Beispiel #1
    //static double meridian_arc( tmprojection tm, double lt );

    /* Initiallize the TM structure  */

    static void define_tmprojection(out tmprojection tm, double a, double rf,
                                    double cm, double sf, double lto, double fe, double fn, double utom)
        double f;

        tm = new tmprojection();

        tm.meridian = cm;
        tm.scalef   = sf;
        tm.orglat   = lto;
        tm.falsee   = fe;
        tm.falsen   = fn;
        tm.utom     = utom;
        if (rf != 0.0)
            f = 1.0 / rf;
            f = 0.0;
        tm.a   = a;
        tm.rf  = rf;
        tm.f   = f;
        tm.e2  = 2.0 * f - f * f;
        tm.ep2 = tm.e2 / (1.0 - tm.e2); = meridian_arc(tm, tm.orglat);
Beispiel #2
    /*                                                                       */
    /*   foot_point_lat                                                      */
    /*                                                                       */
    /*   Calculates the foot point latitude from the meridional arc          */
    /*   Method based on Redfearn's formulation as expressed in GDA technical*/
    /*   manual at            */
    /*                                                                       */
    /*   Takes parameters                                                    */
    /*      tm definition (for scale factor)                                 */
    /*      meridional arc (metres)                                          */
    /*                                                                       */
    /*   Returns the foot point latitude (radians)                           */
    /*                                                                       */

    static double foot_point_lat(tmprojection tm, double m)
        double f = tm.f;
        double a = tm.a;
        double n;
        double n2;
        double n3;
        double n4;
        double g;
        double sig;
        double phio;

        n  = f / (2.0 - f);
        n2 = n * n;
        n3 = n2 * n;
        n4 = n2 * n2;

        g   = a * (1.0 - n) * (1.0 - n2) * (1 + 9.0 * n2 / 4.0 + 225.0 * n4 / 64.0);
        sig = m / g;

        phio = sig + (3.0 * n / 2.0 - 27.0 * n3 / 32.0) * System.Math.Sin(2.0 * sig)
               + (21.0 * n2 / 16.0 - 55.0 * n4 / 32.0) * System.Math.Sin(4.0 * sig)
               + (151.0 * n3 / 96.0) * System.Math.Sin(6.0 * sig)
               + (1097.0 * n4 / 512.0) * System.Math.Sin(8.0 * sig);

Beispiel #3
    /*                                                                         */
    /*  meridian_arc                                                           */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*  Returns the length of meridional arc (Helmert formula)                 */
    /*  Method based on Redfearn's formulation as expressed in GDA technical   */
    /*  manual at               */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*  Parameters are                                                         */
    /*    projection                                                           */
    /*    latitude (radians)                                                   */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*  Return value is the arc length in metres                               */
    /*                                                                         */

    static double meridian_arc(tmprojection tm, double lt)
        double e2 = tm.e2;
        double a  = tm.a;
        double e4;
        double e6;
        double A0;
        double A2;
        double A4;
        double A6;

        e4 = e2 * e2;
        e6 = e4 * e2;

        A0 = 1 - (e2 / 4.0) - (3.0 * e4 / 64.0) - (5.0 * e6 / 256.0);
        A2 = (3.0 / 8.0) * (e2 + e4 / 4.0 + 15.0 * e6 / 128.0);
        A4 = (15.0 / 256.0) * (e4 + 3.0 * e6 / 4.0);
        A6 = 35.0 * e6 / 3072.0;

        return(a * (A0 * lt - A2 * System.Math.Sin(2 * lt) + A4 * System.Math.Sin(4 * lt) - A6 * System.Math.Sin(6 * lt)));
Beispiel #4
    public void geod_nztm(double lt, double ln, out double n, out double e)
        tmprojection nztm = get_nztm_projection();

        geod_tm(nztm, ln, lt, out e, out n);
Beispiel #5
    /* Functions implementation the TM projection specifically for the
     * NZTM coordinate system

    public void nztm_geod(double n, double e, out double lt, out double ln)
        tmprojection nztm = get_nztm_projection();

        tm_geod(nztm, e, n, out ln, out lt);
Beispiel #6
    /*                                                                         */
    /*   geodtm                                                                */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*   Routine to convert from latitude and longitude to Transverse Mercator.*/
    /*   Method based on Redfearn's formulation as expressed in GDA technical  */
    /*   manual at              */
    /*   Loosely based on FORTRAN source code by J.Hannah and A.Broadhurst.    */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*   Takes parameters                                                      */
    /*      input latitude (radians)                                           */
    /*      input longitude (radians)                                          */
    /*      output easting  (metres)                                           */
    /*      output northing (metres)                                           */
    /*                                                                         */

    static void geod_tm(tmprojection tm,
                        double ln, double lt, out double ce, out double cn)
        double fn   = tm.falsen;
        double fe   = tm.falsee;
        double sf   = tm.scalef;
        double e2   = tm.e2;
        double a    = tm.a;
        double cm   = tm.meridian;
        double om   =;
        double utom = tm.utom;
        double dlon;
        double m;
        double slt;
        double eslt;
        double eta;
        double rho;
        double psi;
        double clt;
        double w;
        double wc;
        double wc2;
        double t;
        double t2;
        double t4;
        double t6;
        double trm1;
        double trm2;
        double trm3;
        double gce;
        double trm4;
        double gcn;

