Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("One Piece Flow Data Grabber V6.3");

            // =================================================
            // Connecting to Database
            // =================================================
            string connetionString = @"Data Source=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=BeamDatabase;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true";
            bool   useDatabase     = true;

            SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connetionString);

            catch (Exception e)
                useDatabase = false;

            if (useDatabase)
                Console.WriteLine("Using SQL Database");
                Console.WriteLine("Could not use SQL Database");

            // =================================================
            // Connecting to PLC
            // =================================================

            JPLCConnection plc                = new JPLCConnection("", 0, 1);
            string         csvFilepath        = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\OPF.csv";
            double         timeBetweenRetries = 6; // seconds
            double         timeBetweenReads   = 5; //seconds

            // =================================================
            // Setup program
            // =================================================
            var scadaDB       = new Beams_for_SCADA();
            var faultDB       = new Alarms_for_SCADA();
            var sql           = new sqlObjects();
            var scadaDBNumber = 113;
            var faultDBNumber = 114;

            // =================================================
            // Reading From PLC
            // =================================================

            // BEAM DATA
            var readDBObservable = Observable.Create <Beams_for_SCADA>(o =>
                var result = scadaDB.ReadFromDB(plc, scadaDBNumber);
                if (result != 0)
                    o.OnError(new Exception("Could not read from DB"));
                    Console.WriteLine("Read failure");
            // FAULT DATA
            var readFaultDBObservable = Observable.Create <Alarms_for_SCADA>(o =>
                var result = faultDB.ReadFromDB(plc, faultDBNumber);
                if (result != 0)
                    o.OnError(new Exception("Could not read from DB"));
                    Console.WriteLine("Read failure");

            var combinedDBObservable = Observable.Zip(readDBObservable, readFaultDBObservable, (beamdb, faultdb) => (beamdb, faultdb));

            var observable = Observable.Create <(Beams_for_SCADA, Alarms_for_SCADA)>(o =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to connect to PLC on ip={plc.IPAddress}, rack={plc.Rack}, slot={plc.Slot}");
                if (plc.Connect() != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect");
                    o.OnError(new Exception("Failed to connect to PLC"));
                    Console.WriteLine("Successfully Connected");
                .Zip(combinedDBObservable, (interval, dbs) => dbs).Repeat()

            var disposable = observable
                             .RetryWhen(errors => errors.SelectMany(Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeBetweenRetries))))
                             .Subscribe(dbs =>
                var(beamdb, faultdb) = dbs;

                Console.WriteLine("\n" + $"Reading from PLC Beam / Fault DataBase on {DateTime.Now}");
                WriteToBeamsSqlDB(cnn, sql, beamdb);
                WriteToAlarmsSqlDB(cnn, sql, faultdb);
                Console.WriteLine("\n" + "---------------------------------------------------------" + "\n");

            // =================================================
            // Prepare to exit
            // =================================================

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Beispiel #2
        static void WriteToAlarmsSqlDB(SqlConnection cnn, sqlObjects sql, Alarms_for_SCADA Alarmsdb)
            //The 'SQLCommand' is a class defined within C#.
            //This class defines objects which are used to perform SQL operations against a database.
            //This object will hold the SQL command which will run against our SQL Server database.
            SqlCommand command;
            //DataReader object is used to get all the data returned by an SQL query.
            //We can then read all the table rows one by one using the data reader.
            SqlDataReader dataReader;
            //Data from PLC
            int      currentAlarmPointer        = Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm_Pointer.Value - 1;
            int      currentAlarmID             = Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[currentAlarmPointer].Value.Alarm_ID.Value;
            DateTime currentAlarmDateStamp      = Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[currentAlarmPointer].Value.Alarm_Timestamp.Value;
            long     currentAlarmDateStampTicks = currentAlarmDateStamp.Ticks;
            //Data from last entry in the database
            int      lastDBEntryAlarmPointer = 999;      //can never be 999 as the buffer can fit 200 entires only
            bool     lastDBEntryAlarmPointerNULL = false, lastDBEntryAlarmIDNULL = false, lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampNULL = false, lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicksNULL = false, databaseEmpty = false;;
            int      lastDBEntryAlarmID             = 0; //Alarm being a physical quantity should not have a ID = 0
            DateTime lastDBEntryAlarmDateStamp      = new DateTime();
            long     lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks = 0;
            String   databaseEmptyQuery             = "SELECT Pointer, AlarmID, AlarmTimestamp FROM Alarms";
            string   lastDBEntryQuery = "SELECT Pointer, AlarmID, AlarmTimestamp, Ticks FROM Alarms where AlarmTimestamp=(SELECT MAX (AlarmTimestamp) FROM Alarms)";

