Beispiel #1
    void calculateDensityForExocytosis()
        // Setting exocytosis probabilities to all vertices.
        for (int j = 0; j < detailsForVertex.Count; j++)
            vertexDetails tempDets = new vertexDetails();
            tempDets = detailsForVertex[j];

            // The "denser" the vertex is, the smaller the average distance from surrounding vertices.
            // Exocytosis probability should be in direct correlation to density - so that the higher the density value (the less dense the vertex), the higher the chances to exocytose there.
            tempDets.vertexExocytosisProbability = tempDets.vertexDensity / averageDensity;

            detailsForVertex[j] = tempDets;
Beispiel #2
    // calculate the chances, per each vertex, to go to each of the neighbors, by the distance to that neighbor. SEEMS TO BE WRONG.
    void calculateStandardProbability()
        float sumOfDensities = 0;
        float sumOfDistances;
        float sumOfInverseSquaredDistances;
        float prevDist;

        // After finishing the neighbors list, calculate density and probability for each neighbor.
        for (int j = 0; j < detailsForVertex.Count; j++)
            sumOfDistances = 0;
            sumOfInverseSquaredDistances = 0;

            vertexDetails tempDets = new vertexDetails();
            tempDets = detailsForVertex[j];

            // calculate density and probability for each neighbor
            for (int i = 0; i < detailsForVertex[j].neighborIndicesList.Count; i++)
                sumOfDistances += detailsForVertex[j].distancePerNeighbor[i];
                sumOfInverseSquaredDistances += 1 / Mathf.Pow(detailsForVertex[j].distancePerNeighbor[i], 2);

            tempDets.vertexDensity = (float)sumOfDistances / (float)detailsForVertex[j].neighborIndicesList.Count;
            sumOfDensities        += tempDets.vertexDensity;

            for (int i = 0; i < detailsForVertex[j].neighborIndicesList.Count; i++)
                tempDets.probabilityPerNeighbor.Add(1 / Mathf.Pow(detailsForVertex[j].distancePerNeighbor[i], 2) / sumOfInverseSquaredDistances);

                /*prevDist = (i == 0) ? 0 : tempDets.probabilityDensityPerNeighbor[i-1];
                 * tempDets.probabilityDensityPerNeighbor.Add (prevDist + tempDets.probabilityPerNeighbor[i]);*/
                // now inserting the correlative number of neighbors to the probability - so that running a random on this list will effectively create a random with probability.
                int numOfNeighborsForProbability = Mathf.RoundToInt(tempDets.probabilityPerNeighbor[i] * 100);
                for (int k = 0; k < numOfNeighborsForProbability; k++)

            detailsForVertex[j] = tempDets;

        averageDensity = (float)sumOfDensities / (float)detailsForVertex.Count;
Beispiel #3
    // builds a map of the neighbors of each vector
    public void buildNeighborsDetails(Cell2 icell, Mesh mesh)
        objectMesh = mesh;
        cell       = icell;

        int[] t = mesh.triangles;
        //verticesHash = new ArrayList(mesh.vertices.Length);

        /*for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) {
         *      neighborsForVertex.Add(i, new List<int>());
         * }*/
        //vertexDetails tempDets;

        // Initialize vertexDetails array to each vertex.
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
            vertexDetails tempDets = new vertexDetails();
            tempDets.neighborIndicesList    = new List <int>();
            tempDets.distancePerNeighbor    = new List <float>();
            tempDets.probabilityPerNeighbor = new List <float>();
            //tempDets.probabilityDensityPerNeighbor = new List<float>();
            tempDets.neighborIndicesByProbability = new List <int>();

            detailsForVertex.Add(i, tempDets);

        // For each trio of indices of vectors that form a triangle, register that they are neighbors of each other...
        for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i += 3)
            // read the indices of the vertices that make up the tri
            int indexOfVert1 = t[i];
            int indexOfVert2 = t[i + 1];
            int indexOfVert3 = t[i + 2];

            addAllVerticesToEachOthersLists(indexOfVert1, indexOfVert2, indexOfVert3);

