internal static void AddLogging(string app, string type, string accId, int eventId, string routine, int user, DateTime time, int loc)
            using (var context = DataUtility.GetDbContext()) //this basically defines the database model
                var newEvent = new tblLogging();
                newEvent.ApplicationName = app;
                newEvent.IdentifierType  = type;
                newEvent.Identifier      = accId;
                newEvent.EventID         = eventId;
                newEvent.Routine         = routine;
                newEvent.LocationID      = loc;
                newEvent.CreatedDT       = time;
                newEvent.CreatedByID     = user;

                context.Loggings.AddObject(newEvent); //specifies the table I'm targetting
                context.SaveChanges();                //does an INSERT INTO
        internal static void AddLogging(string app, string type, string accId, int eventId, string routine, int user, DateTime time, int loc)
            using (var context = DataUtility.GetDbContext()) //this basically defines the database model
                var newEvent = new tblLogging();
                newEvent.ApplicationName = app;
                newEvent.IdentifierType = type;
                newEvent.Identifier = accId;
                newEvent.EventID = eventId;
                newEvent.Routine = routine;
                newEvent.LocationID = loc;
                newEvent.CreatedDT = time;
                newEvent.CreatedByID = user;

                context.Loggings.AddObject(newEvent); //specifies the table I'm targetting
                context.SaveChanges(); //does an INSERT INTO