            //Read last entry from Database
            //Command object, which is used to execute the SQL statement against the database
            command    = new SqlCommand(lastDBEntryQuery, cnn);
            dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
            while (dataReader.Read())
                if (Convert.ToString(dataReader.GetValue(0)) != "") // check if pointer entry is null, this is for backward compatibility
                    lastDBEntryAlarmPointer = Convert.ToInt16(dataReader.GetValue(0));
                    lastDBEntryAlarmPointerNULL = true;
                if (Convert.ToString(dataReader.GetValue(1)) != "") // check if beamID is Null
                    lastDBEntryAlarmID = Convert.ToInt16(dataReader.GetValue(1));
                    lastDBEntryAlarmIDNULL = true;
                if (Convert.ToString(dataReader.GetValue(2)) != "") // check if Datetime is Null,
                    lastDBEntryAlarmDateStamp = Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader.GetValue(2));
                    lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampNULL = true;
                if (Convert.ToString(dataReader.GetValue(3)) != "") // check if Datetime is Null,
                    lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks = Convert.ToInt64(dataReader.GetValue(3));
                    lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicksNULL = true;
            //Dispose of all temp objects created

            //Check to see if Database is empty or new
            //Command object, which is used to execute the SQL statement against the database
            command    = new SqlCommand(databaseEmptyQuery, cnn);
            dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
            //dataReader.Read() will return a False if no entries were found in database
            if (!dataReader.Read())
                databaseEmpty = true;
            //Dispose of all temp objects created

            //If database is empty
            //Case 1
            if (databaseEmpty)
                // Write everything from PLC buffer to DB except for anything with AlarmID= 0
                foreach (var Alarms in Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm)
                    sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarms.Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);

            // backward compatibility, when the last entry in Db has no pointer information
            //Case 2
            if (lastDBEntryAlarmPointerNULL)
                // iterate thru plc buffer, search for entries not in database and write them to Database
                foreach (var Alarms in Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm)
                    string AlarmDateStampToSearch = Alarms.Value.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.ToString("s", new CultureInfo("en-US"));
                    string searchQuery            = "SELECT AlarmTimestamp FROM Alarms where AlarmTimestamp='" + AlarmDateStampToSearch + "'";
                    //string searchQuery = "SELECT AlarmTimestamp FROM Alarms where AlarmTimestamp='2019-09-23T12:41:00'";
                    //string searchQuery = "SELECTAlarmTimestamp FROM Alarms where AlarmID = 15";
                    command    = new SqlCommand(searchQuery, cnn);
                    dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    //dataReader.Read() will return a False if no entries were found in database
                    if (!dataReader.Read())
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarms.Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);
                    //Dispose of all temp objects created

