public JsonResult getPersonByClass()
            int           id_class = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id_class"]);
            tndaEntities  db       = new tndaEntities();
            List <object> json     = new List <object>();
            List <Person> people   = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 4 && p.ID_Class == id_class).OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToList();

            foreach (Person p in people)
                var ob = new
                    id                          = p.ID,
                    ch_name                     = p.ChristianName,
                    fname                       = p.FirstName,
                    name                        = p.Name,
                    pclass                      = p.Class.Grade.GradeName + " " + p.Class.ClassName,
                    birth                       = p.Birth != null?p.Birth.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "",
                                           role = p.Role.RoleName

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private bool auth(string username, string password)
            ACC account = null;

            using (tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities())
                account = db.ACCs.Where(acc => acc.UserName.ToUpper().Equals(username.ToUpper())).FirstOrDefault();
                if (account != null)
                    if (account.Pwd.Trim().Equals(Tools.encodeBase64(password)))
                        Person p = account.Person;
                        Session.Add("personId", p.ID);
                        Session.Add("person", p);
                        Session.Add("acc", account);
                        if (p.ID_Class != null)
                            Session.Add("classId", p.Class.ID);
        public JsonResult getGLV()
            tndaEntities  db     = new tndaEntities();
            List <object> json   = new List <object>();
            List <Person> people = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 1).ToList();

            foreach (Person p in people)
                string birthString = p.Birth != null?p.Birth.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "";

                string classString = p.Class != null ? (p.Class.Grade.GradeName + " " + p.Class.ClassName) : "";
                var    ob          = new
                    id      = p.ID,
                    ch_name = p.ChristianName,
                    fname   = p.FirstName,
                    name    = p.Name,
                    pclass  = classString,
                    birth   = birthString

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult getAllClasses()
            tndaEntities  db   = new tndaEntities();
            List <object> list = new List <object>();

            foreach (Class cl in db.Classes.ToList())
                string name  = cl.Grade.GradeName + " " + cl.ClassName;
                string color = "";
                switch (cl.ID_Grade)
                case 1:
                    color = "#EEB0AC";

                case 2:
                    color = "#9BF14F";

                case 3:
                    color = "#7BA6EF";

                case 4:
                    color = "#ECC100";
                //int total = cl.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 4).Count();
                var ob = new { name = name.Trim(), id = cl.ID, color = color, glv = cl.teacher_names, total = cl.students_count /*tn_total = total*/ };
            return(Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult getPersonByQuery()
            string query = Request.QueryString["query"];

            query = Tools.convert(query).ToUpper().Replace(" ", String.Empty);
            using (tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities())
                const string sql =
                    "SELECT * FROM Person p WHERE p.for_search LIKE CONCAT('%',@query,'%') AND p.ID_role = 4 ";
                List <Person> list    = db.People.SqlQuery(sql, new SqlParameter("@query", query)).ToList();
                List <object> objects = new List <object>();
                foreach (Person p in list)
                    string birthString = p.Birth != null?p.Birth.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "";

                    string classString = p.Class != null ? (p.Class.Grade.GradeName + " " + p.Class.ClassName) : "";
                    var    ob          = new
                        id      = p.ID,
                        ch_name = p.ChristianName,
                        fname   = p.FirstName,
                        name    = p.Name,
                        pclass  = classString,
                        birth   = birthString,
                        role    = p.Role.RoleName

                return(Json(objects, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult getNewPerson()
            tndaEntities  db     = new tndaEntities();
            List <Person> people = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 7).ToList();
            List <object> json   = new List <object>();

            foreach (Person child in people)
                string img = child.Image;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(img))
                    img = "";

                string birthString = child.Birth != null?child.Birth.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "";

                var ob = new
                    id      = child.ID,
                    ch_name = child.ChristianName,
                    fname   = child.FirstName,
                    name    = child.Name,
                    birth   = birthString

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult getAllGrades()
            tndaEntities  db     = new tndaEntities();
            List <object> grades = new List <object>();

            foreach (Grade g in db.Grades.ToList())
                var ob = new { ID = g.ID, gradeName = g.GradeName.Trim() };
            return(Json(grades, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult getClassById()
            int          id       = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id_class"]);
            tndaEntities db       = new tndaEntities();
            Class        c        = db.Classes.Find(id);
            Grade        g        = db.Grades.Find(c.ID_Grade);
            Person       glv      = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 1 && p.ID_Class == c.ID).FirstOrDefault();
            string       glv_name = glv != null ? (glv.ChristianName + " " + glv.FirstName + " " + glv.Name) : "";
            var json = new { className = g.GradeName + " " + c.ClassName, glv_name = glv_name };

