(TryReload(GetItem(itemType, unitBankId) as vp_UnitBankInstance, amount));
 /// <summary>
 /// tries to remove an item by type and ID
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool TryRemoveItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)
     return(TryRemoveItem(GetItem(type, id) as vp_ItemInstance));
 /// <summary>
 /// NOTE: only for item unit banks (such as weapons)
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool TryReload(vp_ItemType itemType, int unitBankId)
     return(TryReload(GetItem(itemType, unitBankId) as vp_UnitBankInstance, MAXCAPACITY));
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public virtual void SetItemCap(vp_ItemType type, int cap, bool clamp = false)


		// see if we have an existing cap for 'type'
		for (int v = 0; v < m_ItemCapInstances.Count; v++)
			// if so, change the cap
			if (m_ItemCapInstances[v].Type == type)
				m_ItemCapInstances[v].Cap = cap;
				goto found;
		// if not found, create a new cap
		m_ItemCapInstances.Add(new ItemCap(type, cap));


		// if type is a unit, update capacity of the unit bank
		if (type is vp_UnitType)
			for (int v = 0; v < m_InternalUnitBanks.Count; v++)
				if ((m_InternalUnitBanks[v].UnitType != null) && (m_InternalUnitBanks[v].UnitType == type))
					m_InternalUnitBanks[v].Capacity = cap;
					// clamp amount of units, if specified
					if (clamp)
		// clamp amount of items, if specified
		else if (clamp)
			if (GetItemCount(type) > cap)
				TryRemoveItems(type, (GetItemCount(type) - cap));

Beispiel #31
	/// <summary>
	/// returns true if we managed to add new items of 'itemType',
	/// false if not
	/// </summary>
	protected static bool TryGiveItemAsNew(Transform recipient, vp_ItemType itemType, int amount)

		System.Type type = itemType.GetType();

		if (type == typeof(vp_ItemType))
			return vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_ItemType, int, bool>.SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveItem", itemType, 0);
		else if (type == typeof(vp_UnitBankType))
			return vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_UnitBankType, int, int, bool>.SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnitBank", (itemType as vp_UnitBankType), amount, 0);
		else if (type == typeof(vp_UnitType))
			return vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_UnitType, int, bool>.SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnits", (itemType as vp_UnitType), amount);
		else if (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_ItemType))
			return vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_ItemType, int, bool>.SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveItem", itemType, 0);
		else if (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_UnitBankType))
			return vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_UnitBankType, int, int, bool>.SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnitBank", (itemType as vp_UnitBankType), amount, 0);
		else if (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_UnitType))
			return vp_TargetEventReturn<vp_UnitType, int, bool>.SendUpwards(recipient, "TryGiveUnits", (itemType as vp_UnitType), amount);

		return false;

	/// <summary>
	/// tries to add a number of items by type and amount.
	/// NOTE: all items with have ID '0'.
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool TryGiveItems(vp_ItemType type, int amount)
		bool result = false;
		while (amount > 0)
			if (TryGiveItem(type, 0))
				result = true;
		return result;	
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	protected virtual void TryWieldNewItem(vp_ItemType type, bool alreadyHaveIt)

		bool haveHadItBefore = m_PreviouslyOwnedItems.ContainsKey(type);
		if (!haveHadItBefore)
			m_PreviouslyOwnedItems.Add(type, null);

		// --- see if we should try to wield a weapon because of this item pickup ---

		if (m_AutoWield.Always)
			goto tryWield;

		if (m_AutoWield.IfUnarmed && (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeaponIndex < 1))
			goto tryWield;

		if (m_AutoWield.IfOutOfAmmo
			&& (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeaponIndex > 0)
			&& (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeapon.AnimationType != (int)vp_Weapon.Type.Melee)
			&& m_Player.CurrentWeaponAmmoCount.Get() < 1)
			goto tryWield;

		if (m_AutoWield.IfNotPresent && !m_AutoWield.FirstTimeOnly && !alreadyHaveIt)
			goto tryWield;

		if (m_AutoWield.FirstTimeOnly && !haveHadItBefore)
			goto tryWield;



		if ((type is vp_UnitBankType))
		else if (type is vp_UnitType)
			TryWieldByUnit(type as vp_UnitType);
		else if (type is vp_ItemType)	// tested last since the others derive from it
			System.Type baseType = type.GetType();
			if (baseType == null)
			baseType = baseType.BaseType;
			if ((baseType == typeof(vp_UnitBankType)))
			else if (baseType == typeof(vp_UnitType))
				TryWieldByUnit(type as vp_UnitType);
			else if (baseType == typeof(vp_ItemType))
	/// <summary>
	/// if id is set: looks for a specific item, if not:
	/// returns the first item found
	/// </summary>
	protected virtual vp_ItemInstance GetItemFromList(vp_ItemType itemType, int id = UNIDENTIFIED)

