protected void PhotonSystemOnJoinedRoomHandler(uFrame.ECS.OnJoinedRoomDispatcher data, LobbyButton source) {
     var handler = PhotonSystemOnJoinedRoomHandlerInstance;
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Source = source;
 protected void LobbySystemPointerClickFilter(uFrame.ECS.PointerClickDispatcher data) {
     var SourceLobbyButton = LobbyButtonManager[data.EntityId];
     if (SourceLobbyButton == null) {
     this.LobbySystemPointerClickHandler(data, SourceLobbyButton);
 protected void PhotonSystemOnJoinedRoomFilter(uFrame.ECS.OnJoinedRoomDispatcher data) {
     var SourceLobbyButton = LobbyButtonManager[data.EntityId];
     if (SourceLobbyButton == null) {
     this.PhotonSystemOnJoinedRoomHandler(data, SourceLobbyButton);
 public override void CubesAdded(uFrame.MVVM.ViewBase view)
     float x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.25f, 0.75f);
     float y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.25f, 0.75f);
     Vector3 viewPort = new Vector3(x, y, 10f);
     view.transform.position = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(viewPort);
 protected void LobbySystemPointerClickHandler(uFrame.ECS.PointerClickDispatcher data, LobbyButton source) {
     var handler = LobbySystemPointerClickHandlerInstance;
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Source = source;
 protected virtual void DemoPlayerSystemPointerClickHandler(uFrame.ECS.MouseDownDispatcher data, ClickCount source) {
     var handler = new DemoPlayerSystemPointerClickHandler();
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Source = source;
 protected void PhotonSystemGameReadyHandler(uFrame.Kernel.GameReadyEvent data, Driver group) {
     var handler = PhotonSystemGameReadyHandlerInstance;
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Group = group;
Beispiel #8
 protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model)
     // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
     // var vm = model as GameCoreViewModel;
     // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
 protected override void HandleDestroyOnCollisionHandler(uFrame.ECS.OnTriggerEnterDispatcher data, DestroyOnCollision source)
     var handler = new HandleDestroyOnCollisionHandler();
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Source = source;
 protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
     // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
     // var vm = model as LevelRootViewModel;
     // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
     var levelrootview = ((LevelRootViewModel)model);
     levelrootview.CurrentLevel = this._CurrentLevel;
 protected void PhotonSystemGameReadyFilter(uFrame.Kernel.GameReadyEvent data) {
     var DriverItems = DriverManager.Components;
     for (var DriverIndex = 0
     ; DriverIndex < DriverItems.Count; DriverIndex++
     ) {
         this.PhotonSystemGameReadyHandler(data, DriverItems[DriverIndex]);
Beispiel #12
 protected void GameReadyEventHandler(uFrame.Kernel.GameReadyEvent data, Box group)
     var handler = GameReadyEventHandlerInstance;;
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Group = group;
Beispiel #13
 protected override void UISystemPointerClickDispatcherHandler(uFrame.ECS.PointerClickDispatcher data, PlayGameButton source)
     var handler = new UISystemPointerClickDispatcherHandler();
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Source = source;
    protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
        // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
        // var vm = model as PlayerViewModel;
        // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
		//Debug.Log("Max_Quantity = " + Max_Quantity);
		gSHexGridManager = GameObject.Find("HexMapGrid").GetComponent<GSHexGridManager>();
 protected override void PlayerSystemOnCollisionEnterHandler(uFrame.ECS.OnTriggerEnterDispatcher data, Hazard collider, PlayerGunner source)
     var handler = new PlayerSystemOnCollisionEnterHandler();
     handler.System = this;
     handler.Event = data;
     handler.Collider = collider;
     handler.Source = source;
Beispiel #16
 protected void GameReadyEventFilter(uFrame.Kernel.GameReadyEvent data)
     var BoxItems = BoxManager.Components;
     for (var BoxIndex = 0
     ; BoxIndex < BoxItems.Count; BoxIndex++
     ) {
         this.GameReadyEventHandler(data, BoxItems[BoxIndex]);
 protected void DemoPlayerSystemPointerClickFilter(uFrame.ECS.MouseDownDispatcher data) {
     var SourceClickCount = ClickCountManager[data.EntityId];
     if (SourceClickCount == null) {
     if (!SourceClickCount.Enabled) {
     this.DemoPlayerSystemPointerClickHandler(data, SourceClickCount);
 protected void DisableAllNotificationUIFilter(uFrame.Kernel.GameReadyEvent data) {
     var NotificationUIItems = NotificationUIManager.Components;
     for (var NotificationUIIndex = 0
     ; NotificationUIIndex < NotificationUIItems.Count; NotificationUIIndex++
     ) {
         if (!NotificationUIItems[NotificationUIIndex].Enabled) {
         this.DisableAllNotificationUIHandler(data, NotificationUIItems[NotificationUIIndex]);
 protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
     // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
     // var vm = model as MainGameRootViewModel;
     // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
     var maingamerootview = ((MainGameRootViewModel)model);
     maingamerootview.GameState = this._GameState;
     maingamerootview.HexGridMatching = this._HexGridMatching;
     maingamerootview.SoldierCount = this._SoldierCount;
     maingamerootview.EnemyCount = this._EnemyCount;
 protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
     // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
     // var vm = model as TestViewModel;
     // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
     var testview = ((TestViewModel)model);
     testview.Name = this._Name;
     testview.IsAmazing = this._IsAmazing;
     testview.Complex = this._Complex;
     testview.Reference = this._Reference;
     testview.SomeUnityType = this._SomeUnityType;
    protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
		//gameOverText = GameObject.Find("Text_GameOver").GetComponent<Text>();
		//TextAsset atkInfo = Resources.Load<TextAsset> ("ATK_Info");
        // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
        // var vm = model as MainGameRootViewModel;
        // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
		InfoText.text = missionInfo.text;
		gSHexGridManager = GameObject.Find("HexMapGrid").GetComponent<GSHexGridManager>();

		for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
			SoldierVM.Add(uFrameKernel.Container.Resolve<SoldierViewModel>("Soldier" + i));

 public SettingsScreenViewModel(uFrame.Kernel.IEventAggregator aggregator)
     : base(aggregator)
 public AnimalState(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel vm, string propertyName)
     : base(vm, propertyName)
 public InGameStateMachine(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel vm, string propertyName)
     : base(vm, propertyName)
 protected void UISystemPointerClickDispatcherFilter(uFrame.ECS.PointerClickDispatcher data)
     var SourcePlayGameButton = PlayGameButtonManager[data.EntityId];
     if (SourcePlayGameButton == null) {
     if (!SourcePlayGameButton.Enabled) {
     this.UISystemPointerClickDispatcherHandler(data, SourcePlayGameButton);
 public override void DisposingViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel viewModel)
 public override void Initialize(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel viewModel)
     // This is called when a viewmodel is created
 public override void Initialize(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel viewModel)
     // This is called when a viewmodel is created
 public SubScreenViewModelBase(uFrame.Kernel.IEventAggregator aggregator)
     : base(aggregator)
 public LevelSelectScreenViewModelBase(uFrame.Kernel.IEventAggregator aggregator)
     : base(aggregator)