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public void EditImage()
            tndaEntities  db   = new tndaEntities();
            List <Person> list = db.People.ToList();
            string        id   = Request.QueryString["query"];
            string        img  = Request.QueryString["query"];

            foreach (Person p in list)
                if (p.ID == int.Parse(id))
                    p.Image = img;
Beispiel #10
        public JsonResult countByClass()
            int           idGr    = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id_grade"]);
            tndaEntities  db      = new tndaEntities();
            List <object> json    = new List <object>();
            List <Person> people  = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 4 && p.Class.ID_Grade == idGr).ToList();
            List <Class>  classes = db.Classes.Where(c => c.ID_Grade == idGr).ToList();

            foreach (Class c in classes)
                int count = people.Where(p => p.ID_Class == c.ID).Count();
                var ob    = new { id = c.ID, name = c.ClassName, total = count };

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult getClassByGrade()
            int           grade_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]);
            List <object> classes  = new List <object>();

            using (tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities())
                Grade grade = db.Grades.Find(grade_id);
                foreach (Class c in db.Classes.Where(c => c.ID_Grade == grade_id).ToList())
                    var ob = new { ID = c.ID, className = c.ClassName.Trim(), gradeName = grade.GradeName };

            return(Json(classes, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #12
        public JsonResult countTN()
            List <object> json = new List <object>();

            using (tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities())
                string sql = "SELECT * FROM Person p JOIN Class c ON p.ID_Class = c.ID JOIN Grade g ON c.ID_Grade = g.ID WHERE g.ID = @gId AND p.ID_role = 4";

                int slKT, slRL, slTS, slSD;
                slKT = db.People.SqlQuery(sql, new SqlParameter("@gId", 1)).Count();
                slRL = db.People.SqlQuery(sql, new SqlParameter("@gId", 2)).Count();
                slTS = db.People.SqlQuery(sql, new SqlParameter("@gId", 3)).Count();
                slSD = db.People.SqlQuery(sql, new SqlParameter("@gId", 4)).Count();
                int count = slKT + slRL + slTS + slSD;
                int ot    = 0;
                var ob    = new { total = count, KT = slKT, RL = slRL, TS = slTS, SD = slSD, other = ot };
            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult EditClass(FormCollection form)
            tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities();
            int          id = int.Parse(form["child-id"]);
            Person       p  = db.People.Find(id);

            if (p != null)
                Class newClass = db.Classes.Find(int.Parse(form["child-class"]));
                if (p.ID_role == 1 || p.ID_role == 2)
                    if (newClass != null)
                        string tName = p.ChristianName + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Name;
                        newClass.teacher_names = tName;
                        if (p.ID_Class.HasValue)
                            Class oldClass = db.Classes.Find(p.ID_Class.Value);
                            oldClass.teacher_names = "";
                        p.ID_Class = int.Parse(form["child-class"]);
                else if (p.ID_role == 4 || p.ID_role == 7)
                    if (newClass != null)
                        newClass.students_count += 1;
                        if (p.ID_Class.HasValue)
                            Class oldClass = db.Classes.Find(p.ID_Class.Value);
                            oldClass.students_count -= 1;
                        p.ID_Class = int.Parse(form["child-class"]);
Beispiel #14
        public JsonResult allTN()
            tndaEntities  db      = new tndaEntities();
            List <Class>  classes = db.Classes.ToList();
            List <object> json    = new List <object>();

            foreach (Class c in classes)
                List <Person> children = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 4 && p.ID_Class == c.ID).ToList();
                if (children.Count == 0)
                List <object> ob = new List <object>();
                foreach (Person p in children)
                    Family family = db.Families.Find(p.ID_Farmily);
                    Person father = db.People.Find(family.ID_Dad);
                    Person mother = db.People.Where(mo => mo.ID_Farmily == family.ID && mo.ID != father.ID && mo.ID != p.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                    Person gv          = db.People.Where(glv => glv.ID_Class == p.ID_Class && (glv.ID_role == 1 || glv.ID_role == 2) && glv.ID_Class != null).FirstOrDefault();
                    string glv_name    = gv != null ? (gv.ChristianName + " " + gv.FirstName + " " + gv.Name) : "";
                    string birthString = p.Birth != null?p.Birth.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyy") : "";

