Beispiel #1
 // This converts a BoxCollider2D to a rectangle using the object's actual position
 public static Rect BoxToRect( this GameObject self )
     return self.BoxToRectAtPosition( self.transform.position );
Beispiel #2
    // This returns the first dictionary object you would be colliding with at a specific position. It's helpful in
    // character controllers.
    public static GameObject whichDictionaryObjectCollidesAtPosition( this GameObject self, Dictionary<GameObject, Rect> colliderDictionary, Vector3 position )
        GameObject collisionObject = null;

        Dictionary<GameObject, Rect> colliderDictionaryCopy = new Dictionary<GameObject, Rect>(colliderDictionary);

        Rect testCollider = self.BoxToRectAtPosition( position );

        foreach (var pair in colliderDictionaryCopy)
            if ( self != pair.Key )

                // Check to see if these are colliding, and store the first object involved in a collision for return.
                if (Intersecting( testCollider, pair.Value ))
                    if ( collisionObject == null )
                        collisionObject = pair.Key;

                    // not all collision checks need announcements to the objects that a collision took place.
                    // sometimes we just need to know if a collision occurred.
                    if ( collisionAnnouncements )
                        AnnounceCollision( self, pair.Key );


            // turn this back off so that the next collision check doesn't send announcements, unless it intends to.
            collisionAnnouncements = false;


        return collisionObject;