            //Check where the pointer from last DB entry sits with respect to current pointer in PLC buffer
            //Case 3
            if (currentAlarmPointer == lastDBEntryAlarmPointer)
                if (currentAlarmDateStampTicks < lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // PLC datetime configuration error
                    Console.WriteLine($" ....PLC datetime settings error! PLC datestamp shouldn't be older than the last record in database, entry rejected!");
                if ((currentAlarmID == lastDBEntryAlarmID) && (currentAlarmDateStampTicks == lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks))
                    // do nothing
                    Console.WriteLine($" Alarm ID Not Detected, no entry made in Database.");
                if (currentAlarmDateStampTicks > lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // means PLC filled up the buffer and the buffer rolled over all the way back to the current pointer
                    // Write everything from PLC buffer to DB except for anything with AlarmID= 0
                    foreach (var Alarms in Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm)
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarms.Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);

            //Check where the pointer from last DB entry sits with respect to current pointer in PLC buffer
            //Case 4
            if (currentAlarmPointer > lastDBEntryAlarmPointer)
                if (currentAlarmDateStampTicks < lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // PLC datetime configuration error
                    Console.WriteLine($" ....PLC datetime settings error! PLC datestamp shouldn't be older than the last record in database, entry rejected!");
                if (currentAlarmDateStampTicks == lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // PLC datetime configuration error
                    Console.WriteLine($" ....PLC datetime settings error! PLC datestamp should not be the same as the last recorded entry in database if the pointer has moved, entry rejected!");
                // compare last DB entry with the same location on PLC buffer to determine roll overs
                if (Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[lastDBEntryAlarmPointer].Value.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.Ticks == lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // means PLC buffer is ahead of the Database and the PLC buffer has not rolled over all the way to the current PLC pointer
                    // Write block of entries from the last DB entry pointer till the current pointer on PLC buffer to DB except for anything with AlarmID= 0
                    for (int i = lastDBEntryAlarmPointer + 1; i <= currentAlarmPointer; i++)
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[i].Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);
                // compare last DB entry with the same location on PLC buffer to determine roll overs
                if (Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[lastDBEntryAlarmPointer].Value.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.Ticks > lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // means PLC filled up the buffer and the buffer rolled over all the way back to the current pointer
                    // Write everything from PLC buffer to DB except for anything with AlarmID= 0
                    foreach (var Alarms in Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm)
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarms.Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);

            //Check where the pointer from last DB entry sits with respect to current pointer in PLC buffer
            //Case 5
            if (currentAlarmPointer < lastDBEntryAlarmPointer)
                if (currentAlarmDateStampTicks < lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // PLC datetime configuration error
                    Console.WriteLine($" ....PLC datetime settings error! PLC datestamp shouldn't be older than the last record in database, entry rejected!");
                if (currentAlarmDateStampTicks == lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // PLC datetime configuration error
                    Console.WriteLine($" ....PLC datetime settings error! PLC datestamp should not be the same as the last recorded entry in database if the pointer has moved, entry rejected!");
                // compare last DB entry with the same location on PLC buffer to determine roll overs
                if (Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[lastDBEntryAlarmPointer].Value.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.Ticks == lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // means PLC buffer filled up and now the PLC buffer pointers sits above the pointer from DB entry
                    // PLC buffer reached pointer 200 and reset to 0 before incrementing again
                    // Write block of entries from the last DB entry pointer till pointer 200 from PLC buffer and then again from 0 till current pointer from PLC buffer
                    for (int i = lastDBEntryAlarmPointer + 1; i <= 200; i++)
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[i].Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);
                    for (int i = 0 + 1; i <= currentAlarmPointer; i++)
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[i].Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);
                // compare last DB entry with the same location on PLC buffer to determine roll overs
                if (Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm[lastDBEntryAlarmPointer].Value.Alarm_Timestamp.Value.Ticks > lastDBEntryAlarmDateStampTicks)
                    // means PLC filled up the buffer and the buffer rolled over all the way back to the current pointer
                    // Write everything from PLC buffer to DB except for anything with AlarmID= 0
                    foreach (var Alarms in Alarmsdb.Alarms.Value.Alarm)
                        sql.writeAlarmToDB(Alarms.Value, command, currentAlarmPointer, cnn);