Beispiel #1
    sticks determineStick(Touch myTouch)
        sticks result = sticks.noStick;

        if (RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(movementStickArea, myTouch.position))
            result = sticks.moveStick;
        else if (RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(lookStickArea, myTouch.position))
            result = sticks.lookStick;

         * this crap won't work!!!!
         * if (movementStickArea.rect.Contains(myTouch.position))
         * {
         *  result = sticks.moveStick;
         * } else if (lookStickArea.rect.Contains(myTouch.position))
         * {
         *  result = sticks.lookStick;
         * }

Beispiel #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        foreach (Touch myTouch in Input.touches)
            if (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                sticks myStick = determineStick(myTouch);
                if (myStick == sticks.moveStick)
                    Debug.Log("MoveStick Touch Stored");
                    moveTouch = myTouch;
                else if (myStick == sticks.lookStick)
                    Debug.Log("lookStick Touch Stored");
                    lookTouch = myTouch;
            else if (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                if (moveTouch != null && myTouch.fingerId == ((Touch)moveTouch).fingerId)
                    Debug.Log("MoveTouch has moved");
                    Vector2 myDelta  = myTouch.deltaPosition;
                    Text    debugger = GameObject.Find("Debugger").GetComponent <Text>();
                    debugger.text = "X: " + myDelta.x + "   y: " + myDelta.y;
                    // reference myTouch NOT moveTouch or lookTouch because their values are not updated
                else if (lookTouch != null && myTouch.fingerId == ((Touch)lookTouch).fingerId)
                    Debug.Log("LookTouch has moved");
                    Transform tmpTransform = player.GetComponent <Transform>();
                    Vector2   myDelta      = myTouch.deltaPosition;
                    //Debug.Log("X:  " + myDelta.x + "   y: " + myDelta.y);
                    Text debugger = GameObject.Find("Debugger").GetComponent <Text>();
                    debugger.text = "X: " + myDelta.x + "   y: " + myDelta.y;
                    //player.GetComponent<Transform>().Rotate(myDelta.x, myDelta.y, 0);
            else if (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                if (moveTouch != null && myTouch.fingerId == ((Touch)moveTouch).fingerId)
                    Debug.Log("moveStick Touch removed");
                    moveTouch = null;
                else if (lookTouch != null && myTouch.fingerId == ((Touch)lookTouch).fingerId)
                    Debug.Log("lookStick Touch removed");
                    lookTouch = null;

                 * for(int i = 0; i < storedTouches.Count; i++)
                 * {
                 *  if (storedTouches[i].fingerId == myTouch.fingerId)
                 *  {
                 *      storedTouches.RemoveAt(i);
                 *      i = storedTouches.Count;
                 *      //Debug.Log("touch Removed from storage");
                 *  }
                 * } */

         * This code will not work because the touch is being stored
         * by value and not by reference so the data is never updated.
         * Possible fixes is moving back into all touch loop and ID'ing
         * if a touch has the same fingerID OR updating based on finger ID
         * and doing the translate here
         * I'm just going to do it all above
         * if(moveTouch != null)
         * {
         *  if(((Touch)moveTouch).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log("move has moved");
         *  }
         * }
         * if(lookTouch != null)
         * {
         *  if (((Touch)lookTouch).phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log("look has moved");
         *  }
         * }