		for (int v = 0; v < m_UnitBankInstances.Count; v++)
			if (m_UnitBankInstances[v].Type != itemType)
			if ((id == UNIDENTIFIED) || m_UnitBankInstances[v].ID == id)
				return m_UnitBankInstances[v];

		for (int v = 0; v < ItemInstances.Count; v++)
			if (ItemInstances[v].Type != itemType)
			if ((id == UNIDENTIFIED) || ItemInstances[v].ID == id)
				return ItemInstances[v];

		return null;

	public vp_ItemInstance(vp_ItemType type, int id)
		ID = id;
		Type = type;
	/// <summary>
	/// tries to remove a number of items by type and amount,
	/// regardless of their IDs
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool TryRemoveItems(vp_ItemType type, int amount)

		bool result = false;
		while (amount > 0)
			if (TryRemoveItem(type, UNIDENTIFIED))
				result = true;
		return result;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	protected virtual void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)
		ItemInstances.Add(new vp_ItemInstance(type, id));
		if (SpaceEnabled)
			m_UsedSpace += type.Space;
		m_FirstItemsDirty = true;
		m_ItemDictionaryDirty = true;
	/// <summary>
	/// tries to remove an item by type and ID
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool TryRemoveItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)

		return TryRemoveItem(GetItem(type, id) as vp_ItemInstance);

Beispiel #39
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	protected override void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)

		bool hadItBefore = HaveItem(type, id);
		base.DoAddItem(type, id);
		if (!hadItBefore)
			TryWield(GetItem(type, id));
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public virtual int GetItemCap(vp_ItemType type)

		if (!CapsEnabled)
			return UNLIMITED;

		for (int v = 0; v < m_ItemCapInstances.Count; v++)
			if (m_ItemCapInstances[v].Type == type)
				return m_ItemCapInstances[v].Cap;

		if (AllowOnlyListed)
			return 0;

		return UNLIMITED;

	/// <summary>
	/// returns the first item instance associated with 'id' (if any).
	/// if 'id' is zero or lower, returns the first item of 'itemType'.
	/// this method uses a temporary dictionary to speed things up.
	/// if the item can't be found in the dictionary, tries to add it
	/// to the dictionary from the serialized list. returns null if
	/// 'itemType' is null or no matching item can be found
	/// </summary>
	public vp_ItemInstance GetItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int id)

		//Debug.Log("GetItem @ " + Time.frameCount);

		// TIP: turn the comments in this method into debug output for
		// a very detailed look at the code flow at runtime

		if (itemType == null)
			Debug.LogError("Error (" + vp_Utility.GetErrorLocation(1, true) + ") Sent a null itemType to 'GetItem'.");
			return null;

		if (id < 1)
			//Debug.Log("no ID was specified: returning the first item of matching type");
			return GetItem(itemType);

		if (m_ItemDictionaryDirty)
			//Debug.Log("resetting the dictionary");
			m_ItemDictionaryDirty = false;

		//Debug.Log("we have an ID (" + id + "): try to fetch an associated instance from the dictionary");
		if (!m_ItemDictionary.TryGetValue(id, out m_GetItemResult))

			//Debug.Log("DID NOT find item in the dictionary: trying to find it in the list");
			m_GetItemResult = GetItemFromList(itemType, id);
			if ((m_GetItemResult != null) && (id > 0))

				//Debug.Log("found id '"+id+"' in the list! adding it to dictionary");
				m_ItemDictionary.Add(id, m_GetItemResult);
		else if (m_GetItemResult != null)

			//Debug.Log("DID find a quick-match by ID ("+id+") in the dictionary: verifying the item type");
			if (m_GetItemResult.Type != itemType)

				//Debug.Log("type (" + m_GetItemResult.Type + ") was wrong (expected " + itemType + ") trying to get item from the list");
				Debug.LogWarning("Warning: (vp_Inventory) Player has vp_FPWeapons with identical, non-zero vp_ItemIdentifier IDs! This is much slower than using zero or differing IDs.");
				m_GetItemResult = GetItemFromList(itemType, id);

			//Debug.Log("we found item in the dictionary but it was null");
			GetItem(itemType, id);

