public override void saveButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            stateChoice newChoice = new stateChoice();

            newChoice = (stateChoice)saveGeneralData(newChoice);
            // building newWait
            TextBox titleBox = (TextBox)canvas.Controls.Find("titleBox", false).FirstOrDefault();

            newChoice.MTitle         = titleBox.Text;
            newChoice.MChoosedChoice = 0;

            ListView choicesList = (ListView)canvas.Controls.Find("choicesList", false).FirstOrDefault();

            Choice[] choices = new Choice[choicesList.Items.Count];
            uint     count   = 0;

            foreach (ListViewItem ch in choicesList.Items)
                Choice tempCh = new Choice(count, ch.SubItems[0].Text);
                choices[count] = tempCh;
            newChoice.MChoices = choices;
            // delete old version of state

            Label hiddenOldThread = (Label)canvas.Controls.Find("labelHiddenParentThread", false).FirstOrDefault();
            int   IDOldThread     = Convert.ToInt32(hiddenOldThread.Text);

            addStateToThread(newChoice, IDOldThread);

        public override void drawInterface(AState inputState)
            stateChoice tempStateDialogue = (stateChoice)inputState;

            // interface for specific data
            // create  and fill ChoicesList
            ListView choicesList = new ListView();

            choicesList.Name      = "choicesList";
            choicesList.Height    = canvas.Height - 85;
            choicesList.Width     = canvas.Width / 3 * 2 - 20;
            choicesList.Location  = new Point(canvas.Width / 3 + 10, 63);
            choicesList.View      = View.Details;
            choicesList.LabelEdit = true;
            choicesList.MouseUp  += new MouseEventHandler(choices_MouseUp);
            choicesList.Columns.Add("Choices", choicesList.Width - 5, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

            foreach (Choice ch in tempStateDialogue.MChoices)
                var listViewItem = new ListViewItem(new[] { ch.MText });

            // title textbox
            TextBox titleBox = new TextBox();

            titleBox.Name      = "titleBox";
            titleBox.Multiline = true;
            titleBox.Width     = canvas.Width / 3 - 20;
            titleBox.Height    = 100;
            titleBox.Location  = new Point(20, canvas.Height - titleBox.Height - 20);
            titleBox.Text      = tempStateDialogue.MTitle;
            // title label
            Label titleLabel = new Label();

            titleLabel.AutoSize = true;
            titleLabel.Location = new Point(20, titleBox.Location.Y - titleLabel.Height + 5);
            titleLabel.Text     = "Title:";
        public override void createState(int parentTh)
            stateChoice newChoice = new stateChoice();

            newChoice.MDescription = "";
            newChoice.MEndGame     = false;
            newChoice.MEndThread   = false;
            newChoice.MID          = gc.getIDForNewState();
            newChoice.MNextStates  = new uint?[0];

            newChoice.MChoices = new Choice[1] {
                new Choice(0, "First option")

            newChoice.MTitle         = "New state choice";
            newChoice.MChoosedChoice = 0;
            // default origin
            newChoice.origin        = 1;
            newChoice.MParentThread = parentTh;
