Beispiel #1
        public static void loadTrack(string track)
            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            //Make a connection with DB for Login collection
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Tracks");

            var filter = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", "BS.CSC.IA" }

            //Search for desired elements
            List <MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument> list = collection.Find(filter).ToList();

            var holder = list[0]["curriculum"].ToString();

            temp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tempStudent>(holder);

            Student1.courseList = temp.tempCourseList;
Beispiel #2
        //Function replicates student object as temp object TO send to database
        public void Replicate_toDB(tempStudent t)
            //Create a duplicate of student object
            //tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            t.tempID            = Student1.ID;
            t.tempName          =;
            t.tempEmail         =;
            t.tempInitial_Login = Student1.Initial_Login;
            t.tempTrack         = Student1.track;
            t.tempAdvisor       = Student1.advisor;

            t.tempCourseList      = Student1.courseList;
            t.tempTakenCourses    = Student1.takenCourses;
            t.tempCurrentSemester = Student1.currentSemester;
            t.tempNextSemester    = Student1.nextSemester;

            t.GPA                 = Student1.GPA;
            t.chCompleted         = Student1.chCompleted;
            t.chRemaining         = Student1.chRemaining;
            t.ranking             = Student1.ranking;
            t.expectedGradutation = Student1.expectedGradutation;

            //Passed in object should have values now
Beispiel #3
        public static void Upload()
            //Get CSV to convert
            string path;        //Variable will hold path
            string track = "BS.CSC.IA";

            //Find file
            path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            path = path + @"\Tracks\" + track + ".csv";

            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            //Load CSV into Student Course List
                // List<Course> values = File.ReadAllLines(path)
                temp.tempCourses = File.ReadAllLines(path)
                                   .Select(v => Course.FromCsv(v))

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read: ");

            //Save CSV into Mongo DB

            //Serialize Object (JSON.NET method)
            string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(temp);

            //Create Bson Document
            var document = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", track },
                { "curriculum", jsonData }

            //Insert into MongoDB
            //Make Connection with database
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Tracks");

            //Insert into Database

            //Give confirmation
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully Inserted {0} into database", track);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to menu...");
Beispiel #4
        public static void newUser()
            //Create instance of class and assign values
            tempStudent t = new tempStudent();

            t.tempID      = Student.ID;
            t.tempName    =;
            t.tempTrack   = Student.track;
            t.tempCourses = Student.courseList;
            t.tempTaken   = Student.takenCourses;

            //Serialize Object (JSON.NET method)
            string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(t);

            Console.WriteLine("Serialized Student Object:\n {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(t, Formatting.Indented));

            //Insert into database

            //Create Bson Document
            var document = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", t.tempID },
                { "profile", jsonData }

            //Make Connection with database
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Student_Profiles");

            //Insert into Database

             * //Database not working so save to text file!!
             * string filename = Student.ID.ToString() + ".txt";
             * var writer = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(filename));
             * writer.WriteLine(jsonData);
             * writer.Close();

            //Give Confirmation
            Console.WriteLine("Profile Successfully saved!");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to be directed to Student Profile...");


Beispiel #5
        public void restoreProfile()
            /***************TESTING PURPOSES****************/
            if (Student1.ID == 0)
                Student1.ID = 0451917;

            //Make Instance of tempStudent Object
            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            //Make Connection with database
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Student_Profiles");

            //Query Database
            var filter = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", Student1.ID }
            List <MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument> list = collection.Find(filter).ToList();

            var holder = list[0]["profile"].ToString();

            temp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tempStudent>(holder);

            //Reasign to Student in program
            //Profile Information
            Student1.ID            = temp.tempID;
            = temp.tempName;
           = temp.tempEmail;
            Student1.Initial_Login = temp.tempInitial_Login;
            Student1.track         = temp.tempTrack;
            Student1.advisor       = temp.tempAdvisor;

            //Course Lists
            Student1.courseList      = temp.tempCourseList;
            Student1.takenCourses    = temp.tempTakenCourses;
            Student1.currentSemester = temp.tempCurrentSemester;
            Student1.nextSemester    = temp.tempNextSemester;

            Student1.GPA                 = temp.GPA;
            Student1.chCompleted         = temp.chCompleted;
            Student1.chRemaining         = temp.chRemaining;
            Student1.completedPercentage = temp.completedPercentage;
            Student1.ranking             = temp.ranking;
            Student1.expectedGradutation = temp.expectedGradutation;
Beispiel #6
        public void saveInitialDB()
            //Decrease number of logins