        dlon = ln - cm;
        while (dlon > System.Math.PI)
            dlon -= TWOPI;
        while (dlon < -System.Math.PI)
            dlon += TWOPI;

        m = meridian_arc(tm, lt);

        slt = System.Math.Sin(lt);

        eslt = (1.0 - e2 * slt * slt);
        eta  = a / System.Math.Sqrt(eslt);
        rho  = eta * (1.0 - e2) / eslt;
        psi  = eta / rho;

        clt = System.Math.Cos(lt);
        w   = dlon;

        wc  = clt * w;
        wc2 = wc * wc;

        t  = slt / clt;
        t2 = t * t;
        t4 = t2 * t2;
        t6 = t2 * t4;

        trm1 = (psi - t2) / 6.0;

        trm2 = (((4.0 * (1.0 - 6.0 * t2) * psi
                  + (1.0 + 8.0 * t2)) * psi
                 - 2.0 * t2) * psi + t4) / 120.0;

        trm3 = (61 - 479.0 * t2 + 179.0 * t4 - t6) / 5040.0;

        gce = (sf * eta * dlon * clt) * (((trm3 * wc2 + trm2) * wc2 + trm1) * wc2 + 1.0);
        ce  = gce / utom + fe;

        trm1 = 1.0 / 2.0;

        trm2 = ((4.0 * psi + 1) * psi - t2) / 24.0;

        trm3 = ((((8.0 * (11.0 - 24.0 * t2) * psi
                   - 28.0 * (1.0 - 6.0 * t2)) * psi
                  + (1.0 - 32.0 * t2)) * psi
                 - 2.0 * t2) * psi
                + t4) / 720.0;

        trm4 = (1385.0 - 3111.0 * t2 + 543.0 * t4 - t6) / 40320.0;

        gcn = (eta * t) * ((((trm4 * wc2 + trm3) * wc2 + trm2) * wc2 + trm1) * wc2);
        cn  = (gcn + m - om) * sf / utom + fn;

Beispiel #7
    /*                                                                         */
    /*   tmgeod                                                                */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*   Routine to convert from Tranverse Mercator to latitude and longitude. */
    /*   Method based on Redfearn's formulation as expressed in GDA technical  */
    /*   manual at              */
    /*                                                                         */
    /*   Takes parameters                                                      */
    /*      input easting (metres)                                             */
    /*      input northing (metres)                                            */
    /*      output latitude (radians)                                          */
    /*      output longitude (radians)                                         */
    /*                                                                         */

    static void tm_geod(tmprojection tm,
                        double ce, double cn, out double ln, out double lt)
        double fn   = tm.falsen;
        double fe   = tm.falsee;
        double sf   = tm.scalef;
        double e2   = tm.e2;
        double a    = tm.a;
        double cm   = tm.meridian;
        double om   =;
        double utom = tm.utom;
        double cn1;
        double fphi;
        double slt;
        double clt;
        double eslt;
        double eta;
        double rho;
        double psi;
        double E;
        double x;
        double x2;
        double t;
        double t2;
        double t4;
        double trm1;
        double trm2;
        double trm3;
        double trm4;

        cn1  = (cn - fn) * utom / sf + om;
        fphi = foot_point_lat(tm, cn1);
        slt  = System.Math.Sin(fphi);
        clt  = System.Math.Cos(fphi);

        eslt = (1.0 - e2 * slt * slt);
        eta  = a / System.Math.Sqrt(eslt);
        rho  = eta * (1.0 - e2) / eslt;
        psi  = eta / rho;

        E  = (ce - fe) * utom;
        x  = E / (eta * sf);
        x2 = x * x;

        t  = slt / clt;
        t2 = t * t;
        t4 = t2 * t2;

        trm1 = 1.0 / 2.0;

        trm2 = ((-4.0 * psi
                 + 9.0 * (1 - t2)) * psi
                + 12.0 * t2) / 24.0;

        trm3 = ((((8.0 * (11.0 - 24.0 * t2) * psi
                   - 12.0 * (21.0 - 71.0 * t2)) * psi
                  + 15.0 * ((15.0 * t2 - 98.0) * t2 + 15)) * psi
                 + 180.0 * ((-3.0 * t2 + 5.0) * t2)) * psi + 360.0 * t4) / 720.0;

        trm4 = (((1575.0 * t2 + 4095.0) * t2 + 3633.0) * t2 + 1385.0) / 40320.0;

        lt = fphi + (t * x * E / (sf * rho)) * (((trm4 * x2 - trm3) * x2 + trm2) * x2 - trm1);

        trm1 = 1.0;

        trm2 = (psi + 2.0 * t2) / 6.0;

        trm3 = (((-4.0 * (1.0 - 6.0 * t2) * psi
                  + (9.0 - 68.0 * t2)) * psi
                 + 72.0 * t2) * psi
                + 24.0 * t4) / 120.0;

        trm4 = (((720.0 * t2 + 1320.0) * t2 + 662.0) * t2 + 61.0) / 5040.0;

        ln = cm - (x / clt) * (((trm4 * x2 - trm3) * x2 + trm2) * x2 - trm1);