Beispiel #1
        // u32 smu_service_req(smu_t smu, u32 id, smu_service_args_t *args);
        public smu_response SMUServiceReq(smu_t smu, Messages id, smu_service_args_t args)
            smu_response serviceResponse = new smu_response();
            uint         response        = 0x0;

            //smu_service_args_t args = *inArgs;

            // Debug information.
            Console.WriteLine("SMU_SERVICE REQ_ID: 0x{0:X}", id);
            Console.WriteLine("SMU_SERVICE REQ: arg0: 0x{0:X}, arg1: 0x{1:X}, arg2: 0x{2:X}, " +
                              "arg3: 0x{3:X}, arg4: 0x{4:X}, arg5: 0x{5:X}",
                              args.arg0, args.arg1, args.arg2, args.arg3, args.arg4, args.arg5);

            // Clear the response.
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, smu.rep, 0x0);

            // Pass arguments.
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 0), args.arg0);
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 1), args.arg1);
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 2), args.arg2);
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 3), args.arg3);
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 4), args.arg4);
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 5), args.arg5);

            // Send message ID.
            hwOps.smn_reg_write(smu.nb, smu.msg, (uint)id);

            // Wait until response has changed.
            //while (response == 0x0)
            //    response = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, smu.rep);
                response = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, smu.rep);
            } while (response == 0x0);

            // Read back arguments.
            args.arg0 = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 0));
            args.arg1 = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 1));
            args.arg2 = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 2));
            args.arg3 = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 3));
            args.arg4 = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 4));
            args.arg5 = hwOps.smn_reg_read(smu.nb, C2PMSG_ARGx_ADDR(smu.arg_base, 5));

            // Response.
            Console.WriteLine("SMU_SERVICE REP: REP: 0x{0:X}, arg0: 0x{1:X}, arg1: 0x{2:X}, arg2: 0x{3:X}, " +
                              "arg3: 0x{4:X}, arg4: 0x{5:X}, arg5: 0x{6:X}",
                              response, args.arg0, args.arg1, args.arg2, args.arg3, args.arg4, args.arg5);


            // Create smu_response object.
            serviceResponse.response = response;
            serviceResponse.args     = args;

            //return response;
Beispiel #2
        // void free_nb(nb_t nb);

        // SMU related methods.

        // smu_t get_smu(nb_t nb, int smu_type);
        public smu_t GetSMU(uint nb, SMU_TYPE smu_type)
            // Create new SMU structure.
            smu_t smu = new smu_t();

            // Test message response and arguments.
            //uint rep;
            smu_service_args_t arg = new smu_service_args_t();

            // Fill the SMU information.
            smu.nb = nb;

            switch (smu_type)
            case SMU_TYPE.TYPE_MP1:
                smu.msg      = MP1_C2PMSG_MESSAGE_ADDR;
                smu.rep      = MP1_C2PMSG_RESPONSE_ADDR;
                smu.arg_base = MP1_C2PMSG_ARG_BASE;

            case SMU_TYPE.TYPE_PSMU:
                smu.msg      = PSMU_C2PMSG_MESSAGE_ADDR;
                smu.rep      = PSMU_C2PMSG_RESPONSE_ADDR;
                smu.arg_base = PSMU_C2PMSG_ARG_BASE;

                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get SMU, unknown SMU_TYPE: " + smu_type);

            // Send a test message.
            SMUResponseCode resp = (SMUResponseCode)SMUServiceReq(smu, Messages.TestMessage, arg).response;

            if (resp != SMUResponseCode.Result_OK)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get SMU: {0}, test message REP: {1}", smu_type, resp);

            Console.WriteLine("SMU_TYPE: {0}, Test message response: {1}", smu_type, resp);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ry"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ServiceRequest(ryzen_access ry, Messages id, int value)
            // TODO: Ensure that the ryzen access object is suitable for use
            // (check all properties of the ryzen_access struct).
            if (initialised)
                smu_service_args_t args = new smu_service_args_t();
                args.arg0 = (uint)value;

                smu_response smuResp = accessSmu.SMUServiceReq(ry.mp1_smu, id, args);
                if (smuResp.response == 0x01)
                    Console.WriteLine("Successful SMU request - Response: {0}", smuResp.response);
                Console.WriteLine("Failed SMU request - Response: {0}", smuResp.response);
            Console.WriteLine("RyzenApi not initialised.");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ryzen_access GetRyzenAccess()
            ryzen_access ry = new ryzen_access();

            ry.use = true;

            if (!initialised)
                ry.use = false;
                Console.WriteLine("RyzenApi not initialised.");

            smu_service_args_t args = new smu_service_args_t();

            // If the ryzen_access object is unusable,
            // then the pci_obj will be set to false.
            ry.pci_obj = accessSmu.InitialisePCIObj();
            if (!ry.pci_obj)
                ry.use = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to get PCI Obj.");
                //return ry;

            // GetNB will always return the same pci address (0x0)?.
            ry.nb = (uint)accessSmu.GetNB(ry.pci_obj);
            if (ry.nb != 0x0)
                ry.use = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to get NB Obj.");
                //return ry;

            // TODO: smu_t will never be null, so check contents before continuing.
            //       Set ry.mp1_smu.nb to 1 by default, GetSMU will provide new SMU set to 0.
            //       If the get failed then nb will still be set to 1.
            ry.mp1_smu.nb = 1;
            ry.mp1_smu    = accessSmu.GetSMU(ry.nb, SMU_TYPE.TYPE_MP1);
            if (ry.mp1_smu.nb == 1)
                ry.use = false;
                Console.WriteLine("MP1_SMU nb still set to 1.");
                //return ry;
            Console.WriteLine("PSMU nb set to: " + ry.mp1_smu.nb);

            // Similar process with psmu.
            ry.psmu.nb = 1;
            ry.psmu    = accessSmu.GetSMU(ry.nb, SMU_TYPE.TYPE_PSMU);
            if (ry.psmu.nb == 1)
                ry.use = false;
                Console.WriteLine("PSMU nb still set to 1.");
                //return ry;
            Console.WriteLine("PSMU nb set to: " + ry.psmu.nb);

            // Check if the device is a Ryzen nb SMU.
            args = accessSmu.SMUServiceReq(ry.mp1_smu, Definitions.Messages.GetBiosIfVersion, args).args;
            if (args.arg0 < 0x5)
                ry.use = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Not a Ryzen NB SMU, BIOS Interface Version: 0x{0}", args.arg0);
            // Return the ryzen access object.
            Console.WriteLine("Initialised and returning ryzen_access object.");