            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            //Pass temp object to replicate function

            temp.tempID            = Student1.ID;
            temp.tempName          =;
            temp.tempEmail         =;
            temp.tempInitial_Login = Student1.Initial_Login;
            temp.tempTrack         = Student1.track;
            temp.tempAdvisor       = Student1.advisor;

            temp.tempCourseList      = Student1.courseList;
            temp.tempTakenCourses    = Student1.takenCourses;
            temp.tempCurrentSemester = Student1.currentSemester;
            temp.tempNextSemester    = Student1.nextSemester;

            temp.GPA                 = Student1.GPA;
            temp.chCompleted         = Student1.chCompleted;
            temp.chRemaining         = Student1.chRemaining;
            temp.completedPercentage = Student1.completedPercentage;
            temp.ranking             = Student1.ranking;
            temp.expectedGradutation = Student1.expectedGradutation;

            //Serialize Object (JSON.NET method)
            string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(temp);

            //Create Bson Document
            var document = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", Student1.ID },
                { "profile", jsonData }

            //Make Connection with database
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Student_Profiles");

            //Insert into Database

            //Close Window
            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "closePage", "window.close();", true);
Beispiel #7
        public static void loadTrack(string track)
            //Make a connection with DB for Login collection
            var conString  = "mongodb://*****:*****@"\Tracks\" + track + ".csv";
             * try
             * {
             *  // List<Course> values = File.ReadAllLines(path)
             *  Student.courseList = File.ReadAllLines(path)
             *                          .Skip(1)
             *                          .Select(v => Course.FromCsv(v))
             *                          .ToList();
             * }
             * catch (Exception e)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read: ");
             *  Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
             * }*/
Beispiel #8
        public static void shortcut()
            string filename = "337140.txt";
            //var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename));
            string contents = File.ReadAllText(filename);

            //Make Instance of tempStudent Object
            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            temp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tempStudent>(contents);

            //Reasign to Student in program
            Student.ID           = temp.tempID;
           = temp.tempName;
            Student.track        = temp.tempTrack;
            Student.courseList   = temp.tempCourses;
            Student.takenCourses = temp.tempTaken;


Beispiel #9
        public static void restoreSession()
            //string filename = Student.ID.ToString() + ".txt";
            //var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(filename));
            //string contents = File.ReadAllText(filename);

            //Make Instance of tempStudent Object
            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            //Make Connection with database
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Student_Profiles");

            //Query Database
            var filter = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", Student.ID }
            List <MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument> list = collection.Find(filter).ToList();

            var holder = list[0]["profile"].ToString();

            temp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tempStudent>(holder);

            //Reasign to Student in program
            Student.ID           = temp.tempID;
           = temp.tempName;
            Student.track        = temp.tempTrack;
            Student.courseList   = temp.tempCourses;
            Student.takenCourses = temp.tempTaken;

Beispiel #10
        public static void Update_Profile()
            tempStudent temp = new tempStudent();

            //Pass temp object to replicate function

            temp.tempID            = Student1.ID;
            temp.tempName          =;
            temp.tempEmail         =;
            temp.tempInitial_Login = Student1.Initial_Login;
            temp.tempTrack         = Student1.track;
            temp.tempAdvisor       = Student1.advisor;

            temp.tempCourseList      = Student1.courseList;
            temp.tempTakenCourses    = Student1.takenCourses;
            temp.tempCurrentSemester = Student1.currentSemester;
            temp.tempNextSemester    = Student1.nextSemester;

            temp.GPA                 = Student1.GPA;
            temp.chCompleted         = Student1.chCompleted;
            temp.chRemaining         = Student1.chRemaining;
            temp.completedPercentage = Student1.completedPercentage;
            temp.ranking             = Student1.ranking;
            temp.expectedGradutation = Student1.expectedGradutation;

            //Serialize Object (JSON.NET method)
            string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(temp);

            //Create Bson Document
            var document = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", Student1.ID },
                { "profile", jsonData }

            //Make Connection with database
            var conString  = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
            var Client     = new MongoClient(conString);
            var DB         = Client.GetDatabase("Path_To_Grad");
            var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("Student_Profiles");

            //Erase original Profile
            //Create filter to search through DB
            var filter = new BsonDocument
                { "_id", Student1.ID },

            //Search for desired elements
            //If specified user found then add to list
            List <MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument> list = collection.Find(filter).ToList();

            if (list.Count == 1)
                //deleting single record
                var Deleteone = collection.DeleteOneAsync(
                    Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", Student1.ID));

            //Reinsert new profile