		//if (m_GetItemResult != null)	Debug.Log("found item: " + m_GetItemResult + ", Type: " + m_GetItemResult.Type + ", ID: " + m_GetItemResult.ID);
		//else							Debug.Log("found no matching item");

		return m_GetItemResult;

 public StartItemRecord(vp_ItemType type, int id, int amount)
     Type   = type;
     ID     = id;
     Amount = amount;
	/// <summary>
	/// internal method which can add items by type, amount and ID.
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool TryGiveItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int id)

		if (itemType == null)
			Debug.LogError("Error (" + vp_Utility.GetErrorLocation(2) + ") Item type was null.");
			return false;

		// forward to the correct method if this was a unit type
		vp_UnitType unitType = itemType as vp_UnitType;
		if (unitType != null)
			return TryGiveUnits(unitType, id);	// in this case treat int argument as 'amount'

		// forward to the correct method if this was a unitbank type
		vp_UnitBankType unitBankType = itemType as vp_UnitBankType;
		if (unitBankType != null)
			return TryGiveUnitBank(unitBankType, unitBankType.Capacity, id);

		// enforce item cap for this type of item
		if (CapsEnabled)
			int capacity = GetItemCap(itemType);
			if ((capacity != UNLIMITED) && (GetItemCount(itemType) >= capacity))
				return false;

		// enforce space limitations of the inventory
		if (SpaceEnabled)
			if ((UsedSpace + itemType.Space) > TotalSpace)
				return false;

		DoAddItem(itemType, id);

		return true;

	/// <summary>
	/// NOTE: only for item unit banks (such as weapons)
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool TryReload(vp_ItemType itemType, int unitBankId)

		return TryReload(GetItem(itemType, unitBankId) as vp_UnitBankInstance, MAXCAPACITY);

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	protected override void DoAddItem(vp_ItemType type, int id)

		bool alreadyHaveIt = vp_Gameplay.isMultiplayer ? HaveItem(type) : HaveItem(type, id);	// NOTE: id not supported in UFPS multiplayer add-on

		base.DoAddItem(type, id);

		TryWieldNewItem(type, alreadyHaveIt);

	/// <summary>
	/// NOTE: only for item unit banks (such as weapons)
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool TryReload(vp_ItemType itemType, int unitBankId, int amount)
		return TryReload(GetItem(itemType, unitBankId) as vp_UnitBankInstance, amount);
		public StartItemRecord(vp_ItemType type, int id, int amount)
			Type = type;
			ID = id;
			Amount = amount;
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public virtual vp_ItemInstance GetItem(vp_ItemType itemType)

		// TIP: turn the comments in this method into debug output for
		// a very detailed look at the code flow at runtime

		// recreate the dictionary if needed (items may have been added, removed)
		if (m_FirstItemsDirty)
			//Debug.Log("recreating the 'm_FirstItemsOfType' dictionary");
			foreach (vp_ItemInstance itemInstance in ItemInstances)
				if (itemInstance == null)
				if (!m_FirstItemsOfType.ContainsKey(itemInstance.Type))
					m_FirstItemsOfType.Add(itemInstance.Type, itemInstance);
			foreach (vp_UnitBankInstance itemInstance in UnitBankInstances)
				if (itemInstance == null)
					m_FirstItemsOfType.Add(itemInstance.Type, itemInstance);
			m_FirstItemsDirty = false;

		//Debug.Log("trying to fetch an instance of the target item type");
		if ((itemType == null) || !m_FirstItemsOfType.TryGetValue(itemType, out m_GetFirstItemInstanceResult))
			//Debug.Log("no match: returning null");
			return null;

		//Debug.Log("an instance of the target item type was found: perform a null check");
		if (m_GetFirstItemInstanceResult == null)
			//Debug.Log("the instance was null: so refresh dictionary and run the method all over again");
			m_FirstItemsDirty = true;
			return GetItem(itemType);

		//Debug.Log("item was found");
		return m_GetFirstItemInstanceResult;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public virtual bool HaveItem(vp_ItemType itemType, int id = UNIDENTIFIED)
		if (itemType == null)
			return false;
		return GetItem(itemType, id) != null;
Beispiel #50
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void TryWieldNewItem(vp_ItemType type, bool alreadyHaveIt)
        bool haveHadItBefore = m_PreviouslyOwnedItems.ContainsKey(type);

        if (!haveHadItBefore)
            m_PreviouslyOwnedItems.Add(type, null);