                    string classString = p.Class != null ? (p.Class.Grade.GradeName + " " + p.Class.ClassName) : "";
                    var fatherJson = new { fa_id = father.ID, ch_name = father.ChristianName, fname = father.FirstName, name = father.Name, role = father.Role.RoleName, phone = father.Phone };
                    var motherJson = new { mo_id = mother.ID, ch_name = mother.ChristianName, fname = mother.FirstName, name = mother.Name, role = mother.Role.RoleName, phone = mother.Phone, role_id = p.ID_role };
                    int glvId      = gv != null ? gv.ID : 91;
                    var child      = new { id = p.ID, ch_name = p.ChristianName, fname = p.FirstName, name = p.Name, pclass = classString, role = p.Role.RoleName, glv = glv_name, id_class = p.ID_Class, birth = birthString, address = p.Address, father = fatherJson, mother = motherJson, role_id = p.ID_role, glv_id = glvId, note = p.Note };

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
 public JsonResult setImg(FormCollection form)
         int id = int.Parse(form["id"]);
         HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[0];
         string _FileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
         string _path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/img/upload"), _FileName);
         string result    = Tools.uploadAndResizeImg(file, _path, _FileName);
         tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities();
         db.People.Find(id).Image = result;
         return(Json(new { success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
     catch (Exception e)
         return(Json(new { success = false, message = e.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public bool ReportPerson(FormCollection form)
            int          idOldPerson = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["query"]);
            tndaEntities db          = new tndaEntities();
            Person       p           = new Person
                ChristianName = form["child-ch-name"],
                FirstName     = form["fa-fname"],
                Name          = form["fa-name"],
                Birth         = Convert.ToDateTime(form["child-birth"]), //
                Address       = form["child-address"],
                ID_Class      = int.Parse(form["child-class"]),
                //ID_Farmily = form["child-address"],
                ID_role = 1,
                //Image = "",
                Note       = "",
                Phone      = "",
                Status     = true,
                Gender     = bool.Parse(form["child-gender"]),
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

            //return Json(form["child-class"], JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            Report rp = new Report
                ID_Person    = idOldPerson,
                ID_NewPerson = p.ID,
                Date         = DateTime.Now,
                Status       = 0

Beispiel #17
        public List <Person> checkDuplicate()
            tndaEntities  db     = new tndaEntities();
            List <Person> ps     = new List <Person>();
            List <Person> people = db.People.Where(p => p.ID_role == 4).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < people.Count(); i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < people.Count(); j++)
                    if (people[i].ChristianName == people[j].ChristianName)
                        if (people.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == people[i].ID) != null)

        public ActionResult DelPerson(FormCollection form)
            tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities();
            Person       p  = db.People.Find(int.Parse(form["child-id"]));

            if (p != null)
                if (p.ID_role == 1 || p.ID_role == 2)
                    if (p.ID_Class != null)
                        Class c = db.Classes.Find(p.ID_Class);
                        c.teacher_names = null;
                if (p.ID_role == 4 || p.ID_role == 7)
                    if (p.ID_Class != null)
                        Class c = db.Classes.Find(p.ID_Class);
                        c.students_count -= 1;
                    if (p.ID_Farmily != null)
                        Family fam    = db.Families.Find(p.ID_Farmily);
                        Person father = db.People.Find(fam.ID_Dad);
                        Person mother = db.People.FirstOrDefault(per => per.ID_Farmily == fam.ID && per.ID != father.ID && per.ID != p.ID);
Beispiel #19
        public string upClass()
            string result = "";
            int    current_class_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]);
            string current_class_name, current_grade_name, new_class_name, new_grade_name;
            int    current_grade_id, new_class_id, new_grade_id;
            tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities();
            Class cur_class = db.Classes.Find(current_class_id);
            Grade cur_grade = db.Grades.Find(cur_class.ID_Grade);

            current_grade_id = cur_grade.ID;

