Beispiel #1
        public static XPathNodeIterator Comment(int commentID)
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
            Businesslogic.Comment c = new uForum.Businesslogic.Comment(commentID);

            return c.ToXml(xd).CreateNavigator().Select(".");
Beispiel #2
        public static int CommentPageNumber(int commentId, int itemsPerPage)
            Businesslogic.Comment c = new uForum.Businesslogic.Comment(commentId);

                int position = c.Position - 1;

                return (int)(position / itemsPerPage);
Beispiel #3
        public static string DeleteComment(int commentId)
            int _currentMember = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? (int)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey : 0;

            if (User.GetCurrent() != null || Xslt.IsMemberInGroup("admin", _currentMember))
                Businesslogic.Comment c = new uForum.Businesslogic.Comment(commentId);

                return "true";

            return "false";
Beispiel #4
        public static string EditComment(int commentId, int itemsPerPage)
            int _currentMember = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? (int)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey : 0;
            Businesslogic.Comment c = new uForum.Businesslogic.Comment(commentId);

            if (c.Editable(_currentMember))

                string body = HttpContext.Current.Request["body"];
                c.Body = body;

                return Xslt.NiceCommentUrl(c.TopicId, c.Id, itemsPerPage);

            return "";
        void Comment_AfterCreate(object sender, uForum.Businesslogic.CreateEventArgs e)
            uForum.Businesslogic.Comment c = (uForum.Businesslogic.Comment)sender;

            //WB added to show these events are firing...
            umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, c.Id, "Comment_AfterCreate in ForumPostsCounter() class is starting");

            Member mem   = new Member(c.MemberId);
            int    posts = 0;

            int.TryParse(mem.getProperty("forumPosts").Value.ToString(), out posts);

            mem.getProperty("forumPosts").Value = (posts + 1);

            mem.XmlGenerate(new System.Xml.XmlDocument());

            //Performs the action NewTopic in case we want to reward people for creating new posts.
            uPowers.BusinessLogic.Action a = new uPowers.BusinessLogic.Action("NewComment");
            a.Perform(mem.Id, c.Id, "New comment created");

            //WB added to show these events are firing...
            umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, c.Id, "Comment_AfterCreate in ForumPostsCounter() class is finishing");
Beispiel #6
        public static string NiceCommentUrl(int topicId, int commentId, int itemsPerPage)
            string url = NiceTopicUrl(topicId);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) {
                Businesslogic.Comment c = new uForum.Businesslogic.Comment(commentId);

                int position = c.Position - 1;

                int page = (int)(position / itemsPerPage);

                url += "?p=" + page.ToString() + "#comment" + c.Id.ToString();

            return url;
Beispiel #7
 private void SanitizeComment(uForum.Businesslogic.Comment c)
     c.Body = our.Utills.Sanitize(c.Body);