        // --- see if we should try to wield a weapon because of this item pickup ---

        if (m_AutoWield.Always)
            goto tryWield;

        if (m_AutoWield.IfUnarmed && (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeaponIndex < 1))
            goto tryWield;

        if (m_AutoWield.IfOutOfAmmo &&
            (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeaponIndex > 0) &&
            (WeaponHandler.CurrentWeapon.AnimationType != (int)vp_Weapon.Type.Melee) &&
            m_Player.CurrentWeaponAmmoCount.Get() < 1)
            goto tryWield;

        if (m_AutoWield.IfNotPresent && !m_AutoWield.FirstTimeOnly && !alreadyHaveIt)
            goto tryWield;

        if (m_AutoWield.FirstTimeOnly && !haveHadItBefore)
            goto tryWield;



        if ((type is vp_UnitBankType))
        else if (type is vp_UnitType)
            TryWieldByUnit(type as vp_UnitType);
        else if (type is vp_ItemType)           // tested last since the others derive from it
            System.Type baseType = type.GetType();
            if (baseType == null)
            baseType = baseType.BaseType;
            if ((baseType == typeof(vp_UnitBankType)))
            else if (baseType == typeof(vp_UnitType))
                TryWieldByUnit(type as vp_UnitType);
            else if (baseType == typeof(vp_ItemType))
Beispiel #51
	/// <summary>
	/// returns true if inventory has items of 'itemType', and the
	/// amount of existing items is modified or unchanged. returns
	/// false if there are no matching items
	/// </summary>
	protected static bool TryMatchExistingItem(vp_Inventory inventory, Transform recipient, vp_ItemType itemType, int amount)

		//Debug.Log("--- TryMatchExistingItem ---");
		//Debug.Log("recipient: " + recipient);
		//Debug.Log("item type: " + itemType);
		//Debug.Log("amount: " + amount);

		System.Type type = itemType.GetType();

		if ((type == typeof(vp_UnitBankType)) || (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_UnitBankType)))

			vp_UnitBankInstance ui = inventory.GetItem(itemType) as vp_UnitBankInstance;
			if (ui != null)
				ui.Count = amount;
				return true;
		else if ((type == typeof(vp_UnitType)) || (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_UnitType)))
			if (inventory.HaveInternalUnitBank(itemType as vp_UnitType))
				vp_UnitBankInstance ui = inventory.GetInternalUnitBank(itemType as vp_UnitType);
				ui.Count = amount;
				return true;
		else if ((type == typeof(vp_ItemType)) || (type.BaseType == typeof(vp_ItemType)))

			int existing = inventory.GetItemCount(itemType);
			//Debug.Log("currently existing in inventory: " + existing);

			if (existing > 0)
				int adjustment = (amount - existing);
				//Debug.Log("needed adjustment: " + adjustment);

				if (adjustment < 0)
					//Debug.Log("adjustment less than zero. running 'TryRemoveItems' with argument '" + adjustment + "' and result: " +
					inventory.TryRemoveItems(itemType, Mathf.Abs(adjustment));
				else if (adjustment > 0)
					//Debug.Log("adjustment more than zero. running 'TryGiveItems' with argument '" + adjustment + "' and result: " +
					inventory.TryGiveItems(itemType, adjustment);

				return true;


		return false;

	/// <summary>
	/// sets item count to higher or lower than current, regardless
	/// of item cap. this can be used for game designs allowing
	/// for a one-time addition of excess items. NOTE: if caps
	/// should be imposed, instead use 'TryGiveItem.
	/// </summary>
	public virtual void SetItemCount(vp_ItemType type, int amount)

		if (type is vp_UnitType)
			SetUnitCount((vp_UnitType)type, amount);

		// if we are to ignore item caps and inventory space, temporarily disable them
		bool capsEnabledBak = CapsEnabled;
		bool spaceEnabledBak = SpaceEnabled;

		CapsEnabled = false;
		SpaceEnabled = false;

		// either give or remove items to reach target amount
		int amountToGive = amount - GetItemCount(type);
		if (amountToGive > 0)
			TryGiveItems(type, amount);
		else if (amountToGive < 0)
			TryRemoveItems(type, -amount);

		CapsEnabled = capsEnabledBak;
		SpaceEnabled = spaceEnabledBak;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public virtual int GetItemCount(vp_ItemType type)

		vp_UnitType unitType = type as vp_UnitType;
		if (unitType != null)
			return GetUnitCount(unitType);

		int count = 0;
		for (int v = 0; v < ItemInstances.Count; v++)
			if (ItemInstances[v].Type == type)

		for (int v = 0; v < m_UnitBankInstances.Count; v++)
			if (m_UnitBankInstances[v].Type == type)
		return count;

		public ItemCap(vp_ItemType type, int cap)
			Type = type;
			Cap = cap;