            current_class_name = cur_class.ClassName;
            current_grade_name = cur_grade.GradeName;
                char[] charArray = current_class_name.ToCharArray();
                int    temp      = int.Parse(charArray[0].ToString());
                if (temp != 3)
                    new_class_name = temp + 1 + charArray[1].ToString();
                    new_grade_name = current_grade_name;
                    new_grade_id = current_grade_id;
                    new_class_id = db.Classes.Where(c => c.ID_Grade == new_grade_id && c.ClassName == new_class_name).FirstOrDefault().ID;
                    if (current_grade_id == 4)
                        return("Không thể lên lớp, đã kết thúc chương trình học");
                    new_grade_id   = current_grade_id + 1;
                    new_grade_name = db.Grades.Find(new_grade_id).GradeName;
                    new_class_name = 1 + charArray[1].ToString();
                    new_class_id   = db.Classes.Where(c => c.ID_Grade == new_grade_id && c.ClassName == new_class_name).FirstOrDefault().ID;
            catch (Exception e)
            result += "Khối hiện tại: " + current_grade_name;
            result += "| ";
            result += "ID Khối hiện tại: " + current_grade_id;
            result += "| ";
            result += "Lớp hiện tại: " + current_class_name;
            result += "| ";
            result += "ID lớp hiện tại: " + current_class_id;
            result += "| ";
            result += "| ";
            result += "Khối mới: " + new_grade_name;
            result += "| ";
            result += "ID khối mới: " + new_grade_id;
            result += "| ";
            result += "Lớp mới " + new_class_name;
            result += "| ";
            result += "ID lớp mới " + new_class_id;
        public JsonResult getPersonDetailWithArg(int id)
            using (tndaEntities db = new tndaEntities())
                Person child = db.People.Find(id);
                if (child.ID_role == 4 || child.ID_role == 7)
                    Family family = db.Families.Find(child.ID_Farmily);
                    Person father = db.People.Find(family.ID_Dad);
                    Person mother = db.People.FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                             p.ID_Farmily == family.ID && p.ID != father.ID && p.ID != child.ID);
                    Person glv = db.People.FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                          p.ID_Class == child.ID_Class && (p.ID_role == 1 || p.ID_role == 2) && p.ID_Class != null);
                    string glv_name = glv != null ? (glv.ChristianName + " " + glv.FirstName + " " + glv.Name) : "";
                    string img      = child.Image;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(img))
                        img = "";

                    string birthString = child.Birth != null?child.Birth.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "";

                    string classString = child.Class != null
                        ? (child.Class.Grade.GradeName + " " + child.Class.ClassName)
                        : "";
                    var fatherJson = new
                        fa_id   = father.ID,
                        ch_name = father.ChristianName,
                        fname   = father.FirstName,
                        name    = father.Name,
                        role    = father.Role.RoleName,
                        phone   = father.Phone
                    var motherJson = new
                        mo_id   = mother.ID,
                        ch_name = mother.ChristianName,
                        fname   = mother.FirstName,
                        name    = mother.Name,
                        role    = mother.Role.RoleName,
                        phone   = mother.Phone,
                        role_id = child.ID_role
                    int glvId = glv?.ID ?? 91;
                    var json  = new
                        id       = child.ID,
                        ch_name  = child.ChristianName,
                        fname    = child.FirstName,
                        name     = child.Name,
                        pclass   = classString,
                        role     = child.Role.RoleName,
                        glv      = glv_name,
                        id_class = child.ID_Class,
                        birth    = birthString,
                        address  = child.Address,
                        father   = fatherJson,
                        mother   = motherJson,
                        role_id  = child.ID_role,
                        glv_id   = glvId,
                        img      = img,
                        note     = child.Note
                    return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    string image = child.Image;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(image))
                        image = "";

                    string birthString = child.Birth != null?child.Birth.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "";

                    string classString = child.Class != null
                        ? (child.Class.Grade.GradeName + " " + child.Class.ClassName)
                        : "";
                    string gender = child.Gender.Value ? "Nam" : "Nữ";
                    var    json   = new
                        id          = child.ID,
                        ch_name     = child.ChristianName,
                        fname       = child.FirstName,
                        name        = child.Name,
                        pclass      = classString,
                        id_class    = child.ID_Class,
                        id_grade    = child.Class.ID_Grade,
                        role        = child.Role.RoleName,
                        birth       = birthString,
                        address     = child.Address,
                        phone       = child.Phone,
                        role_id     = child.ID_role,
                        img         = image,
                        gender      = gender,
                        genderValue = child.Gender.Value
                    return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));